Showing posts with label skin problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin problems. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Boils , Carbuncles and Homeopathy

Boils , Carbuncles and Homeopathy

Anthracinum ( 30 or 200 c) is very effective for boils and carbuncles with much indurations.
Gun powder in lower potency (3x, 6x) is also very helpful for boils and carbuncle.

Remedies and symptoms

Remedies and symptoms

Skin affections, eczema, psoriasis
wide range of chronic ailments
Picricum acidum
Water retention, Confusion
various childhood, menstrual and chronic ailments
Rhus toxicodendron
joint pains and fevers
trauma or sprain of the ligaments; conditions involving the tendons, fibrous tissue, or periosteum;
joint stiffness, eye strain
many female problems
Various chronic conditions, sensitivity to cold
chronic ailments, skin complaints, general debility
warts & chronic conditions
Urtica urens
Bites and stings

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Herbs: Ayurvedic herbs for skin care

Herbs: Ayurvedic herbs for skin care 

These natural botanicals have been treasured for centuries and offer a holistic approach to maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Below, I’ll highlight some of the top Ayurvedic herbs, their benefits, advantages, and precautions:

  1. Tulsi (Holy Basil):
    • Benefits: Tulsi is revered for its therapeutic properties. It aids in fighting wrinkles and other signs of aging.
    • Advantages: It promotes skin health by reducing inflammation and providing antioxidants.
    • Precautions: Individuals with allergies to basil or mint should exercise caution.
  2. Sandalwood (Chandan):
    • Benefits: Sandalwood is a popular choice for skincare. It has soothing and cooling effects on the skin.
    • Advantages: Sandalwood helps reduce redness, inflammation, and acne.
    • Precautions: Use authentic sandalwood products to avoid synthetic substitutes.
  3. Giloy (Guduchi):
    • Benefits: Giloy possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Advantages: It supports overall skin health and may help with conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
    • Precautions: Consult a healthcare professional before using giloy supplements.
  4. Aloe Vera:
    • Benefits: Aloe vera is a versatile herb known for its healing properties. It soothes irritated skin, promotes cell regeneration, and moisturizes.
    • Advantages: It’s excellent for treating sunburns, acne, and minor wounds.
    • Precautions: Some individuals may be sensitive to aloe vera. Perform a patch test before widespread use.
  5. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):
    • Benefits: Amla is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It rejuvenates the skin, improves complexion, and fights free radicals.
    • Advantages: It supports collagen production and reduces pigmentation.
    • Precautions: Excessive consumption may cause digestive issues.
  6. Saffron:
    • Benefits: Saffron brightens the skin, reduces dark spots, and imparts a healthy glow.
    • Advantages: It’s used in face masks and creams for radiant skin.
    • Precautions: Use saffron in moderation due to its high cost and potential allergic reactions.
  7. Ashwagandha:
    • Benefits: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that combats stress and supports overall well-being.
    • Advantages: It indirectly benefits the skin by reducing stress-related skin issues.
    • Precautions: Consult a healthcare provider if you’re taking medications or have underlying health conditions.
  8. Neem:
    • Benefits: Neem has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
    • Advantages: It treats acne, eczema, and other skin infections.
    • Precautions: Neem oil can be potent; dilute it appropriately.

Remember that Ayurvedic herbs work holistically, addressing both internal and external factors. Always consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new herbs into your skincare routine.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bitting and itching and other Tips

Bitting and itching and other Tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-8

Noticeably dry.
Suggested Medicine
Ghost On The Canvas
Urticaria, with heat, biting and itching.
Suggested Medicine
Copaiva Off
Something Borrowed
Eruption with severe itching and burning after scratching; skin itches, festers and bleeds easily.
Suggested Medicine
Night Terrors [HD]
Skin cold, sallow, icteric; boils and carbuncles; mottled, purplish.
Suggested Medicine
Crot Hor

Monday, September 5, 2011

Eczema with crust and other conditions

Eczema with crust and other conditions

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-7

Wrinkled, pimpled; old, spreading, offensive ulcers.            
Suggested Medicine
Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Urtica Urens, 30C Pellets, 80-Count Tubes (Pack of 5)
Eczema with hard, lemon colored crusts; whitish moist scurf on upper lip and chin.           
Suggested Medicine
Cicuta Ver
Shea Butter - The African Secret                                                                               
 Itching of scalp; eczema of hands and occiput.    
Suggested Medicine

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pustules , Boils and other conditions

Pustules , Boils and other conditions

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-6

Itches and burns; small boils and pustules, worse from scratching.  
Suggested Medicine
Berberis Vulg
Diseases & Homeopathy Therapeutics of Skin
 Hair rough; splits; sticks together; can't be combed smooth.            
Suggested Medicine
Homeopathy for Rosacea: What Homeopathic Remedies to Use
 Large, jagged, easily bleeding warts; intertrigo.   
Suggested Medicine
Diseases of the skin: Their symptomatology, etiology and diagnosis, with special reference to principles of treatment including full indications for drug remedies
 Indolent foul ulcers with ichorous discharge; carbuncles.    
Suggested Medicine
Carbo. veg

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Raw, bloody eruptions and other Tips

Raw, bloody eruptions and other Tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-5

Raw, bloody eruptions.
Suggested Medicine
Arum Tryph
The Clear Skin Prescription: The Perricone Program to Eliminate Problem Skin
Ulcers near bone, with thin, ichorous discharge.
Suggested Medicine
Tony and Maxxie
Livid spots over body and limbs.
Suggested Medicine
Bapt Tinchture
Unexplained Skin Problems: Home Treatment And Precautions
Dry, hot, uniformly red.
Suggested Medicine

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boils , Swelling and other tips

Boils , Swelling and other tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-4

Boils and swellings, with stinging pain; dropsy without thirst.
Suggested Medicine
Apis Mel
A hand-book of skin diseases and their homœopathic treatment
Itching, burning small pimples and boils; black and blue spots on the body.
Suggested Medicine
Arninca Mont
Boiron Aconitum napellus, High fever of sudden onset with dry skin 80 ea
Bran like, scaly eruptions, with itching and burning, worse from scratching; ulcerations with burning pain.
Suggested Medicine
Arsenic Alb
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Management

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Moist eruption behind ears and other tips

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-3

Intense itching, with eruption like poison oak.     
Suggested Medicine
Moist eruption behind ears; horny growths over the body; pimples, 
vesicles; scabs thick, hard, bleed when touched.                                                                        
Suggested Medicine
Antim crud

Cold; covered with clammy, sticky sweat; slowly maturing pustules, 
leaving bluish red mark.      
Suggested Medicine
Antim tart

Monday, August 15, 2011

Scratching until it bleeds

Scratching until it bleeds

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-2

 Dry, with intolerable itching and scratching until it bleeds.
Suggested Medicine

 Thick, red rash all over.                                         
Suggested Medicine
Ammonium carb 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Body covered with brown spots and other Skin Problems

Skin related problems and homeopathy Part-1

Body covered with brown spots; ulcerations and warts with splinter like pain; ulcers bleed from slight touch.
Suggested Medicine
Nit. acid

Papular, petechial eruptions, with much itching.
Suggested Medicine
Muratic acid

Livid, purplish eruption.
Suggested Medicine