Leukemia is commonly known as Blood cancer. Basically, this is bone marrow disease. No certain root cause of this disease has been found so far.
Homeopathy offers very effective medicines for leukemia. Few are mentioned here.
Nat Sulph:
If the symptoms of Nat sulhp are found in a patient, it should be used in high potency -with great results.
Arsenic Alb:
A patient with blood deficiency,weakness, difficult breathing, weak heart function, indigestion etc. has high resemblance with this medicine. In case of matching symptoms , use with confidence.
Calc Phos 3x and Fer Phos 3x
It has been observed that the Alkali Phosphate is diminished from the blood of chronic leukemia patients. Calc Phos and Fer Phos are very useful in such cases with other medicine. If the Calc Phos is the constitutional remedy of the patient , it should be given in the high potency ( one lac) one dose and then in 3x regularly.