Showing posts with label Homeopathy Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeopathy Tips. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Remaining part Quick reference of Remedies

Part 2  - A Quick reference for Homeopathic Remedies 

Natrum phosphoricum
Acute coryza
Allium cepa
Alternating sides
Lac caninum
Digitalis purpurea
Carbo vegetabilis
Better motion
Rhus toxicodendron
Secale cornutum
Calcarea sulphurica
Bone spurs
Calcarea fluorica
Bruised soreness
Bellis perennis
Urtica urens
Coliclike pain
Veratrum album
Congested ears
Kali muriaticum
Drosera rotundifolia
Rumex crispus
Cracks in skin
Caulophyllum thalics
Cuprum metallicum
Magnesia phosphorica
Hepar sulphs calcaeum
Berberis vulgaris
Cinchona off (china)
Calcarea phosphorica
Aloe socotrina
Podophyllum peltatum
Lycopodium clavatum
Dry cough
Eye wounds
Euphrasia officinalis
Aconitum napellus
Natrum sulphuricum
Flulike symptoms
Baptisia tinctoria
Flu-like Symptoms
Eupatorium perfliatum
Food poisoning
Arsenicum album
Symphytum officinale
Gripping pain
Cactus grandiflorus
Hay fever
Spigelia anthelmia
Phosphoricum acidum
Sanguinaria Canad
Aesculus hip
Valeriana officinalis
Argentum nitricum
Echinacea angustifolia
Kali phosphoricum
Anacardium orientale
Joint pain
Gelsemium sem
Loose cough
Antimonium tartricum
Low fever
Ferrum phosphoricum
Phytolacca decandra
Motion sickness
Cocculus indicus
Musc. rheumatism
Cimicifuga racemosa
Nerve injury
Hypericum perforatum
Agaricus muscarius
Calcarea carbonica
Puncture wounds
Ledum palustre
Ignatia amara
Kali bichromicum
Skin problems
Coffea cruda
Natrum muriaticum
Sore throat
Mercurius vivus
Sore throat
Lachesis mutus
Apis mellifica
Ruta graveolens
Arnica montana
Urge to urinate
Mercurius corrosivus
Urinary tract
Urinary tract
Varicose veins
Hamamelis virginiana
Varicose veins
Zincum metallicum
Conium maculatum
Nux vomica
Antimonium crudum
Thuja occidentalis
Kali carbonicum
Spongia tosta
Worse motion
Bryonia alba
Calendula officinalis

Have a great Sleep

Have a good Sleep

Good Sleep is a blessing.

It is very important for the brain and body to rest and be restored.
There are many body’s functions that take place during sleep to keep the body healthy and revive.

There may be difference of opinions about the amount of sleep that people need. Infants may need up to twenty hours; many children need from ten to fourteen per night. The average requirement for adults is estimated at Five to eight hours.


Insomnia (sleeplessness) can be defined as complaint of inadequate or poor quality sleep due to numerous reasons. The insomnia includes

a) Waiting long or having difficulty falling asleep
b) Waking up frequently after falling asleep and difficulty returning to sleep again.
c) Having very short duration of sleep or waking very early in the morning
d) Un refreshing/ heaviness feeling at morning etc

Causes -
The most common sufferers of insomnia include the unemployed, divorcee or widow or a hospitalized person. Usually, women sleep more than men. In the same manner, they are the leaders in suffering from sleeplessness also. Sleep can be disturbed for everyone due to urination or thirst. But insomniac patients will have any one of the following triggers that drowns them in a sleepless state.
  • Noise
  • Light
  • Temperature and humidity
  • Uncomfortable pillows
  • Uncomfortable bed
  • Recovering from jet lag
  • Hunger
  • Habits of overwork or extended sleeping schedule
  • Overexcitement or anxiety or depression
  • Thoughtful and restless
  • Nightmares
  • Drugs and smoking
  • Excess coffee or tea intake
  • Painful and chronic diseases
  • Fear of strangers
  • Fear or change of environments due to strange places, loneliness, hospital stay, etc.
  • Fear of any other cause

Besides, there are certain diseases which often cause sleeplessness
Nervous disorders - Any nervous stimulation of reticular system will disturb the person and keep him/her awake. Any lesion of mid pontine area which separates lower portions from cortex will prevent going to sleep, causing complete sleeplessness.
Respiratory disorders - Any breathing difficulty can cause arousal from sleep
Circulatory disorders - lack of oxygen, due to poor circulation
The insomnia not only reduce energy, but affect the whole body’s functions. Many people with insomnia have complaints of lack of concentration, dulness, muscles twitching, restlessness, headache, weak memory etc.Sleeplessness is an indicator that the person is in trouble, either with his/her mind or body, is hiding secrets, is over conscious and/or is a silent sufferer.

Some tips for good sleep:

Sleep arises from the balance of the inhibition and arousal stimuli. First of all, calm your mind and shut all your thoughts, then sleep will not or never get away. Some people go on changing the place and positions, covering the face, legs, ears, hands and eyes, switching off the lights, etc., for getting good sleep. Every tic of the clock will alarm, trigger and wake them up. Sleep is not the matter of all those things, but it is in the calmness of the mind. Removing the actual cause could help. Following tips can help in sleeping:

  • Never miss dinner even if you have no desire to eat.
  • Take a light meal.
  • There should be a gap of at least one hour between dinner and going to bed.
  • Take a walk before sleep
  • Try to relieve tension, anxiety and fear through walk, having gossip with family members,friends etc.
  • Forget the day’s activities and expect tomorrow's dawn of brightness
  • Take a warm bath.
  • Read some mind relaxing books for sometime before sleep
  • Stay in comfortable position and situation to get a good start-up.
  • Relax your mind.

Note: Sleeping Posture tells about you. For further details read my article
How you sleep?

Your Sleeping Posture tells about you.

Tissue Salts for good sleep

Kali Phos the calming nerve nutrient cell salt;
Mag Phos just what muscles and nerves need to release tension, leg or back spasms; and Iron phosphate

Ferrum Phos sleep support when tiredness, simple anemia

Note: A lower potency (6X, 12X) should be used.

Homeopathy and insomnia:

In Homeopathy, the remedy is selected on the basis of symptoms of the patient, including physical, mental (emotional states, depression, anxious, etc) and family history. Homeopathy treats the patients, rather than the diseases or its effects. Homeopathy acts neurologically and helps the brain attain calmness. So it can give a permanent solution. It gives psychological support to withstand emotional conditions. Homeopathy, with its dynamic approach, can cure sleeplessness wonderfully. The major credit point with Homeopathy is its nil side-effects and also its effective cure which is permanent without any persistent usage of drugs or dependency or habit-forming.
Homeopathic remedies are useful during episodes of insomnia, and may also help individuals with longer-standing sleep disorders. If problems are serious or very distressing, consult a professional homeopath.
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms.


Insomnia after a fright.

Actea Racemosa

During menstruation

Arsenicum Album

When anxious and agitated

Avena sativa

Sleeplessness from worry/anxiety or due to nervous exhaustion from overworks.


Insomnia despite being really sleepy

Calc Phos

Cannot get to sleep before midnight and then feels dreadful trying to wake up in the morning.

Cocculus indicus

After several sleepless nights Feels anxious, worries, especially about loved ones. Sleep is restless

Coffea cruda

Unusual activity of the mind; wakeful; mind full of ideas, races from one idea to the next; mind keeps going over the day's events.

Daphne indica

Inability to sleep, often from aching bones; nightmares; patient starts when falling asleep.


For fear of not sleeping orAfter receiving bad news


When upset

Kali phosphoricum

Great nerve tonic. Helps for sleeplessness due to overwork, business worries and over-excitement; nightmares in children; restlessness and heat during sleep.

Lupulus humulus

Over-excitability; nervous tremors; wakefulness.

Nux Vomica

Loss of sleep especially from overwork, mental strain or too much caffeine. Wakes feeling tense and exhausted. After too much alcohol or eating too much

Passiflora incarnata

Quietens the nervous system and produces normal sleep. Insomnia in infants, children and the aged. Neuroses in children. Useful for restlessness and wakefulness due to physical and mental exhaustion.


For fear of the dark


Sleeplessness resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. Due to feet burning


Sensitive to the slightest noise

Valeriana officinalis

Sleeplessness from nervous excitement; patient lies wide awake, tossing and turning, falling asleep toward morning with vivid dreams; nightmares and hallucinations at night; dread of being alone especially in the dark.

Zincum Metallicum

Because of restless legs

Here some Homeopathic medicines are elaborated in detail. For further reading, kindly consult a Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Aconitum Napellus

This remedy can be helpful if a person panics with insomnia. Fear and agitation come on suddenly when the person is drifting off to sleep, or may even wake a sleeping person up.

Arsenicum Album

People who need this remedy are often anxious and compulsive about small details, and have trouble sleeping if they feel that everything is not in place. They are often deeply weary and exhausted, yet feel restless physically and mentally. Sleep, when it arrives, can be anxious and disturbed, with dreams full of fear and insecurity.


The sleepless conditions calling for Belladonna are due to congestion; sleep is extremely restless, as a rule it is interrupted by talking, startings, muscular jerkings and spasmodic motions; frightful images appear on closing the eyes and the patient therefore dreads sleep. Children awake from sleep frightened. Oftentimes there is a violent throbbing in the brain which prevents sleep. The dreams found under Belladonna are frightful ones, and they constantly awaken the patient. It is probably our best remedy for insomnia due to cerebral hyperaemia; that is, it will be most often indicated, also after morphine which produces cerebral hyperaemia of a passive variety. Aconite comes in here, too, but with Aconite there is intense anxiety and restlessness, fear of disaster or death. Cuprum, Stramonium and Zincum have the symptom that the patient is aroused from sleep frightened. Lycopodium. Here the child awakens very cross; very sleepy during the daytime. Belladonna is most useful in restless sleep during dentition; sleeps with eyes partially open; sudden starting, twitching, hot head and dilated pupils will indicate it.

Calcarea phosphorica:

This remedy is often helpful to children with growing pains, and also to adults who have aching in the joints and bones, or neck and shoulder tension that make it hard to fall asleep. The person lies awake for many hours, feeling upset and irritable—then has trouble waking in the morning, feeling deeply tired and weak.

Cannabis Indica

In obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia, Cannabis is one of the best remedies we have to induce sleep. An irregular sleep is more of an indication than absolute insomnia. It produces a tranquil slumber, relieves the nervousness and neuralgic pains , and even if given in doses of from 5 to 15 drops of the tincture in water it leaves no bad effects behind. Halbert says do not use it lower than the third potency which is a commendable suggestion. Other remedies for the want of sleep are the following, which have been used empirically, but which are far superior to the hypnotics of the allopathic school: Passiflora incarnata in doses of from 30 to 60 drops, and repeated if necessary, will induce sleep when mental irritation or pain is the cause of the wakefulness. Camphora mono-bromata is useful for sleeplessness due to the continued use of tea. In insomnia of locomotor ataxia or epilepsy give 3X potency. Coca. Sleeplessness from mental exhaustion or anaemia; a useful remedy in worn-out brain workers, night watchers and those who have lost much sleep. Avena sativa in doses of from 10 to15 drops of the tincture will oftentimes induce a peaceful dreamless sleep in those who are nervous and exhausted. It is not impossible that a complete proving of these latter remedies will show further their value in sleeplessness. Arnica and Gelsemium should not be overlooked in sleeplessness from overexertion. Of prime importance are the casual indications of sleeplessness, and these are legion.


For sleeplessness in children due to severe pain, Chamomilla is a sovereign remedy. It quiets the irritability and the emotional excitement and the patient sleeps. It is also adapted to weak, nervous women. The sleep is tormented by dreams which are fanciful, vivid and anxious; the patient is hot and thirsty. Moaning in sleep. This is also a remedy acting better in the higher potencies. Ignatia has sleeplessness from depressing news, recent grief, causing a hyperaemia. Coffea, sleeplessness from good news. Opium suits sleeplessness when the patient is sleepy but cannot get to sleep, is kept awake by hearing distinctly ordinary noises, such as the ticking of clocks and the crowing of cocks. Great drowsiness is characteristic of the remedy.


This remedy is often helpful to those who feel “too tired to sleep” after long-term sleep loss—from getting up with an infant, taking care of someone who is ill, a disruptive work schedule, travel and jet lag, or chronic worry and insomnia. The person may feel weak and dizzy, with trouble thinking, and may be sleepy, irritable, or tearful.

Coffea cruda

Mental excitement and nervous stimulation that keep a person from sleeping suggest a need for remedy. Thoughts preventing sleep can be happy or distressing. The person may be looking forward to something that will happen in the morning, but feels stressed and exhausted as the night wears on. If the person falls asleep, it is usually very light with vivid dreams, and disturbed by any little noise or motion. (This remedy can also help if overuse of caffeine is the cause of sleeplessness.)


For the insomnia of brain workers, Gelsemium is a remedy. It is indicated in business men who pass restless nights, awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs. It also is most useful in a state of alternate excitement and depression. Bryonia is useful where the business cares of the day keep him awake. Gelsemium has also sleeplessness from emotional disturbances, and after evening company. Ambra grisea is another remedy for sleeplessness from worry and business troubles. The patient goes to bed tired, but immediately becomes wakeful. It is especially suited to thin, spare men who are nervous and subject to nervous chills.


Sleeplessness from nervous excitement; the brain is full of bewildering ideas and images. After long illnesses and the brain cells are illy nourished this remedy is very useful. It is especially indicated in sleeplessness in children, who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Sleeplessness from overworked minds and without apparent cause may be benefited by Hyoscyamus. Talcott says: "Hyoscyamus paints the mental town of its victim a brilliant and luminous red." The patient is jolly and wakeful. Hyoscyamus lacks the anxiety of Aconite, the violence of Belladonna, the pessimism of Nux vomica, and the stupidity of Gelsemium.


If insomnia is caused by emotional upset (grief or loss, a disappointment in love, a shock, or even an argument) this remedy may be helpful. The person is sensitive and nervous, and may often sigh and yawn in the daytime, but find it hard to relax at night. As the person tries to fall asleep, the arms and legs may twitch or itch. If sleep arrives, it is usually light, with jerking of the legs and arms, or long and troubling nightmares.

Kali phosphoricum

A person with insomnia from nervous exhaustion caused by overwork or mental strain, or following a taxing illness, may respond to this remedy. The person is very weak and sensitive to everything (noise, lights, touch, and pain). Irritability, depression, and anxiety with an empty feeling in the stomach are often seen.


People who need this remedy often have no memory of dreams and often doubt that they have slept at all. Insomnia may set in primarily because of worry: lack of confidence can make them doubt their own abilities, although they are usually very capable. Insomnia caused by digestive trouble, especially gas, can also indicate a need for this remedy. The person feels drowsy after meals, but has trouble sleeping at bedtime. Ravenous hunger in the night that wakes a person up is another indication for Lycopodium.

Nux vomica

People who have insomnia after over-indulgence in stimulants, food, and drink-or after overexertion, either physically or mentally-may benefit from this remedy. They may be able to drift off, but sleep is light, and they often awaken in the early morning (typically three a.m.) and lie awake for hours. On getting up, they are tense, impatient, and irritable, with a feeling that they sorely need more sleep.

Silicea (also called Silica):

This is a useful remedy for nervous people with low stamina who get too tired, then have insomnia. The person often goes to sleep at first, but awakens suddenly with a hot or surging feeling in the head—and finds it hard to fall asleep again. People who need this remedy usually have anxious dreams, and some (especially children) sleepwalk frequently.


This remedy may be helpful if insomnia comes from itching—or an increasing feeling of heat in bed, especially in the feet. The person is irritable and anxious, and often feels a need to throw the covers off. Lying awake between two and five a.m. is typical. Insomnia that develops because of a lack of exercise may also be helped with Sulphur.

Zincum metallicum:

People who need this remedy often have insomnia from mental activity. They can get wound up from overwork—or be naturally inclined toward nervousness and just have trouble relaxing. Their legs and arms often feel extremely restless, and lying still in bed may be impossible. Even during the daytime, a person who needs this remedy may feel a constant need to move the muscles.

Facial hair, unwanted hair, excessive hair and homeopathy

Facial hair/unwanted hair/excessive hair growth and Homeopathy

There are certain myths about facial hair in women in some parts of Asia sub-continent such as
  • It is said that facial hair in women are a symbol of blessing. These should not be removed in any case.
  • Other says that the women with facial hair are un-reliable. Some says, no they become wise after the growth of facial hair.
To me , all above things have no truth in it. No doubt, excessive facial and other unwanted hair growth is undesirable, it is the symptom of some internal disturbance and /or imbalance. The research so far, has shown that there are two major root causes of excessive hair growth:

a. Genetic make-up
b. Imbalance/disturbance in some Harmons (especially androgen group)
The sebaceous gland associated with most hairs is actually more sensitive to androgens hormones than is the hair follicle. Hyperstimulation of the sebaceous gland accompanied by bacterial infection results in acne .The endocrinological factors that influence the pilosebaceous unit are: the rate and amount of androgen secretion by the ovary and adrenal gland the blood concentration of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) conversion in the fat cells and skin of weak, less potent androgens, to potent androgens sensitivity of the pilosebaceous unit to androgens

Note: The pilosebaceous unit consists of the hair shaft, the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland which makes sebum, and the erector pili muscle which causes the hair to stand up when it contracts.
Pilosebaceous Unit

Unwanted and/or excessive hair growth depends upon several different factors. There fore the best way to treat above is to control these factors.
  • altered androgen metabolism
  • increased androgen production
  • decreased androgen binding in the circulation
  • exogenous androgens

Note: Increased growth of hair on the face of women just before and just after menopause is quite a common occurrence. It is primarily because of decreased estrogens.

What Homeopathy Says

Homeopathy is very unique treating system. It does not favor the use of cream, lotions, waxing and other methods used for the removal of facial hair. As mentioned above, the facial hair and other excessive hair growth is due to certain imbalance in the body. So, the homeopathy believes in activating the body’s own immune system to treat all types of diseases. The names of diseases are meaningless in homeopathy. The homeopathy treats the patient, keeping in view the totality of symptoms.
Here is a list of homeopathic medicines with a very short description, which are mostly used in treating the facial hair and other parts excessive hair growth. Select the most matching medicine. For further reading, consult the Materia Medica. In case of any confusion, consult your physician.

Homeopathic Treatment:


Thuja is derived from the leaves and twigs of the evergreen conifer tree, also known as white cedar tree.
Thuja is useful when any of the following are indicated:

Mental and Emotional aspects

Lack of self-esteem – Paranoia – Manipulative but weak – Anorexia – Distorted ideas of body image – Fear of strangers – Facial twitches –Fixed ideas – Anxiety – Cries easily – Dyslexia – Interrupted sleep – Secretive.
Physical aspects

Warts – Verruca's – Skin complaints - Very oily skin – Acne – Perspiration with odor – Headaches – Facial and body excessive hair-Polyps of the nose – Stys – Nail problems – Hemorrhoid's – Lack of appetite – Always cold – Urethral and vaginal infections – Menstrual problems including cramps.


Sabal is homeopathic to irritability of the Genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked.
Head.--Confused, full; dislikes sympathy; makes her angry. Vertigo, with headache. Neuralgia in feeble patients. Pain runs up from nose and centers in forehead.
Stomach.--Belching and acidity. Desire for milk
Urinary.--Constant desire to pass water at night. Enuresis; paresis of sphincter vesicæ . Chronic gonorrhea's. Difficult urination. Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy.
Male.--Prostatic troubles; enlargement; discharge of prostatic fluid. Wasting of testes and loss of sexual power. Coitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics. Organs feel cold.
Female.--Ovaries tender and enlarged; breasts shrivel . Young female neurotics; suppressed or perverted sexual inclination.


A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for chronic ailments due to suppressed gonorrhea's. For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system. Pains intolerable; tensive; nerves quiver and tingle. Children dwarfed and stunted. History of sycosis. Often restores a gonorrhœal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Edema of limbs; dropsy of serous sacs. Disseminated sclerosis.
Mind.--Weak memory. Loses the thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping. Time passes too slowly (Cannab ind; Arg n). Is in a great hurry. Hopeless of recovery. Difficult concentration. Fears going insane (Mancinella). Sensibility exalted. Nervous, restless. Fear in the dark and of some one behind her. Melancholy, with suicidal thoughts.
Face.--Pallor, acne, blotches of reddish color. Small boils break out during menses.
Stomach.--Coppery taste and eructation's of sulphuretted hydrogen. Ravenous hunger soon after eating. Very thirsty. Cravings for liquor, salt, sweets, etc, warm drinks. Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy.
Abdomen.--Violent pain in liver and spleen. Rests more comfortably lying on abdomen.
Urine.--Painful tenesmus when urinating. Renal colic Urine flows very slowly.
Female.--Intense pruritus. Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out, urinates frequently at that time. Sensitive spot near os uteri. Leucorrhea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor. Sycotic warts on genitals. Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary. Sterility. Metrorrhagia. Intense menstrual colic. Breasts cold, sore, and sensitive.
Male.--Nocturnal emissions, followed by great weakness. Impotence. Gleet; whole urethra feels sore. Urethritis. Enlarged and painful prostate with frequent urging and painful urination.
Skin.--Yellow. Intense and incessant itching; worse night and when thinking of it. Fiery red rash about anus in babies. Copper-colored spots. Favus. Tumors and abnormal growth.


Thyroid produces anemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Heart rate increased, exophthalmos and dilation of pupils. In myxedema and cretinism its effects are striking. Rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile wasting. Rickets. Delayed union of fractures. In half grain doses twice a day over a considerable period said to be effective in undescended testicle in boys. Thyroid exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets.
Mind.--Stupor, alternating with restless melancholy. Irritable, worse least opposition; goes into a rage over trifles.
Heart.--Weak, frequent pulse, with inability to lie down. Tachycardia (Naja). Anxiety about chest, as if constricted. Palpitation from least exertion. Severe heart pain; Ready excitability of heart. Heart's action weak, with numbness of fingers.
Stomach.--Desire for sweets and thirst for cold water. Nausea worse riding in car. Flatulence, much flatus in abdomen.
Urinary.--Increased flow; polyuria; some albumen and sugar. Enuresis in weakly children who are nervous and irritable (1/2 gr night and morning). Urine smells of violets, burning along urethra, increase of uric acid.
Extremities.--Rheumatic arthritis with tendency to obesity, coldness and cramps of extremities. Peeling of skin of lower limbs. Cold extremities. Aching pains. Edema of legs. Trembling of limbs and entire body.
Skin.--Psoriasis associated with adiposity (not in developing stage). Skin dry, impoverished. Cold hands and feet. Eczema. Uterine fibroids. Browny swelling. Swelling of glands of stony hardness. Sluggish cases. Jaundice with pruritus. Ichthyosis, lupus. Itching without eruption, worse night.


Mind and Disposition. Sadness with weeping. Great indifference, even to one's family. Restlessness, fidgety. Great excitability in company. Dread of being alone. Is easily offended and inclined to be vehement. Sadness about one's health and her domestic affairs. Anxiety, with flushes of heat. Aversion to one's occupation. Heavy flow of ideas. Weak memory.
Face. Pale yellow puffiness of the face, with blue margins around the eyes. Yellow color of the face (and of the white of the eyes).Yellow saddle across the nose and face. Yellowness around the mouth.Tetters around the mouth. Moist, scaly eruptions in the red parts of the lips and on the chin. Swelling of the under lip. Erysipelas and swelling of one side of the face from the root of a decayed tooth. Herpes, scurf's and black pores in the face. Neuralgic pains in the face (left side, from abuse of tobacco).
Stomach and Abdomen. Taste putrid or sour. Food tastes too salt. Canine hunger and sensation of emptiness in the stomach. Thirst in the morning or thirstlessness. After eating, acidity in the mouth and belatedness of the abdomen. Aversion to meat and milk, which cause diarrheas'. Eructation's, sour or like rotten eggs, or bitter. Eructation's which cause blood to rise in the mouth. Water-brash after drinking or eating. Acidity of the stomach (with disgust for life).Nausea, especially in the morning and while fasting or when riding in a carriage. Nausea and vomiting after eating. Vomiting of pregnant women, sometimes of milky water. Vomiting, of bile and food, in the morning, with headache. Painful sensation of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen. Pain in the stomach after eating. Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone, especially after eating or at night. Cutting, boring, from the region of the stomach towards the spine. Burning in the stomach. Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. Rumbling in the abdomen, especially after eating. Soreness of the abdomen in pregnant women in the abdomen, pressing, cutting, stinging burning, coldness. Stitches in the liver and left hypochondrium.  Brown spots on the abdomen.

Sexual Organs. Men. Continued erections at night. The prepuce ulcerates and itches continually. Weakness of the genitals ; they perspire profusely, especially the scrotum. Scrotum swollen. Cutting in the testes. After coition great weakness in the knees. Women. Pressure, as if every thing would protrude (with oppression of breathing). Prolepsis of the uterus, of the vagina. Induration of the neck of the uterus. Violent stitches in the vagina, upwards. Redness, swelling and itching humid eruption on the labiæ. Catamenia too early and too profuse, or too scanty, or suppressed. During menstruation, depression, toothache, headache, bleeding of the nose, and soreness in the limbs. Leucorrhea, of yellow or greenish water, like pus, or of bad-smelling fluids. Inclination to miscarriages.

Skin. Itching in the face, on the arms, hands, hips, feet, abdomen and genitals, changing to burning when scratching. Soreness of the skin and humid places in the bends of the joints. Brown spots, or claret-colored, tetter-like spots on the skin. Pemphigus ; ring-worms ; boils ; blood-boils. Ulcers, painless (knuckles, finger-joints, tips of the fingers, joints and tips of the toes), or itching, stinging and burning. Humid tetters, with itching and burning. Lymphatic swellings. Crippled nails.


Mind and Disposition. Sensitiveness of feeling ; delicate conscientiousness. Fearfulness, timidity. Irresoluteness ; anxious ; to do now this, now that. The slightest contradiction irritates. Intolerance of noise. Taciturn, with continuous sad thoughts ; still, serious melancholy, with moaning. Anger, followed by quiet grief and sorrow. Inclination to grief, without saying any thing about it ; keeping it to himself. Great tenderness. Changeable disposition ; jesting and laughing, changing to sadness, with shedding of tears. (Hysteria).Inclination to start.

Face. Alternate redness and paleness of the face. Redness and heat of one cheek (and ear).Clay-colored, sunken face, with blue margins around the eyes. Perspiration only in the face. Convulsive twitching's in the muscles of the face. Twitching of the corners of the mouth. Spasmodic closing of the jaws (lock-jaw).Lips dry, cracked, bleeding. Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth.

Urinary Organs. Sudden irresistible desire to urinate. Frequent discharge of watery urine. Pressure to urinate, from drinking coffee. Burning and smarting in the urethra during micturition. Itching in the forepart of the urethra.
Genital Organs. Men. Violent itching of the genitals in the evening ; relieved by scratching. Lasciviousness without erections. Contraction of the penis ; it becomes quite small. Erections during stool. Perspiration on the scrotum. Women. Menstruation too early (and too profuse).Menstrual blood, black, of putrid odor, in clots. 

Metrorrhagia. During menstruation uterine spasms, with crampy pressing (relieved by pressure and in a recumbent posture).Uterine spasms with lancinations or like labor pains.
Skin. Itching over the whole body, which disappears on scratching. Itching when becoming heated in the open air. Great sensitiveness of the skin to a draught of air.
Other homeopathic medicines includes calc carb,, calc phos, pulsatilla, nat mur, etc.


1. THUJA 10M just once a month for three months. Three doses in total.
2. Oleum jac 3x and Thuja 3x, if taken on alternate week usually remove this complaint.

Echinacea and Skin infections

Skin infection, boils etc. and Echinacea

Echinacea is very effective antiseptic homeopathic medicine especially when it is used locally. It is non-toxic and non destructive to healthy tissues, it enhances the healing process rapidly.
25% solution of Echinacea can confidently be used locally on infected burns, old ulcer, various skin infections, boils, carbuncles and suppurative middle ear disease with surprising results.

Conium Mac and breast cancer

Breast Cancer and Conium Mac

The homeopathic medicine Conium Mac is derived from Poison Hemlock which has very historical value. This was the poison which caused the death of Great Philosopher Socrates. But in Homeopathy it is the message of life. This medicine is very effective for breast Cancer especially for the breasts that present with a stony hard tumor or gland. It has also proven its therapeutic value in cancers of the esophagus, stomach, liver and the prostate.

Bad breathe and Merc vivus:

Bad breathe and Merc vivus:

Bad breath is a common problem with many of us. It puts you in very awkward situation while you talking closely to a colleague or when you are alone with your wife, kissing your children etc. No doubt the main reason behind bad breath is stomach disorder.

Mercurius Vivus 30X ( just 2- 4 tablets) resolves the problem and makes you more confident.

5 medicines for Urine related Problems

Urine related Problems and
Proven Homeopathic Medicines

Following five are proven homeopathic medicines which cover almost all of the urine related problems such as hurriedly impelled to urinate, pain in urethra, tenesmus of bladder, difficulty in passing urine, , Enlargement of prostate, Urine hard to start, Sharp pains in loins, Reddish brown urine with thick sediments or Clear and offensive urine, Pain in kidneys, extending to abdomen and bladder, BPH with burning urination, Enuresis,Dysuria and Cystitis etc.

Suggest these medicines after going through the details. You will experience no urine related problem is out of jurisdiction of these five medicines.

Cardiac dropsy and ADONIS VERNALIS

Cardiac dropsy and ADONIS VERNALIS

Adonis Vernalis is one of the best medicines in cardiac dropsy. This medicine gives great results especially when the patient has Low vitality, with weak heart and slow, weak pulse. This acts well for the heart muscles when the muscles are in stage of fatty degeneration. This medicine regulates the pulse and increases the power of contractions of heart.

Thanks to Dr. Khan Saeed Jadoon, Turbela, Pakistan

Bloody piles and leucorrhea

Bleeding Piles, Bloody Leucorrhoea and Homeopathy

For bleeding piles, bloody leucorrhoea, dysentery and other hemorrhages, use Blumea Odorata Mother tincture.

Dosage: 15-20 drops every hour in acute conditions and three times a day after improvement.

Thanks to: Masood Homeopathic Store and Hospital, Lahore

Ferrum Phos and anemia

Anemia and Ferrum Phos

Iron deficiency anemia is normally associated with symptoms like fatigue, headache, and poor concentration, feeling tired and depressed. This codition is also very common in pregnant women. No doubt a balanced diet with iron supplements resolve the problem, but many people cannot tolerate these supplements.

Take Ferrum Phos in low potency (6C or 12X) twice a day for some days and see the excellent results.

Bronchitis, Pleurisy and ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA

Bronchitis, Pleurisy and ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA

Asclepias Tuberosa Mohter Tinc is the best and verified homeopathic medicine for chest muscles, Dyspepsia. Bronchitis and pleurisy. Cold and damp weather aggravates the Catarrhal state. Following symptoms confirm the medicine.

Irritation of larynx with huskiness;
pleuritic pain
Stomach; Fullness, pressure, weight
Flatulence after meals
Sensitive to tobacco

Thanks to: Dr Naseer Ahmed
Faisal Homeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu, Pakistan

Jaundice of new born baby

Jaundice of new born baby

If baby's body becomes Yellow within two / three days of birth, specially eyes, then use Chamomilla 30 .If this does not help then use Mercurius or China .

Atista Indica and fever

Fever and Atista Indica

For fever of alternate days or due to intestinal worms, indigestion & diarrhea, use ATISTA INDICA Mother Tinc 10-15 drops three times a day.

Thanks to: Dr Naseer Ahmed,
Faissal Homeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu

Mostly suggested remedies for headache and migraine relief.

Homeopathy for headache and migraine relief.

Here is a mostly used list of homeopathic medicine with short description for headachce and migraine relief

· Belladonna - throbbing, pounding headaches where the sufferer is sensitive to noise and lights.
· Nux Vomica - a common headache remedy often indicated for headaches related to food triggers or alcohol.
· Silicea - migraines triggered by hormones or those related to exertion or orgasm.
· Ignatia - headaches related to grief or depression.
· Arnica - recommended for headaches related to head trauma or injury.
· Iris - intense migraines, particularly those with aura and other visual disturbances.
· Spigelia - sharp, painful throbbing headaches.
· Lachesis - excruciating migraines, with pain often on the left side.
· Sanguinaria - used for migraines that are felt mostly on the right side of the head, with painful sensitivity to lights and sounds.

Thanks to : Dr Farooq Jaan, Gujrat

Cystitis (Bladder Infection)

Cystitis (Bladder Infection)

The two most common remedies for acute cystitis are Cantharis and Sarsaparilla.
Cantharis is used when there is (burning, cutting pain before, during, and after urination, each drop passing as though it were scalding water, frequent urges to urinate and Sarsaparilla is used when there is severe pain at end of urination, burning pain and constant urging; a characteristic but not common symptom is that urine can be passed only while standing

Cramps, Menstrual cramps and Mag Phos

Cramps, Menstrual cramps and Mag Phos

Magnesia phosphorica (phosphate of magnesia) is the most effective remedy for cramps, including menstrual cramps. It is particularly indicated when cramps cause the patient to bend over and when some relief from warm applications is experienced.

Open invitation

 Open invitation

Respected Readers

Assalam o Alaikum and Good Morning

Hope you are enjoying the "Tip of the day" at my blog. Many readers are sending their clinical tips. I am realy grateful to all these respected Doctors. I am hopeful they will continue sending their tips and feed back in future too.

Here, i would like to invite all the readers of this blog to please share their valuable knowledge and send more tips at my following email

Again, thanks to all the respected readers who have liked this tip of the day series at my blog.

Dr M Noor Asi

Cactus grandiflorus and heart problems

Cactus grandiflorus and heart problems

Cactus Grandiflorus (Night blooming cactus) is proven affective homeopathic medicine in heart related problem such as constriction of heart; fear of death, heart feels as if held by hand, palpitation especially at the start of menses. A prominent symptom of Cactus is that body feels as if caged. It controls the low blood pressure, too.

WBC and Baryta Iodata

WBC and Baryta Iodata

Baryta Iodata is very effective proven homeopathic medicine for increasing leucocytosis.
For this purpose use low potency 3-4 times a day for few days. Never use it for long period.

Dental Surgery and Homeopathy

Dental Surgery and Homeopathy ( First Aid Tip)

One dose of Arnica (high potency) before and after dental surgery and one dose of Hypericum (200c) after surgery not only control the pain but protect from many post surgery problems.