Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Cancer and Homeopathy

Cancer and Homeopathy

This information is by no means a substitute for professional help and no one should stop his/her treatment prescribed by a doctor.
There are several ways homeopathy can help cancer patients. First, there are specific remedies for various cancers. These remedies may be used whether a person has conventional treatment or not. A number of remedies can make conventional treatment easier for the cancer patient. Finally, homeopathic remedies can help with terminal pain and with the fear of dying.
Homeopathy can also help with the psychological issues which occur in cancer. There are remedies for ailments from bad news to fear of dying. Homeopathy can also help with terminal pain.
The cancer diathesis may first be antidoted with a dose of Scirrhinum 200 or 1000. The regular treatment can be started at least after 24 hours.

Intercurrent remedies for Cancer: Psorinum 200, Medorrhinum 200. Tuberculinium 200 can be used if history of T.B. is present in the family.

Phosphorus: Cancer of the forehead with an open sore with blood and pus.

Arsenic Album: For Leukemia and Stomach Cancer with burning heat and dryness of the skin; thirst, restlessness, apprehensiveness, shortness of breath and anxiety. Repeat 200 every week.

Nitric Acid: Pricking pain with some gnawing. Cancer of the stomach with burning pain, thirst, water producing an indescribleable nauseating effect, inability to retain food; vomiting of slime and blood; bloody dejections, face yellow, scrawny and emaciated.
Causticum: For pricking pain.

Alumen: Breast cancer.

Alumina: Cancerous growth in the rectum with pain after stool. Generally the patient is constipated.

Ruta: Cancer of rectum with pain which continues for several hours after stool.

Apis M.: When pain is stinging character and there is itching also with the pain.

Clematis: Cancer of the lip. If there is watery growth Dulcamara may be alternated.

Sepia: Scirrhous induration. Cancer of lips.

Conium: Head remedy of cancer of lips and prostate cancer.

Calendula: For any stage of Cancer. It allays the pains and gives great comfort to the patient.

Hydrastis: Scrofulous and cancerous cachexia. Cancer of the lips or breast. Cancer hard; adherent; cutting like knives in breast. Mother tincture of this remedy may be applied locally for cancer of lips.

Aurum Ars: Cancer of face and lips.

During Radiotherapy: Belladonna and X-ray.

Aconite N. Fear of death


Conium Mac and breast cancer

Breast Cancer and Conium Mac

The homeopathic medicine Conium Mac is derived from Poison Hemlock which has very historical value. This was the poison which caused the death of Great Philosopher Socrates. But in Homeopathy it is the message of life. This medicine is very effective for breast Cancer especially for the breasts that present with a stony hard tumor or gland. It has also proven its therapeutic value in cancers of the esophagus, stomach, liver and the prostate.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Hereditary diseases


Hereditary diseases

These are diseases that are passed on to your body through genes from your parents and become more common with age. These are present from birth.

This is the "cause of disease" that causes the beginning of human diseases even before birth, so I have placed it first among the causes of diseases.


Hereditary Diseases: There are diseases that are inherited in a child from his parents or parents' family.

Cousin marriage also causes many hereditary and complex diseases, especially infertility. God! Be careful in relationships within the family. There are many families in Pakistan whose marriages took place with great happiness and love, but after marriage they faced difficulties. If one suffers from genetic problems, one's children suffer from thalassemia and other diseases. After the marriage is fixed, genetic, hereditary, germ and infertility tests are also necessary so that the happy feeling of marriage does not turn into a problem.

70% of diseases in children are hereditary. Hereditary diseases include some that are present at birth, such as Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, etc. There are some that appear later like Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, breast cancer etc. There are several different types of hereditary diseases, some of which are as follows:

Single gene disorders: These disorders are caused by a mutation in a single gene. Some of these common disorders include cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, and hemophilia.

Chromosomal disorders: These disorders are caused by changes in the number or structure of chromosomes. Some of these common disorders include Down syndrome, Turner syndrome etc.

Multifactorial disorders: These disorders are caused by a combination of genes and environmental factors. Some of these common diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

There are also regular tests to diagnose hereditary diseases. A Homeopathic Doctor diagnoses from parents and family history.


Hereditary diseases do not necessarily appear in childhood, but also appear at the age of 40.

I am going to mention here some hereditary diseases that I myself have observed in patients. It is very surprising that the disease is transmitted from family to offspring.

Some of the hereditary diseases mentioned so far are:

AIDS: AIDS is a disease that weakens the human immune system. It is caused by the HIV virus, which is an inherited virus.

TB and ill effects of TB: TB is a disease that affects the lungs. It is caused by a bacterium that can also be hereditary.

Cancer and Bad Effects of Cancer: Cancer is a disease in which the cells of the body start growing uncontrollably. Some types of cancer can also be hereditary.

Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are a condition in which the veins around the anus become inflamed. It can also be hereditary.

Diabetes: Diabetes is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood becomes high. Some types of diabetes can also be hereditary.

High BP: High BP is a condition in which the blood pressure becomes high. It can also be hereditary.

Depression and grief: Depression and grief is a condition in which a person feels depressed and hopeless. It can also be hereditary.

Warts: Warts are a skin condition in which small bumps appear on the skin. It can also be hereditary.

Urgent stool after bad news: This is a condition in which a person immediately feels stool after hearing bad news. It can also be hereditary.

Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium. It can also be hereditary.

Masturbation habit: Masturbation is a habit in which a man stimulates his genitals with his hand. It can also be hereditary.

Stomach Ulcer: Stomach ulcer is a condition in which the inner lining of the stomach becomes sore. It can also be hereditary.

Liver Diseases: There are many types of liver diseases, some of which may be hereditary.

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay can be caused by a number of reasons, some of which may be hereditary.

Infertility: Infertility is a condition in which a person is unable to produce children. Some types of infertility can also be hereditary.

Thalassemia: Thalassemia is a disease in which red blood cells are produced less. It is inherent.

Disability: Disability can be due to many reasons, some of which may be hereditary.

Dryness: Dryness is a condition in which human skin becomes dry. It can also be hereditary.

Anemia: Anemia can be caused by many reasons, some of which may be hereditary.

Shortness of height or any part of the body: Shortness of height or any part of the body can be due to several reasons, some of which may be hereditary.

Psychosis Miasmatic Poison, Psoriasis Miasmatic Poison, Syphilis Miasmatic Poison,

How to treat hereditary diseases?

The history of the fathers should be taken, which is a mood medicine for both of them, should be given to the child. A full case-taking of the fathers should be done and any medical conditions identified from it should be given medicine to the children. Whatever diseases are known to the father from the history or from the family history and if there are specific medicines in homeopathy for these diseases, then those medicines should be given to the children.. If any miasm is present in the father, the main central miasmatic medicine of that miasm should also be given. They are Thuja, Tuberculinum koch, Carcinocinum, Sulphur, Syphlinium. In this way you can get the knowledge of hereditary diseases in children with the help of complete comprehensive long case taking of fathers.

One of the most important things to remember is that if the father has depression, that depression must be transferred to the children. The medicine for depression is Natrum Pea.

How to complete the course of selected medicine for children? Give 14 doses of the 200 potency of whatever medicine is chosen, by adding one drop to half a cup of water, giving one drop to the child and discarding the rest. Leave an interval of 10 days between two doses. If the child is above 5 years of age, then give four doses of 1M potency of the selected medicine. When the child reaches 10 years of age, give him only one dose of 10M potency of these selected medicines and also put one drop on the tongue. In case of 10M potency keep a gap of 7 months between two medicines.

I will tell you the cure for the diseases that I have witnessed. Find out the rest yourself. Iodine for AIDS, Carcinosinum for cancer, Thuja for hemorrhoids warts and unwanted body hair, TB, sugar, high BP, infertility, disability, asthma, anemia, short stature and liver diseases. Tuberculinum Koch 1M and Arnica for bone weakness and pain, Magnesia phos for depression and grief, Natrum Pea for depression and grief, Borax to ward off the effects of bad news, Father's mood medicine to get rid of a bad habit, ulcers. Give Rustox, Bryonia and Sulfur for Stomach, Syphlinium for tooth decay, Manganum Metallicum for Thalassemia, Uranium Nitricum for Sugar. Rustox 1M is often used in children with hereditary diseases