Showing posts with label Abc: Cases/contribution by Dr Sultan Mahmood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abc: Cases/contribution by Dr Sultan Mahmood. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

People are Hesitant of acknowledging Homoeopathy

Why People are Hesitant of acknowledging Homoeopathy

On 28th of May, 2009, the proprietor of a Travel Agency who is well known to me visited my clinic with a complaint of bruised pains all over his body for the last one week. As he is diabetic, I enquired him about the last sugar test he carried out from the laboratory. He told that the sugar level of both Fasting and Random was within the range. He further informed in a defiant way that he never used homeopathic medicines throughout his life. I therefore advised him to go to his family allopath physician for his treatment. “I did so but no relief” was his answer. Now what do you want from me, I asked? “Certainly the homeopathic treatment”, he replied hesitatingly. I just smiled and dispensed the combination of Arnica-200 + Rhus tox-200 to take it twice a day. The next day on 29-05-2009, he told that there was absolutely no relief. I was a little bit surprised but still gave 3 drops each of Arnica-1M and Rhus tox-1M in some water and advised him to report after an hour. But again his reply was a big NO. I feel insulted by his NO but was sure that he was lying. I excused with him to go for further treatment. On 30-05-2009, he tried to fabricate a story of taking Paaiy (Nihari) during the last week on the advice of his friend and was feeling well. In fact he was entrapped by his own statement of taking the Nihari soup a week ago whereas he started taking homeopathic medicine after 4-5 days. Then which of the two treatments brought him relief? Finally he had to admit in a ‘defeated tone’ that he was recovering with these medicines. Why do people hesitate in acknowledging the efficacy of homeopathic treatment?

Thanks to: H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue,

Charcoal eating in childrens and homeopathy

Clinical Tips – Part-1

Backward Children Tuberculinum, Drosera
Carbuncles Tarent. Cub., Myristica
Eating Charcoal Cicuta – 1M
Foetal movement slow Sep–1M
Gastric ulcer (Better by eating) Petroleum high potency
Groin, pain in Amm. Mur
Jaundice Digitalis
Labour pains, ceasing Gelsemium – 1M
legs and back give way (Men) Aesculus
Legs and back give way (women) Kali Carb
Legs give way Cocculus
Leucorrhoea Puls., Calc. Carb., Kreosot., Cocculus

Taken from: Dr. Koppikar's book
"Clinical Experiences of 70 Years in Homeopathy"

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

Minieres disease and other Clinical Tips

Clinical Tips – Part-2

Meniere’s Disease Petroleum – 1M
Noises in the ear with vertigo Petroleum-200, Nat. Salic. – 200
Osteoarthritis Aur. Met – CM
Piles after delivery Kali Carb
Prostate enlargement Digitalis – 6
Tuberculosis Drosera
Ulcers in mouth Condurango - 6
Weakness/tired feeling Sarcolactic acid, Rhus tox

Taken from: Dr. Koppikar's book
"Clinical Experiences of 70 Years in Homeopathy"

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

Disorders in body and suggested remedies

Homeopathic Medicines for All Practitioners/Psychiatrists

Regrettably, formal medical systems especially Allopathy have never acknowledged the wonders of homeopathy despite the fact that it is purely based on scientific principles, works gently and secretly to restore complete health without leaving any side effect. Homeopathy is not to be condemned if a patient does not find relief with the homeopathic treatment. It is in fact the mishandling of the case according to the symptoms of the patient. Dr. E. B. Nash from USA has rightly said “Homeopathy is too often blamed when the blame lies in the stupidity of the prescriber”. So a Homeopathic doctor may fail but homeopathy never fails. Regardless of criticism and sarcastic attitude against homeopathy, the doctors from other medical systems at times do approach the homeopaths for treatment but ‘behind closed doors’ as they are well aware of the side effects of medicines. It would be surprising for the allopaths that all the Gurus/Masters including the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann were recognized allopath physicians of their time and what they have contributed for homeopathy will always be remembered in history. The significant role of allopathy in the present age can never be neglected in certain areas of treatment. However, the role of homeopathy having tremendous research on physical and mental ailments is also to be given due respect and acknowledgement. There are numerous ailments of different nature where other medical systems do not offer any decisive treatment. Listed below are a very few disorders with suggested homeopathy remedies. It is open secret for all the physicians and psychiatrists for use with full confidence to get the desired results.

Allergy from coffee and smoking --- Ignatia
Anaemia --- Calc. Phos., Natrum Mur., Ferrum Met., China, Vanadium, Trinitrotoluene
Angina Pectoris --- Arnica, Latrodectus, Cactus, Crataegus
Anus, Fissure of --- Nitric Acid, Ratanhia
Asthma --- Arsenicum Alb., Ipecac, Natrum Sulph., Antimonium Tart.
Aversion to take bath --- Sulphur
Aversion to those whom she loves best --- Sepia
Blaspheme --- Anacardium
Bites inside the inner cheeks while eating --- Ignatia
Callosities --- Antimonium Crud.
Children slow in learning to talk --- Natrum Mur.
Children slow in learning to walk --- Natrum Mur., Causticum, Calc. Phos
Craving for chalk, charcoal, uncooked rice and undigestible things --- Alumina, Cicuta
Dirty and filthy people --- Sulphur
Dreams of snakes --- Lac Caninum
Enuresis --- Nux Vomica, Belladona, Equisetum, Causticum
Eyes (Bag like swellings under the eyes) --- Apis
Eyes (Bag like swellings of the upper lid) --- Kali Carb.
Fear of being poisoned --- Lachesis, Hyosymus
Fear of death --- Aconite, Arsenicum albumb
Feat, burning of --- Sulphur
Fetus, malposition of --- Pulsatilla, Caulophyllum
Gangrene --- Arsenicum Alb., Lachesis, Echinacea
Grief, Effect of --- Ignatia, Phosphoric Acid
Heart tonic --- Crataegus
Home sickness --- Capsicum
Hysteria --- Ignatia
Inclination to uncover the body by exposing sexual organs --- Hyoscyamus
Ingrowing toe-nails --- Magnetis Polus Australis
Irritable/peevish --- Nux Vomica, Staphysagria, Chamomila, Phosphorus
Jealousy --- Lachesis, Hyoscyamus
Lascivious mania --- Hyoscyamus
Loss of flesh despite eating well --- Iodum, Natrum Mur.
Memory impaired --- Anacardium
Nasal polypus --- Teucrium, Lamina Minor, Cadmium Sulph., Calc. Phos
Night walking while asleep --- Silicea
Ozaena (Fetid smell from nose) --- Aurum Met., Asafoetida, Hippozaenium
Perspiration attracts Flies --- Caladium
Proud/Arrogant --- Plantina
Ptosis --- Causticum, Gelsemium
Renal/Bladder Calculi --- Berbaris Vulg., Cantharis, Lycopodium, Sarsparilla, Teribinthina
Restlessness --- Arsenicum Alb., Rhus tox
Salivary secretions (Excessive) --- Merc. Sol., Acid Nitricum
Sensation of a hair on tongue --- Silicea, Natrum Mur.
Shyness of children, averse to strangers, sits in the corner --- Baryta Carb
Snoring --- Opium
Stys --- Pulsatilla, Staphisagria, Belladona
Stammering speech --- Stramonium, Bovista
Suicidal mood --- Aurum Met., Arsenicum Alb.
Suspicious --- Hyoscyamus
Sweat offensive --- Silicea
Thinks as if made of glass --- Thuja
Thinks he is being pursued --- Anacardium
Tonsils --- Baryta Carb., Phytolacca, Belladona, Merc. Sol., Hepar Sulph., Silicea
Twitching of muscles --- Agaricus
Urination, urgent/irresistable desire of --- Petroselenium, Kreosotum
Urine escapes while coughing, sneezing --- Causticum, Pulsatilla
Warts --- Thuja, Nitric Acid
Weeping mood aggravated by consolation --- Natrum Mur.
Weeping mood ameliorated by consolation --- Pulsatilla

Thanks for contribution to: H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Miraculous efficacy of Homeopathic Medicines

Miraculous efficacy of Homeopathic Medicines

He was depressed and pessimistic about the recovery of his 14 years old son who was suffering from epileptic convulsions for the last 10 years. During this long period many laboratory tests were carried out on the instructions of the reputed allopath physicians of Rawalpindi/Islamabad followed by different heavy courses of medicines like Epival, Phenobarbiton, Lerace, Trioptal, Citolin, and Lomogin etc. but all proved fruitless. Even a homeopath of Rawalpindi having a good practice was also contacted from whom this innocent beautiful chap receive the treatment for about 2 years but again the father was utterly frustrated. Surprisingly, the father being a good friend of mine never asked me to examine the case of his beloved son. Last month, we were having a chat over a cup of tea when I asked him in a casual way about the health progress of his son. He told in a disappointed tone that despite taking the above medicines on regular basis, fits have not been controlled as yet. After taking the whole history, I recommended Cuprum Met-30, Stramonium-30, Cicuta Virosa-30 and Sulphur-200 (as inter-current remedy) for about 2 months parallel with the allopath medicines being taken for the last 10 years. During the homeopathic alongwith allopathic treatment, the fits were considerably controlled. The allopath medicines were then gradually reduced and no fit of severe intensity was recorded. Presently, Cuprum Met-6 twice a day with one dose of allopath medicine Trioptal daily is being given and no complaint has been recorded for the last one month. Hopefully, the allopath medicine shall Insha Allah be withdrawn completely within the next 2-3 weeks.

Contributed by:
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,

Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi

Cardiomyopathy and Homoeopathy

Cardiomyopathy and Homoeopathy

Mr. Atiq-ur-Rahman Qureshi, a mechanical engineer by profession visited me with severe Chest pain, palpitation and Dyspnea (Shortness of breath) in July, 2009. On enquiring, he told that the pain did not travel to the left arm and also there was no sweating. The pain was intensified especially after taking meals and on movement. I administered Bryonia-200 and Arsenicum alb. -30 to be taken alternately 4 times a day. After 3-4 days, he reported a little bit relief but was not satisfied at all. Resultantly, he moved to some allopath physician who asked him to go for ultrasound and ETT. The ultrasound report from AFIC, Rawalpindi diagnosed Cardiomyopathy (Heart muscle disease) whereas during ETT, the total recorded exercise time was 05:35 minutes. On the abovesaid findings, Mr. Atiq was advised by the Allopath physician to take one tablet each of Loprin and Tenormin daily. Unfortunately, these medicines could not bring relief to the ailing engineer. Hopelessly, he again contacted me in September, 2009 with all the reports and requested for re-taking the case with full symptoms. As his Hajj flight was approaching near, he was anxious for his early recovery so as to perform the rituals of Hajj in a proper manner. During taking the symptoms, I doubt that it was the oesphagus that was causing pain during and after meals. I gave him 2 doses of Phosphorus-1M to be taken on alternate days which gave him a considerable relief in pain. Then Spigelia-3X and Strophanthus-3X + Crataegus-Q were given for one week. The problems of palpitation and dyspnea were improved. Next, 2 more doses of Phosphorus-1M were administered for complete recovery of the chest pain before his departure to Saudi Arabia for Hajj. On his return from Hajj, he reported that there was no problem except the usual complaint of throat irritation and cough, etc. Presently, he is on 10 drops of Strophanthus-3X + Crataegus-Q twice a day and Al-Hamdulilla feeling much better.

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Some useful clinical tips

Some useful clinical tips

-Do not forget to try Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg. and Pulsatilla while treating dyspepsia.

-The combination of Silicea-10M + Hepar Sulph-200 are very effective in suppurated injuries/wounds, abscesses and boils. However, Calcarea Sulph-200 and Myristica-200 are also of great value.

- 3-4 doses of Petroleum-1M are sufficient enough to cure the bleeding cracks of heels.

- In sexual debility, Sulphur-200 should be given due consideration alongwith other indicated remedies.

- In fainting attacks, Nux Moschata and Moschus have been found very useful.

- Rheumatic pains of small joints/wrists have often been cured with Actea Spicata-30 and Caulophyllum-30.

- Remember a dose Pyrogenium-200 while starting the treatment of fever.

Contributed by:
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue,

Three cases by Dr. Sultan Mahmood

Three cases by Dr. Sultan Mahmood

• The wife of my nephew having 3 months pregnancy reported about uterine cramps and hemorrhage (spotting). She was advised to take complete bed rest with caulophyllum-3X alternated by Viburnum Op-Q 4 times a day. After 3 weeks, the possible threat of miscarriage was averted.

• I had a case of fetus malposition detected after ultrasound report during the 8th month of pregnancy. The gynecologists' declared to the patient for caesarean section. When contacted, she was given Pulsatilla-200 alternated by Caulophyllum-200 for one week and the fetus turned to normal position.

• A patient of Cervical spondylosis was cured by Cimicifuga-200 alternated by Strychninum-30.

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

El Serum is very sympathetic to Kidneys

El Serum is very sympathetic to Kidneys

Mr. Muhammad Hanif, 36 years of age came to my clinic from Kahuta in April, 2009 with Abdominal Ultrasound report. According to the report, the patient was suffering from “Bilateral chronic (Grade I) renal parenchymal disease (CRF). – Medullary nephrocalcinosis – Lt. renal cyst of 18mm”. The Ceatinine was 4.6 mg/dL whereas the normal reference value in adult male is upto 1.3 mg/dL. His elder brother Muhammad Saeed who was accompanying him was very pessimistic, downhearted and hopeless about the recovery as the Allopath doctors have asked for the arrangement of a kidney from a donor for transplantation or prepare for the dialysis treatment. Both options were too risky and expensive to afford for the poor family. After taking the symptoms, I prescribed Eel Serum-30 with Apocynum-Q and Solidago-3X. The swelling on both the ankles started reducing and the burning in urine also improved after 10 days. In May, 2009, I asked the patient to have a laboratory test so as to know the value of Creatinine. The laboratory report was encouraging as the Creatinine value lowered down to 3.3 mg/dL. The above medicines were continued for another month and the laboratory report of June, 2009 showed further dropping of Creatinine to 2.8 mg/dL. Then the patient suddenly stopped the free of cost treatment for the reasons still unknown to me. By chance, the patient happened to meet me in Raja Bazar in October, 2009 and told that he was satisfied with the recovery and did not need any further treatment. I was just stunned and walked away silently.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Cracked Painful bleeding tongue

Painful cracked bleeding tongue

• A patient visited me in the last week of December, 2009 with a painful cracked bleeding tongue. It was very difficult for him to eat and speak. Surprisingly, only two doses of Arum Triphyllum-30 alternated by Acid Nitricum-30 cured him completely.
• Patients suffering from Spermatorrhoea (Involuntary seminal emission) can rely on Selenium-200 and Staphysagria-200.
• Snoring being a common problem has led to strained relationships between the sleep partners. Therefore this problem is required to be addressed and cured seriously. Homeopathy offers a good treatment for stertorous breathing. Lemna Minor-30 alternated by Opium-30 has given me good results to overcome this problem.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road,HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856

Phosphorus - a clinical case

A case of Phosphorus

It was an icy cold night in December when I closed my clinic an hour before the scheduled timings. I was relaxing in the TV lounge with my wife and children when the bell rang, at about 2300 hrs. As I opened the door, two men wrapped up with heavy shawls requested medical help. The ailing man started narrating his illness in a very feeble and agonizing tone. After attending a marriage feast, he had developed some problem in his throat. He further explained with the help of his visiting brother that swallowing of even liquids has become very difficult and that there was burning and severe pain in the esophagus. Belladonna and Gelsemium sparked into my mind, which I dispensed for the patient and advised him to report to clinic next day.

Next morning, I made exhaustive consultations of the homeopathic literature for the right remedy and finally I was able to find Phosphorus which had been recommended by Dr. Clarke in his famous book “A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica” for oesophagus pain. The patient returned and reported that the condition was slightly better, but no relief from pain. I gave him 2 doses Phosphorus in 1M to be taken on alternate days. Phosphorus worked incredibly as the patient walked into my clinic smilingly after two days with a pain free oesophagus. Credit should go to Phosphorus and Dr. Clarke for this success.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,

Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road, HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856

Clinical Case by Dr Sultan Mahmood

Phytolacca Joins Hands with other Remedies to Combat Breast Cancer

The allopath doctors had refused to go for surgery of the sister-in-law of my eldest sister on account of her advanced age and frail physique. Unfortunately, the 80 years old lady suffering from breast cancer was also a chronic patient of diabetes and her children had no alternative except to contact me in November, 2008 as a last resort. The eldest son accompanied her from G-9/1, Islamabad to my residence. As told by the cancer stricken lady, there was continuous painful oozing of blood mixed with pus from her left breast with intense itching all over her body. As checked by my wife, she told that there seemed to be a hard stony lump around the nipple area. I dispensed 2 doses of Phytolacca Dec.-CM to be taken on 15th and 29th of the lunar month when the moon is waning. Besides this, Silicia-200+Hepar Sulph.-200 and Arsenicum Alb.-200 with a separate combination of biochemic salts (CF-3X+CP-12X+CS-6X+MP-12X+NM-3X+Sil-12X) in triturated form recommended by Dr. Mather in his book “Principles of Prescribing” was given. The patient was advised to wear loose upper garments so as to avoid any friction when changing the dress. The oozing of blood and pus was arrested as reported after 3 weeks. However, on the complaint of persistent pain, Euphorbium-30 was recommended alongwith Arsenicum Alb-200 and above biochemic combination. After a period of one month, 2 more doses of Phytolacca-CM were given and the treatment continued with minor changes of medicines according to the symptoms. After 5 months, the patient was in stable condition as the area of the hard lump was also softened. The treatment with only biochemic combination 2 times a day carried on for another 2 months and the patient has not turned up to me since August, 2009. I do not claim that the cancerous tumour has been rooted out for ever, but happy to see the patient leading a normal life.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood

HillView Avenue,



I have used Alumina-200 in alteration with Merc. Sol-200 for intense itching when worse with warmth.

Coffea Cruda-200 in alternation with Kali. Phos-200 has been useful for treating insomnia

Explore Sulphur-200 as an inter-current remedy in sexual weakness

In Ptosis (Drooping of eyelids), I have succeeded with Causticum in high potency in alternation with Gelsemium and Kali Phos.

In violent dry and fatiguing cough, Rumex-30 has given me good results

Consider Colocynthis, Gnaphalium, Rhus tox when treating sciatic pain

In Anorexia, Cocculus-30, Pulsatilla-6+30, China-30 are remedies recommended by Dr. P. N. Pai and have been has been found useful in many cases.

Most of my cases of Dysentery have been cured with Colocynthis and Merc. cor

I have used the trio of Arsenicum alb, Ipec and Natruam sulph in treating asthma

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Three Cheers for Crataegus and Arjuna

Three Cheers for Crataegus and Arjuna

Mr. Muhammad Aslam, 58 years of age had undergone bypass surgery from AFIC, Rawalpindi in 2001. However, in early 2009, he started suffering recurrent attacks of angina pectoris and the allopath doctors prescribed him “Disprin CV”, “Carsel”, “Save” and “Egis Nitromint” to be taken on regular basis. He was further told that in case of persistent pain in chest, the possibility of another surgery cannot be ruled out. The patient even after the bypass surgery did not quit smoking, beef, milk cream and vegetable ghee, etc. After having taken the allopath medicines for about 10 months, he did not feel any relief. Desperately, he contacted me in December, 2009. After listening to him in detail, I prescribed Crataegus-Q + Arjuna-Q on the basis of an inspiring tip appeared in “Homeopathy 4 Everyone” under the heading Bypass the Bypass. The combination was recommended to be taken 10 drops in some water twice a day. The patient reported after about 10-12 days that he was feeling appreciable comfort in chest pain. He was advised to continue taking the said mother tinctures for another 2 weeks. In the 1st week of January, 2010, he went to SOON Valley, district Khushab to meet his family and did not feel any pain or shortness of breath despite hike on this hilly area. Full marks to Crataegus and Arjuna.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Evil Spirits were knocked out by Belladona

Evil Spirits were knocked out by Belladona

During early days of my practice, I was once invited alongwith my family members by one of my friends on Eid holidays. As we entered their home, the father and mother of my friend were sitting on a bed encircling their daughter-in-law and murmuring some verses from the Holy Qur’an. As my friend was not at home, therefore, his wife escorted us to the Drawing room and asked to wait for her husband. The atmosphere of the home was not lively but scary as if something unpleasant would happen. In the meantime, the father of my friend entered and informed that my friend was just coming. He sat on the chair and narrated in a hesitating tone that his daughter-in-law who was married three months ago had been overwhelmed by some evil spirits (demoniac) as diagnosed by a spiritual leader. However, another religious scholar opined that the girl was hysteric and needs medical help. The father disclosed by giving further details that during such attacks, she becomes so violent that she growls with fearful protruding red eyes and strikes whosoever comes before him. At times, she is abusive and also tears away her clothes. The father asked as to whether homoeopathy offers any treatment for such patients. The one and the only remedy according to the stated symptoms was Belladona which was given in 1M potency twice a day for two days. After three weeks it was reported by my friend that an attack of mild intensity was still recorded. The final forceful punch of Belladona-CM knocked out the remaining spirits and made them fled away forever restoring the patient to normal life.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue,
Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Email :

At last Senega came to Rescue the Old Lady

 At last Senega came to Rescue the Old Lady

An old lady of about 70 years old had frequent attacks of spasmodic fatiguing cough for the last 6 months. As usual, she remained under the treatment of more than three different allopath doctors for about six months who recommended a series of medicines like “Klaricid”, “Hydrallin”, “Danzen”, “Maxair”, and many others which were not legible for me on the prescription slip. But regrettably these medicines did not prove fruitful for the coughing lady. Finally, in utter frustration the patient was escorted to my clinic with a reference to one of my old patients. It was very troublesome for the old woman to explain the nature of her illness as the terrible paroxysms of cough were hindering her to talk comfortably. The colour of the mucus she could expectorate at times was yellowish green. As I understood and felt, there was much accumulation of mucus in her chest and very difficult to cough up. The medicines which came to my mind instantly were Drosera, Antimonium Tart and Pulsatilla. One dose of Drosera-200 was given at the clinic whereas Antimonium tart-30 alternated by Pulsatilla-30 administered for a week. After one week, contrary to my expectations, the condition of the patient was not appreciably good. After consulting the Materia Medicas of Dr. William Boericke and E. B. Nash, I was convinced to give Senega-3X to be taken thrice a day for another week. Senega did fantastic job as the ‘voiceful’ patient entered the clinic happily like a young lady to acknowledge the magic of homeopathy.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Bothrops can make you speak

Bothrops can make you speak

During the 2nd week of February, 2009, I was examining the patients at my clinic when my daughter informed on phone in a shrieking tone that Mama had suffered a sudden stroke and lost her voice. I excused with the visiting patients and rushed to my home. On my way to home, I was so perplexed that despite my best efforts, I could not recall a single remedy to my mind for this ailment. In fact, I was in a shocking condition and feared as if I was losing something very precious. As I entered the home, my wife was continuously rubbing the left side of her neck with her hand and trying to speak out her ailment with a rolling tongue in her mouth. Doubting of a facial paralysis, I gave 2 drops of Causticum-1M in some water which she swallowed without pouring it out of her mouth. After an hour, I administered Lachesis-200. As I observed, there was no distortion of face which invalidated the chances of paralysis. Blood Pressure and pulse were quite normal, grip of hands was OK. However, my daughters insisted me to visit the hospital for thorough medical checkup.

The Doctors could not ascertain the cause of this stroke that rendered my spouse speechless as all the tests including ECG, Blood CP and even the CT Scan of brain were normal. During the process of these tests, I kept on administering Causticum which showed some improvement in the speech with utterance of broken words as if intoxicated. Nevertheless, I carried on exploring the right remedies which could fully restore her speech. Finally, I was convinced by Bothrops Lanceolatus the characteristics of which have been stated in the Materia Medica of Dr. William Boericke as ‘Inability to articulate without any affection of the tongue’. I therefore started giving it in 200 potency and the patient was seen on the path of further improvement within the next 24 hours. On her complaint of pain and stiffness of neck, Cimicifuga-200 and Lachnanthes-30 were also alternated with Bothrops being the principal remedy. It took about 10 days to restore her speech. Now she is well communicative and even shouts whenever something wrong is committed against her will. Thanks to Allah and Bothrops, all family members are happy to find her back in normal life.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Adrenalin, Arjuna, Rauwolfia to Normalise Blood Pressure

Adrenalin+Arjuna+Rauwolfia = Normal Blood Pressure

In the 1st week of January, 2010, my wife asked the milkman of our area about his absence for the last three days. He told that his blood pressure was suddenly raised to 190/100 with severe headache and palpitation. He continued to state that during his absence, he consulted a homoeopath physician for his treatment who perturbed him by saying that his blood had become thick and at least 6 months treatment was to be required for complete recovery. The 32 years old milkman was still in the grip of high blood pressure despite taking medicines for the last three days and impatiently looking for a physician who could prescribe some effective medicines to relieve him from this complaint. The milkman finally stepped into my clinic and after taking the case carefully, he was given the combination of Adrenalin-6 + Arjuna-2X + Rauwolfia-2X to be taken 5 drops in some water twice a day. Next morning, the BP of the patient unexpectedly dropped to almost normal range of 130/75 by taking only two doses in a day. I bow down to the efficacy of homeopathic medicines.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Proven clinical tips

 Proven Clinical Tips

Mouth Blisters

· A ten years old case of a boy suffering from mouth blisters was cured by Kali Chloricum-30 alternated by Acid Nitricum-30.

Rattling Cough

· Children suffering from rattling cough and wheezing respiration are normally restored to health by giving Antimonium tart-30 alternated by Ipecac-30.

Painful Contraction of Hamstring

· Last week my wife complained for painful contraction in her hamstring (tendon at the back of the knee). Three doses of Ammonium Mur-30 gave her relief in a day.


· Thuja-1M once a week followed by Acid Nitricum-30 three times a day has rarely failed to treat Codylomata.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

Matter of Concern: Homeopathy is still waiting for due appreciation

Matter of Concern: Homeopathy is still waiting for due appreciation

No doubt homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular with the passage of time, but normally the patients are not generous enough to acknowledge the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Sometimes the approach of the homeopathic patients is annoying and infuriating when they do not give an openhearted credit to the magnificence of homeopathy despite cured by its medicines. The patients do accept the recovery progress but regrettably not alone by the homeopathic medicines. They also relate some other factors responsible for their health improvement which are very irritating for a homeopath. Some of such cases are as under:-

• A man of about 65 years old settled in UK since 1975 came to see his relatives in Rawalpindi. He came to consult me in 2009 for the treatment of Mucus Colitis. He reported that he had been on Steroids for the last 5-6 years on the advice of his physicians after his stomach surgery. Now the UK physicians are reluctant to further continue the treatment with Steroids as these may be harmful for him in many respects. After taking the case carefully, I prepared some medicines from my dispensary for a week. The condition of the patient was a little bit improved. I repeated the same prescription for another week and asked the patient to reduce the Steroids dose gradually. On the next visit, the frequency to pass out stool with pain and mucus was further reduced and the patient requested to prepare the medicines at least for three months as he was scheduled to leave for England within a couple of days. In January, 2010, he again came to Pakistan and visited my clinic to report his condition. The England returned Mucus Colitis sufferer stated that he had appreciably been recovered and the major role for this cure was the daily usage of LEHSAN (Garlic). By listening to him, I was so enraged that I could not utter a single word but to say that there was no further need of homeopathic medicines and advised him to continue taking garlic.

• A civil engineer of a public sector organization was suffering from itching with red spots on the skin for the last three years. Anti-allergic medicines were regularly being used for temporary relief. He contacted me for this ailment and the condition was improved with homeopathic medicines in 2 weeks. Later on, the patient told that he was fully recovered soon after the regular use of RADISH.

• Another case of sciatic pain was cured by the homeopathic medicines but the patient glorified the effects of a TAVEEZ (Amulet) he got from a PEER BABA (Religious scholar).

In fact the homeopathic medicines are so innocent, gentle and palatable that the patient does not have any disagreeable or unpleasant taste in his/her mouth. Moreover, contrary to other medicines, the homeopathic sweet tiny pills act secretly and are blessed with the power of curing different physical and psychological ailments without leaving any side effects on the human body. The allopathic medicines on the other hand are too bitter to swallow and tend to disturb and shake the other systems of the human body also and the patient is believed to feel that he is literally under treatment. So in nutshell, the effectiveness of the homeopathic system is hard to believe for some patients as it does not upset the human body like other medical systems and therefore they try to find other justifications liable for their recovery.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,