No doubt homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular with the passage of time, but normally the patients are not generous enough to acknowledge the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Sometimes the approach of the homeopathic patients is annoying and infuriating when they do not give an openhearted credit to the magnificence of homeopathy despite cured by its medicines. The patients do accept the recovery progress but regrettably not alone by the homeopathic medicines. They also relate some other factors responsible for their health improvement which are very irritating for a homeopath. Some of such cases are as under:-
• A man of about 65 years old settled in UK since 1975 came to see his relatives in Rawalpindi. He came to consult me in 2009 for the treatment of Mucus Colitis. He reported that he had been on Steroids for the last 5-6 years on the advice of his physicians after his stomach surgery. Now the UK physicians are reluctant to further continue the treatment with Steroids as these may be harmful for him in many respects. After taking the case carefully, I prepared some medicines from my dispensary for a week. The condition of the patient was a little bit improved. I repeated the same prescription for another week and asked the patient to reduce the Steroids dose gradually. On the next visit, the frequency to pass out stool with pain and mucus was further reduced and the patient requested to prepare the medicines at least for three months as he was scheduled to leave for England within a couple of days. In January, 2010, he again came to Pakistan and visited my clinic to report his condition. The England returned Mucus Colitis sufferer stated that he had appreciably been recovered and the major role for this cure was the daily usage of LEHSAN (Garlic). By listening to him, I was so enraged that I could not utter a single word but to say that there was no further need of homeopathic medicines and advised him to continue taking garlic.
• A civil engineer of a public sector organization was suffering from itching with red spots on the skin for the last three years. Anti-allergic medicines were regularly being used for temporary relief. He contacted me for this ailment and the condition was improved with homeopathic medicines in 2 weeks. Later on, the patient told that he was fully recovered soon after the regular use of RADISH.
• Another case of sciatic pain was cured by the homeopathic medicines but the patient glorified the effects of a TAVEEZ (Amulet) he got from a PEER BABA (Religious scholar).
In fact the homeopathic medicines are so innocent, gentle and palatable that the patient does not have any disagreeable or unpleasant taste in his/her mouth. Moreover, contrary to other medicines, the homeopathic sweet tiny pills act secretly and are blessed with the power of curing different physical and psychological ailments without leaving any side effects on the human body. The allopathic medicines on the other hand are too bitter to swallow and tend to disturb and shake the other systems of the human body also and the patient is believed to feel that he is literally under treatment. So in nutshell, the effectiveness of the homeopathic system is hard to believe for some patients as it does not upset the human body like other medical systems and therefore they try to find other justifications liable for their recovery.
Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,
HillView Avenue,
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