Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

smoke, bread and other allergies

Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines)- Part 1

( Patients are advised not to take any medicine without consulting the doctor)

Allergic to dust, smoke, strong perfumes
Suggested Remedy:
Histamine 1M

Allergic to bread, acidic food
Suggested Remedy:
Nat mur.30 or 200

Allergic to beer, malt liquor
Suggested Remedy:
Kali bich.30

Warm milk , dust and other allergies

 Part 2 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to dust(asthma)
Suggested Remedy:
Pothos 30

Allergic to warm boiled milk,fatty pork,(diarrhoea)
Suggested Remedy:
Sepia 30 or 200

Allergic to milk
Suggested Remedy:
Magnesia carb.30 or 200

Allergic to cod liver oil
Suggested Remedy:
Hepar sulph.30

Poultry items and other allergies

Part 3 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to aspirin, bad liquor, salt butter, bad eggs, poultry items
Suggested Remedy:
Carvo veg 30

Allergic to antibiotics
Suggested Remedy:
Sulphur 30 or 200

Allergic to castor oil
Suggested Remedy:
Bryonia alb.30

Allergic to coffee
Suggested Remedy:
Nux vomica.30

Cold drinks and other allergies

Part 4 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to heat
Suggested Remedy:
Apis mel.30

Allergic to cold drinks, fruits, rotten food, iodine
Suggested Remedy:
Arsenic alb 30

Allergic to dampness
Suggested Remedy:
Dulcamara 30 or 200

Allergic to smell of flowers(asthma)
Suggested Remedy:
Ailanthus g. 30

Sweat, fatty meat and other food items allergy

Part 5 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to sweats, fatty meat, onion
Suggested Remedy:
Thuja oc.30 or 200

Allergic to sugar
Suggested Remedy:
Argentum nit 30 or 200

Allergic to rice
Suggested Remedy:
Tellurium 30 or 200

Allergic to cabbage
Suggested Remedy:
Petroleum 30 or 200

Cheese and cold milk allergy

Part 6 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to cheese
Suggested Remedy:
Nitri-spiritus dulcis Q or 30

Allergic to cold milk
Suggested Remedy:
Kali iod 200

Allergic to decayed vegetables
Suggested Remedy:
Carbo animalis 30 or 200

Veal, pastry and other food items allergy

Part 7 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Allergic to veal
Suggested Remedy:
Kali nit 200

Allergic to pastry;rich ice-cream,mixed food
Suggested Remedy:
Pulsatilla 30

Allergic to lemonade
Suggested Remedy:
Selenium 30 or 200

Melon and other food items allergy

Part 8 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 


Allergic to indigestible food, tongue clean, constant nausea

Suggested Remedy:

Ipecac 30 or 200


Allergic to melons

Suggested Remedy:

Zingiber 30


Allergic to iodide of potassium

Suggested Remedy:

Aurum met 30 or 200


Allergic to sugar;bitter food

Suggested Remedy:

Natrum phos.6X or 30

Sore food allergy and homeopathy

Part 9 Allergies (due to certain foods, drinks, medicines) 

Incurrent remedy
Psorinum 200 or 1M

Allergic to vinegar; pickles, sour foods, acids
Suggested Remedy:
Lachesis 200

Allergic to strawberries
Suggested Remedy:
Oxalic acid 30 or 200

Allergic to oysters
Suggested Remedy:
Lycopodium 200

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Crying Monica Calmed Down in the Lap of Homeopathy

Crying Monica Calmed Down in the Lap of Homeopathy

Subject: Dear doctor, I hope you could help me with this itching problem in my face
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 13:25:29 -0400

Dear Dr Mahmood,

I am really hoping in your spare time, you will have the generosity to read my email and bring

me some light to alleviate me from this problem:

My skin is very itching right now, on the cheeks, the skin is very red and it burns. It usually

gets very dry and it looks like a sunburn.

The problem started last year and it lasted for 9 months; After been checked by so many doctors

and heard different diagnostics like dermatitis; rosacea; eczema; after 9 months of suffering I
went for acupuncture and the problem was fixed after 8 sessions. I have been without this
itching problem for 3 months. Now the same problem has returned. Unfortunately, acupuncture is
expensive and I cannot afford to continue paying for this service.

After hours of searching on the internet, i decided to buy a homeophatic cream called

Florasone. so I applied it at night. I also purchased arsenicum album 30C and I have been taken
3 times per day. It seems it is not helping. The itching and the redness is still there.

I am crossing my fingers to get a reply from you.

Thanks in advance for anything you could do to help me with this problem.


From: Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood (
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:50:49 AM

Dear Monica,
Now stop crossing your fingers as the following prescription is likely to cool down your itching problem.
1. Sulphur-200 (Total three doses half an hour before breakfast after two days; e.g. Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday)
2. Rhus tox-30 ( One dose after breakfast and one in the evening daily)
3. Urtica Urens-Q, 3x, or 6x (One dose in the noon and the other at night daily) after one week.

Subject: The itching almost disappear and the redness is almost gone. THANKS A LOT
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 10:42:07 -0400

Dear Doctor,

thanks for the remedy with Sulphur-200;Rhus tox-30 and Urtica Urens-Q.. I started taking the
remedy yesterday and I can see the results already. As you pointed, I will report after one

Thanks a lot Dear Doctor.

Have a wonderful weekend.


From: Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood (
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 6:50:49 AM

Dear Monica,
Thanks for your mail. Complete 3 doses of Sulphur-200 as suggested. However, now start taking one dose of Rhus tox-30 in the morning and one of Urtica Urens-Q in the evening for 2-3 days.
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:20:44 PM
To: Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood (
Thanks a lot Dear Doctor for helping me with my face allergy.

Just one quick question. If ever the allergy comes back, is Ok to re-start the remedy with
Sulphur-200;Rhus tox-30 and Urtica Urens-Q?.

Once again thanks a lot for helping people to enjoy life.


Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Allergic-Skin and Homeopathy


Allergic-Skin and Homeopathy

A skin allergy is an immune system response to certain substances (allergens) that come into contact with the skin. These allergens can trigger an abnormal immune reaction, leading to various skin symptoms. Here’s what you need to know:

Causes of Skin Allergy:

  1. Contact Dermatitis: Exposure to irritants (such as chemicals, metals, or plants) or allergens (like fragrances, latex, or specific foods) can cause redness, itching, and rash on the skin.
  2. Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema): This chronic condition is characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Both genetic and environmental factors play a role.
  3. Urticaria (Hives): These are raised, itchy bumps on the skin caused by allergic reactions to food, medications, insect stings, or other triggers.
  4. Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever): An allergic reaction to pollen, dust mites, or pet dander that can also affect the skin.

Home Tips for Managing Skin Allergies:

  1. Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid substances that trigger your skin allergy. This may include specific fabrics, cosmetics, or certain foods.
  2. Moisturize: Keep your skin well-hydrated to prevent dryness and itching.
  3. Cool Compresses: Apply cool compresses to soothe inflamed skin.
  4. Avoid Scratching: Scratching worsens skin allergies. Trim your nails and use anti-itch creams.
  5. Wear Loose Clothing: Choose breathable fabrics and avoid tight clothing.
  6. Natural Remedies: Some natural remedies like chamomile, basil, and neem may provide relief13.

Homeopathic Remedies for Skin Allergy:

  1. Apis Mellifica: Effective for hives (urticarial rash) with severe burning, itching, and redness.
  2. Natrum Mur: Commonly used for nasal and skin allergies.
  3. Sulphur: Useful for dry, itchy, and scaly skin aggravated by heat and washing.
  4. Urtica Urens: Suited for hive-like rashes with intense itching and burning.
  5. Rhus Toxicodendron: Ideal for skin allergies caused by plants, presenting as blister-like eruptions.

Remember that homeopathic remedies are individualized, and it’s essential to consult a qualified homeopath for personalized treatment. Additionally, if your skin allergy is severe or persistent, seek medical advice for proper evaluation and management.