Showing posts with label children diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children diseases. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Respiratory Infections and Homeopathy

Respiratory Infections and Homeopathy

Respiratory infections are now a day’s common problem.
The question is why?
Besides other factors, this is true that the overall health of our immune systems is getting worse with each generation. The formal doctors are suggesting antibiotic without any hesitation in almost all cases of respiratory infections. This is converting the problem more complicated. Every one knows that the antibiotics are weakening the resistance/defense system of human body generation by generation.

What to do?
The answer is Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is the blessing for humanity and this could play a major role in the treatment of respiratory infections and the prevention of this epidemic. There are numerous medicines that can be used to restore and strengthen the immune system which are prescribed on the basis of matching symptoms with that of a patient.The homeopathic medicines restore the immune system gently and without damaging or weakening it.

I am giving here a very short list of commonly used medicines for respiratory infection especially in children. Please select the most matching remedy after consulting the material medica.

Justicia adhatoda 30C: Very effective for infections in the respiratory tract. Cough worse from a warm room,feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest.

Sambucus nigra 30C: an other amazing remedy, bronchitis leading to suffocation cough at night. The patient rise up with the difficulty in breathing, a child becomes blue.

Pulsatilla 30C: Thick discharge of mucus, cough, a patient with tendency to weeping easily .Throws off the covers at night. No or very little thirst.

Diarrhoea and Homeopathy

Diarrhoea and Homeopathy


Frequent and watery bowel movements, increase in frequency of bowel motions, or increased stool liquidity.

Some important Signs and Symptoms of Diarrhoea

  • Cramping pain in the abdomen
  • Needing to get to the toilet urgently.
  • Bloated feeling in the tummy.
  • Increased volume of stools
  • Fever or chills may also be accompanied with diarrhoea.
  • Signs of dehydration such as feeling very thirsty, rapid heart beat, feeling or being sick, and dark looking urine etc
  • In some cases stool contains blood or mucus
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Headache.

During diarrhoea, the body loses water and electrolytes in the form of liquid stool. Fluids can also be lost through vomit, sweat, urine and breathing. Dehydration occurs when these losses are not adequately replaced.

Diarrhoea may present in different forms such as acute watery diarrhoea, dysentery (blood in stool), or persistent diarrhoea (more than 14 days).
Diarrhoea causes dehydration. Children are more likely than adults to die from diarrhoea because they become dehydrated more quickly.

Causes of Diarrhoea

The main causes of diarrhoea are poor hygiene, lack of clean drinking water. In children, the trend towards bottle-feeding rather than breastfeeding is the major causes of diarrhea.
Some foods have a laxative affect naturally for instance prunes or figs so over indulgence will give temporary diarrhea.

Acute diarrhoea is usually caused due to accidental intake of infected food or drinks. Once the infection sets in the person has frequent loose motions which may be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain & vomiting. There might be presence of blood &/or mucus in the stools.
Chronic &/or recurrent diarrhoea i.e. repeated bouts of diarrhoea with/without periods of normal motions intermittently, could have many other causes like tuberculosis of the intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption, ulcerative colitis etc. Detailed investigations are needed in such cases to find a cause before treatment can be started.


  • It is very important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated .
  • It is better to avoid food until the diarrhoea has stopped, but if you do want to eat then consume light, nourishing meals such as homemade soups and plain crackers.
  • Avoid protein for two days to rest the digestive tract.


a) Homeopathy

There are various treatments for this disease. Some of them can be mentioned below, but it should be noted down that the symptoms should match with the given one.

Argentum nitricum

Diarrhoea after eating sweets. Patient nervous, feels like passing stools before any important event. Stage fear. Stools watery, slimy and green(like chopped spinach).

Veratrum alb

Diarrhoea before and during menses and preceded by cutting pain in the abdomen. Stools, which are profuse, watery and gushing, are accompanied by cramps in hands and feet, and cold sweat on the forehead. Each bout of diarrhoea leaves the victim weak and exhausted, on the verge of a collapse. These symptoms are very much common in the diarrhoea patient, and for all these the medicine Veratrum is important.

Ars alb

Loose motions after food poisoning. Frequent, watery and dark. Stools highly offensive smell. Worse and increased after midnight. Pain and burning in anus.
Cuprum ars
useful for copious, dark, watery stools with pain and rumbling in the abdomen. The resultant dehydration causes cramps in the calf-muscles. The urine has a garlicky odour as well. For these symptoms the medicine is very important.


Loose motions in children, particularly during the period of dentition. Child is highly irritable and wants to be carried all the time.
This medicine is suitable for diarrhoea from undue mental nervousness and apprehension just before attending to any important work. Trembling, dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and thirstlessness are other features of this medicine.


Motions after eating rich foods. Loose stools with green mucus. Great nausea
Nux vomica
Diarrhoea alternates with constipation. Sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, too much coffee.
Phos acid
This is suitable for painless and non-debilitating diarrhoea, the stools being watery and whitish.


Diarrhoea in summer.Pain in the abdomen. Foul smelling, loose stools, profuse in the morning


Stools yellow, bloody, comes in great masses. Involuntary stools, Rectum protrudes out, worse in hot weather and is better by cold.

suggested potency: 30- 200

b)Tissue Salts for Diarrhoea

Ferrum phos

Diarrhoea from a relaxed state of the villi, or absorbents of the intestines not taking up the usual amount of moisture. Stools of undigested food, brought on by a chill beginning with fever.

Kali mur

Diarrhoea after fatty food, pastry, etc.

Kali phos

Foul diarrhoea, often accompanied by other diseases, to heal the conditions causing putrid evacuations. Diarrhoea of strong odor, occasioned by fright and other similar causes. Diarrhoea with depression and exhaustion of the nerves, with or without pain.

Natrum mur

Diarrhoea with watery, slimy, frothy stools. Transparent, glairy slime, excessive use of salt. "Natrum mur is chiefly used for chronic diarrhoea of children.

Natrum pho
Itching, sore and raw anus. Stools white or green from deficient bile. Diarrhoea caused by excess of acidity.

Natrum sulph

Diarrhoea; stools watery, dark, bilious, or of green bile

Kali sulph

Diarrhoea yellow, slimy or watery, purulent stools.

Calcarea sulph

Diarrhoea purulent, mixed with blood, with clay-colored tongue. In typhus; from maple sugar and change of weather.

Calcarea phos

Diarrhoea in teething children, as an intercurrent or alternate remedy.

Magnesia phos

Stools watery, expelled with force, with griping pains in the bowels, flatulent colic relieved by drawing up limbs, or hot applications. Vomiting and cramp in calves of legs. Pain at intervals.


Infantile diarrhoea, cadaverous-smelling, after vaccination, with much sour perspiration on head, and hard, hot, distended abdomen.

Top homeopathic remedies for babies

Good homeopathic remedies for your babies

Antimonium tart acts great in Chicken pox
Pulsatilla is known for German measles (rubella)
Drosera is best for whooping cough
Bryonia is very effective for measles
Teething child always demand Chamomilla
Argentum nitricum and Chamomilla are effective for colicky baby
Arnica for any fall or bruising,
Calendula for any cut or open wound, Cantharis for a burn, even second degree,
Borax for thrush,
and Graphites for the inflammation of the eyelid with those little yellow crusts that stick the eyelashes together in the morning.

Childhood Asthma and Homeopathy

Asthma In Children and Homeopathy

Homeopathy treats Asthma in childhood effectively , however, it is advised that it should be done under the care of a qualified practitioner.

Some of the Most common remedies with most important symptoms are as under:-

Symptoms: Asthma after fit of anger. Irritable hard, dry cough. Better from bending head backwards; cold, fresh air and drinking cold water; and being carried about. Impatient, irritable and whining; spiteful.

Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla 30c

Symptoms: Asthmatic bronchitis - rattling and bubbling. Chest full of mucus - but not easily coughed up. Better sitting up to breathe; better in open air or by open windows. Spasmodic coughing violently with each breath till blue in the face. Nausea and gagging and much saliva. Hoarseness at end of episode. Returns periodically each year.

Suggested Remedy: Ipecac 30c.

Symptoms: Worse 4 to 5 am and in cold, wet weather and cold, damp places. Very breathless, with much rattling of mucus in chest. Mucus thick and greenish. Pain in lower chest. Every cold results in asthma.

Suggested Remedy: Nat sulph 30c.

Symptoms: Great difficulty breathing or lying down.Variable hoarseness. Dry cough early night, loose cough in the morning – yellow green sticky mucus. Better open air and gentle motion, sympathy and consolation. Worse for heat of a warm room.

Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla 30c.

Croup-like cough and other other cough conditions

Homeopathic Remedies for dry Cough

Symptoms: Croup-like cough in very dry, cold weather. Anxiety and restlessness. Fever, thirst, no sweating.

Suggested Remedy: Aconite

Symptoms: Slow, gradual fever; irritation of air passages. Cough worse for movement and
entering a warm room; can be worse at night. Much thirst for cold drinks .Stabbing pains in throat or chest.

Suggested Remedy: Byronia

Symptoms: Rough, noisy croup-like cough. Sudden onset in cold weather. Better in a warm, steamy room.

Remedy: Hepar sulph

Symptoms: Raw, tearing, burning pain in a crouplike cough. Improves with hot drinks.

Suggested Remedy:

Aethusa cynapium, a remedy for children

Aethusa cynapium, a remedy for children


Anguish and crying (weeping) especially in children, even vomiting.

Occipital pain, better lying down. Hair feels pulled. Exhaustion after vomiting, awakens hungry. Pearly white upper lip.

Better in open air and with company. Worse from milk.

suggested Potency:
30c, 200c

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Baby-care: Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Children

Baby-care: Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Children

Here are homeopathic medicines specifically beneficial for children, along with their uses and precautions:

  1. Aconitum Napellus 30C:

    • Benefits: Aconitum is excellent for fevers and inflammations of sudden onset. It often occurs due to exposure to dry cold.
    • Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and intense thirst.
    • Precautions: Discontinue when perspiration begins.
  2. Apis Mellifica 30C:

    • Benefits: Apis is useful for hives, swelling, and insect bites.
    • Symptoms: Pinkish skin with stinging pain and swelling.
    • Precautions: Ideal for pinkish insect bites.
  3. Arnica Montana 30C:

    • Benefits: Arnica is the go-to remedy for injuries and bruising.
    • Symptoms: Muscular soreness due to overexertion.
    • Precautions: Avoid using Arnica cream on open wounds.
  4. Belladonna 30C:

    • Benefits: Belladonna is effective for high fever of sudden onset.
    • Symptoms: Hot, red, flushed face with sweating. Bright red sore throat.
    • Precautions: Useful in early abscess stages.
  5. Calendula 30C:

    • Benefits: Calendula prevents inflammation and alleviates pain.
    • Uses: Apply Calendula ointment for bruises and sunburns.
    • Precautions: Ointment doesn’t cause burning.
  6. Chamomilla 30C:

    • Benefits: Chamomilla relieves colic and teething pain.
    • Symptoms: Peevish, irritable child with hypersensitivity to pain.
    • Precautions: Consult a healthcare professional.
  7. Ferrum Phos 30C:

    • Benefits: Ferrum Phos helps in the first stage of inflammation.
    • Symptoms: Mild fever, fatigue, and colds in children prone to ear infections and bronchitis.
    • Precautions: Prevents complications.
  8. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 30C:

    • Benefits: Hepar Sulphuris heals acute suppurations (boils, abscesses).
    • Symptoms: Sore throat, hoarseness, and teen acne.
    • Precautions: Use for boils.
  9. Ipeca 30C:

    • Benefits: Ipeca is for constant nausea with unrelenting vomiting.
    • Symptoms: Mouth full of saliva, clean tongue, and lack of thirst despite vomiting.
    • Precautions: Monitor closely.
  10. Spongia 30C:

    • Benefits: Spongia treats croup with a barking cough.
    • Symptoms: Cough sounds like “sawing through a board of wood.”
    • Dosage: Administer 3-5 pellets every 15-30 minutes to two hours, reducing frequency as improvement occurs.

Remember, homeopathic medicines are safe and gentle for children, but always consult a healthcare provider before using any new remedies

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin.
Red scaly patches, often in rings.
Can affect scalp - hair may fall out leaving circular bald patch.
Can affect trunk, face, armpits, groin. Contagious; the fungus can be found in damp places, e.g. pools, children's sweaty heads.
Homeopathic treatment for acute Ringworm is:
  • Baccilinum 200c - two doses during first 24 hours;
  • Dulcamara 30c - twice daily for one week.