On 28th of May, 2009, the proprietor of a Travel Agency who is well known to me visited my clinic with a complaint of bruised pains all over his body for the last one week. As he is diabetic, I enquired him about the last sugar test he carried out from the laboratory. He told that the sugar level of both Fasting and Random was within the range. He further informed in a defiant way that he never used homeopathic medicines throughout his life. I therefore advised him to go to his family allopath physician for his treatment. “I did so but no relief” was his answer. Now what do you want from me, I asked? “Certainly the homeopathic treatment”, he replied hesitatingly. I just smiled and dispensed the combination of Arnica-200 + Rhus tox-200 to take it twice a day. The next day on 29-05-2009, he told that there was absolutely no relief. I was a little bit surprised but still gave 3 drops each of Arnica-1M and Rhus tox-1M in some water and advised him to report after an hour. But again his reply was a big NO. I feel insulted by his NO but was sure that he was lying. I excused with him to go for further treatment. On 30-05-2009, he tried to fabricate a story of taking Paaiy (Nihari) during the last week on the advice of his friend and was feeling well. In fact he was entrapped by his own statement of taking the Nihari soup a week ago whereas he started taking homeopathic medicine after 4-5 days. Then which of the two treatments brought him relief? Finally he had to admit in a ‘defeated tone’ that he was recovering with these medicines. Why do people hesitate in acknowledging the efficacy of homeopathic treatment?
Thanks to: H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue,
Hillview Avenue,