Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Three cases by Dr. Sultan Mahmood

Three cases by Dr. Sultan Mahmood

• The wife of my nephew having 3 months pregnancy reported about uterine cramps and hemorrhage (spotting). She was advised to take complete bed rest with caulophyllum-3X alternated by Viburnum Op-Q 4 times a day. After 3 weeks, the possible threat of miscarriage was averted.

• I had a case of fetus malposition detected after ultrasound report during the 8th month of pregnancy. The gynecologists' declared to the patient for caesarean section. When contacted, she was given Pulsatilla-200 alternated by Caulophyllum-200 for one week and the fetus turned to normal position.

• A patient of Cervical spondylosis was cured by Cimicifuga-200 alternated by Strychninum-30.

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,