Showing posts with label sinusitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sinusitis. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Causticum set the Face to Right Position

  Causticum set the Face to Right Position

A telephone call from an allopathic doctor who is well acquainted to me received in mid December, 2009 for dispensing the medicines for his son suffering from sinusitis. During the talk, I sensed that the words were not clearly pronounced by the doctor. I asked as to whether he was O.K. The doctor told that he had an attack of facial paralysis 5-6 days ago and under treatment of allopathic medicines. On further enquiring he told that he did not feel any noticeable improvement in chewing, swallowing, drinking and understandable verbal communication. “Does homeopathy offer any treatment for this ailment”? The doctor asked without any hesitation. I dispensed 4 doses of Causticum-1M to be taken twice a day ( Morning and Evening) for two days followed by Rhus-tox – 200 once a day for five days. Thanks to Allah homeopathy again stamped its authority by setting everything to normal position.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,