Loose Cough and Homeopathy
Loose phlegm, thick and difficult to cough up. Breathless. Wheezing, noisy chest.
Suggested Remedy: Antim tart
Symptoms: Spasmodic cough, worse in open air.Breathless. Rapid development of phlegm which may be vomited up.
Suggested Remedy: Apis Mel
Symptoms: Throbbing pain, not so rapid onset. Very hot dry skin, red face and dilated pupils.
Not restless or fearful.
Suggested Remedy: Belladonna
Symptoms: Stabbing pain, intolerable. Cross, irritable; doesn’t know where to put himself.
Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla
Symptoms: Jerking, tearing pain, ears hot. Pain is made worse by heat. Miserable and whining; responds to cuddling and affection.
Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla
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Showing posts with label loose cough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loose cough. Show all posts
Friday, June 7, 2024
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Barking cough and other tips
Barking cough and other tips
is tough on cough- Part -14
Dry, harsh, whistling; tickling in throat pit,
beneath sternum; hoarse.
Suggested Medicine
Hard cough when lying down.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, barking, croupy, sibilant; awakens him
out of sound sleep; loose, wheezing asthmatic, suffocative, with copious
Suggested Medicine
Spongia Tosta
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Short, painful and other cough tips
Short, painful and other cough tips
is tough on cough- Part -13
Short, painful; feeling as though cold air
were passing through trachea; teasing; dry; from midnight
till morning.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, teasing, incessant; worse using voice,
inhaling cold air; at night; tickling behind sternum, in throat; better from
covering up face.
Suggested Medicine
Rumex Cris
Violent, dry, suffocative; with hoarseness and
rattling of mucus in throat; great difficulty of breathing; jumps out of sound
sleep, almost strangling.
Suggested Medicine
Samb Monday, January 9, 2012
At night and other cough tips
At night and other cough tips
is tough on cough- Part -12
Dry, hacking.
Suggested Medicine
Nux. vomica
Dry, hollow, spasmodic, with tightness in
chest; jars the whole body; from use of voice; from going from warm to cold
Suggested Medicine
Dry at night, loose in the morning.
Suggested Medicine
Pulsatilla Nig
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Deep, hollow, with rattling mucus
Deep, hollow, with rattling mucus
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -11
Dry, hard, with stitching pain; awakens him at 3 or 4 a. m.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. carb
Violent, worse in the morning.
Suggested Medicine
Kali. iod
Deep, hollow, with rattling mucus.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, harsh, racking, at night. Suggested Medicine
Merc Sol
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Harsh Cough and other Tips
Harsh Cough and other Tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -10
From tickling behind sternum or low in chest, dry, hoarse, with wheezing and sawing respiration.
Suggested Medicine
Constant, severe; sounds loose, but no expectoration; distressing dyspnoea, ends in vomiting haemoptysis from slight exertion.
Suggested Medicine
Suggested Medicine
Kali. bich
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Retching, Strangling cough and other tips
Retching, Strangling cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -9
Strangling, retching, violent; from uncovering; ends in vomiting.
Suggested Medicine
Heper Sulph
Dry, spasmodic, from tickling; at night.
Suggested Medicine
Violent; from tickling as of a feather, growing worse the more he coughs; stopped by effort of will.
Suggested Medicine
Ignatia Amm.
Whooping Cough and other Tips
Whooping Cough and other Tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -8
Tickling in throat as from crumb of bread; crawling; sense of constriction, cough like whooping cough; deep, hoarse, with strangling and vomiting of slime.
Suggested Medicine
Dros Rut.
Loose, spasmodic, with tickling; after long effort raises phlegm; cough with pain in epigastrium which interferes with ability to cough; must press his hand on pit of stomach or hold side in order to cough.
Suggested Medicine
In morning and during day, never at night; coryza.
Suggested Medicine
Dry; after meals; dyspnoea and fullness in chest.
Suggested Medicine
Ferrum Phos
Monday, January 2, 2012
Violent Cough and other tips
Violent Cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -7
With feeling as if sternum were crushed in.
Suggested Medicine
So violent, it seems as though bronchial tube would tear.
Suggested Medicine
Cubeba Off.
Spasmodic, suffocative; with twitching; blue face.
Suggested Medicine
Cuprum Met.
Long lasting cough and other tips
Long lasting cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -6
Loose, rattling, long lasting.
Suggested Medicine
From dry spot in larynx, with itching of throat and chest.
Suggested Medicine
Conium Mac.
Burning dry cough; with hoarseness and pain in larynx; in evening.
Suggested Medicine
Copaiva Off.
Attacks follow each other rapidly; exceedingly violent; face purple; great exhaustion; vomiting of mucus.
Suggested Medicine
Corallium Rub.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Explosive Cough and other tips
Explosive Cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -5
Hard, explosive; seems head and chest would fly to pieces; pain in distant parts when coughing.
Suggested Medicine
With burning in chest.
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. veg
With soreness and rawness in chest; better from drinking cold water; with involuntary escape of urine.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, hacking, from tickling; one cheek red, the other pale; with stitching under false ribs.
Suggested Medicine
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Spasmodic cough and other tips
Spasmodic cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -4
Spasmodic; from inhaling cold air; rattling in chest without choking.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, tickling in throat and epigastrium, with desire to expand chest; worse from going into warm room; with gagging and vomiting of food.
Suggested Medicine
At midnight ; with oppression; sub clavicular soreness. Tight at night, loose in the morning.
Suggested Medicine
Calcaria Carb
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Convulsive cough and other tips
Convulsive cough and other tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -3
Severe, concussive; jars the head badly.
Suggested Medicine
Apis Mel
Excited by laughing.
Suggested Medicine
Dry, tickling, barking, convulsive; pain and soreness in larynx.
Suggested Medicine
Rattling Cough and other Tips
Rattling Cough and other Tips
Homeopathy is tough on cough- Part -2
Dry, hacking, loose; in the p. m.; raises mucous freely.
Suggested Medicine
Amm. mur
From tickling in chest; from going into a warm room.
Suggested Medicine
Loose, rattling; excited by eating and fits of anger; vomiting of mucus, with relief.
Suggested Medicine
Monday, October 31, 2011
Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu
Winter Season and Homeopathy - Cold and Flu
Aconite 30c - No. 1 Remedy for nipping colds in the bud. Useful in the early stages of colds, fevers, sore throats and the inflammatory stage of other illnesses. Sudden onset often after exposure to cold. Much sneezing with pain at root of nose. Dry mucous membranes. Worse: evening or night and for touch. Better: fresh air and rest.
Allium Cepa 30c - Common feverish cold with streaming eyes and nose. Profuse watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip. Red, running eyes with bland discharge. Headache worse in warm room. Worse: evening and stuffy rooms. Better: open air and cold room.
Arsenicum Alb 30c. - Catches cold easily, burning, watery nasal discharge alternating with dryness. Frequent sneezing without relief. Very chilly and shivery. Nostrils become sore and red and nose feels blocked alternating with watery discharge. Worse: change of temperature, cold, damp and after midnight. Better: heat and warm applications, hot drinks.
AGE 30c Arsenicum-iod/Gelsemium/Eupatorium in combination which is very useful for covering typical flu symptoms.
Euphrasia 30c Profuse bland nasal discharge, running red eyes with burning tears and frequent sneezing. Burning sore throat and eyes sensitive to light. Worse: light, in the evening. Better: during the day when up and about.
Eupatorium perf.30c - Chill followed by heat and sweating. Intense aching of bones as if broken or bruised. Great thirst for cold drinks. Worse: movement, cold, open air. Better; Resting, warmth, sweating.
Ferrum Phos 30c - Tired and weary not feeling quite right. First signs of a cold or flu. Red inflamed eyes. Chill with shivering and fever with flushed face.
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