Showing posts with label acne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acne. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Tonsils and other ailment in Homeopathy

Diseases and Homeopathic remedies-3

Baryta acetica
Baryta carbonica
Swollen glands
Baryta iodata
Baryta muriatica
Large tonsils
high fevers with redness & delirium
Bellis perennis
Bruised soreness
Bellis perennis
healing of cuts and wounds
Benzoicum acidum
Berberis aquifolium
Berberis vulgaris

Adoloscents acne and homeopathy

Acne and Homeopathy

Acne is very common in adolescents. The eruptions are generally present on the face, neck, upper chest and upper back and are caused by inflammation of the small sebaceous glands which open into hair follicles. The glands become blocked and acne develops.

Homeopathy always treats successfully this problem if the homeopathy philosophy is followed strictly.

Below is a list of some possible homeopathic remedies which should be taken as per individual symptoms

Berberis vulgaris - Skin is very rough and is persistent with acne. Pale and earthy complexion.

Kali bromatum - Bluish-red pustules on the face, neck and shoulders, which leave unsightly scars.

Ledum palustre - Red, pimply eruptions occur on the forehead and cheeks, the area stings when touched. The person is generally sensitive to the cold.

Sulpher - This remedy suits chronic acne with rough, hard skin. The spots are itchy, red, sore and frequently become infected. Spots and surrounding skin is aggravated by washing and bathing.

Common causes of acne and homeopathy

Acne and homeopathy

Common Causes of acne are diet over-rich in carbohydrates, constitutional, lack of hygiene.

Symptoms include discomfort, irritation, infection, discharge.

Suggested remedies:

Kali brom: very useful remedy in chronic acne. Use in 1M potency on alternate day.
Sulphur: one of the best remedies for raised hard circular areas which are red and often sore and infected. Usually they are worse for water.
Calc sulph: useful with pallor, sweaty forehead and flabbiness.
Pulsatilla: helpful in all cases which are aggravated by heat.
Arsenicum: useful in chronic cases where there is severe weakness associated.
Echinecia: A good blood purifier . Use in low potency ( Q )

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pimples, Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment

Pimples, Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment

The pimpled face of adolescence is so common that it could almost be thought of as normal, four out of five teenagers suffer from acne to some degree, but the majority grows out of, in the meantime, there are preventive measures and treatment which can ease the problem. The mixture of blackheads. Whiteheads and pink or reddish spots caused by Acne Vulgar is occurs mostly on the face, the back of the neck, found in the armpits and on the buttocks, too.


Acne affects young people of both sexes but tends to be more common in boys. It starts in adolescence because this is when there is great increase in the production of hormones from the sex. Organs and from the adrenal glands. These hormones are chemical messengers. Carried by the blood and transform a child into a sexually mature adult. Under their influence, and posticullarly that of the androgeus, or “Masculimzing” hormones, the oil-releasing sebaceous glands in the skin, which normally produce just enough oil or sebum to keep the skin healthily suppley, become overactive. They release too much sebum, causing a condition called “seborrhea”. The female hormones particularly estrogen, have the reverse effect, which explains-at least in part-why girls are generally less prone to acne than boy’s.


Blackheads, accompanied the pink or reddish inflammation which they cause, are the hallmark of acne. It was once thought that the bacteria that naturally thrive on sebum, particularly two called staphylococcus albus and bacillus acnes, were the underlying cause of the acne, but they are now know to be the cause of the inflammation, not the ace itself. In response to the presence of bacteria, which multiply in the blackhead, the blood vessels expend to bring more infection-fighting cells to the site this is the inflammatory reaction. As a secondary effect of ace, the bacterial infection may lead to the development of pimples, which are spots filled with dead white cells and bacteria, or pus. This infection usually only becomes severs, involving the formation of larger boils or abscesses, if the deeper skin tissues become bruised and damaged as a
result of squeezing the blackheads to release the “Core” of sebum plugged usually clears up with in about a week, but if secondary infection sets in it may take a month or more.

How to Fight Your Acne.


• Greasy hair oils or cosmetics.
• Leaving makeup on overnight or leave it off completely.
• Applying creams to dirty skin so that bacteria are pushed into the pores.
• Eating any foods that seem to cause spots.

Try To:

• Wash affected areas several times a day with medicated soap and hot water.
• Wash hair often, wear it off the face and reasonably short.
• Keep combs, brushes and face flannels clean and grease free.
• Get as much sunshine as you possibly can.


SULPHUR: Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the Acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to sulphur in skin affections. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to sulphur iodide.

SANGOINARIA: Is another useful remedy in Acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbance of women are Calcarea Carbonica and Aurum Muriatium Natrum.

KALI BROMATUM: Produces acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find acne in epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. The remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurate, especially in hyperacsthetic hervous females, and the late Dr. Martin discharge loudly praised. Since Kali Bromatum has been found a useful remedy in sexual excesses it will be specially a remedy in acne due to that cause. Dr. J.H.Clark sys “I know of on remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Bromatum 30 x And the late Dr.A.M.Cushing recommended Arsenicum Bromatum 4x as very efficacious Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facial is. Calcarea Picrata is also a useful remedy for Acne; clinically it has been found one of the food remedies. Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM: Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst-coated tongue, Antimonium Tairtaricum obstinate cases, with tendency to postulation, are curable with this remedy. Berberis Aquifolium is useful where the skin rough and the acne persistent.

Natrum Muriaticum: Acts especially on the sebaceous glands and is a very helpful remedy in acne. In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient’s type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are for more important than the local ones.

Article by: Dr Muhammad Asif Nayyar
Gulshan e Iqbal

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Special Biochemic Combinations (Part-1)

Special Biochemic Combinations (Part-1)

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)


CP3x alone or CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, NM3x, NP3x, S12x or

CF3x, CS3x, KS3x, MP3x, NS3x


KP3x, NM3x


CF3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, MP3x, S12x


KP3x, KS3x


CF3x, NM3x, S12x


FP12x, KM3x, KS3x, NS3x, S12x


CP3x, NM3x


CP3x, NM3x


KM3x, KS3x, MP3x


CP3x, KP3x, NM3x


CP3x, CS3x, KP3x, NM3x


KM3x alone or CF3x, CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, KS3x, MP3x, NM3x NP3x, NS3x, S12x


CF3x, KM3x, NM3x, S12x


CF3x, CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, KS3x, MP3x, NM3x, NP3x, NS3x, S12x


KM3x, KS3x, NM3x, S12x


CF3x, CP3x, CS3x, NM3x, S12x


KM3x, KS3x, NM3x


KM3x alone or CP3x, KP3x, MP3x, KM3x, KS3x, NM3x, NP3x, S12x


NS6x, MP6x or NP3x, NS3x or NP6x, NS6x


CF30x, KM12x, KP12x, KS3x, NM12x, NS12x




CP3x, KP3x, NM3x


KM3x, KS3x, NP3x, NS3x, S12x




CP3x, KM3x, KP3x, KS3x, NM3x, S12x




CP3x, KP3x, NM3x


CF3x, CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, NM3x, S12x


CF3x, CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, MP3x, KS3x, NS3x, NM3x, NP3x, S12x


CP3x, CS3x, KM3x, KP3x, NM3x, NP3x, NS3x, S12x


CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, MP3x, NS3x




NM3x (Internally) thrice daily.

NM3x (Powder to be rubbed on the patch thrice daily).


CP3x, KP3x, NM3x


Any information given above is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Therefore, it is very important that the patients should avoid self-treatment and rather consult the most abled and qualified classical homœopath and take the treatment under his proper guidance and advice.


Simplest Remedies For All Diseases by Dr. B. S. Darbari.

Efforts for raising Status of Homeopathy

Efforts for raising Status of Homeopathy

Urdu Article . Acne and it Homeopathic Treatment-Part 7

Page 6 Urdu Article - Acne and its Homeopathic treatment

Page 6 Urdu Article - Acne and its Homeopathic treatment 

Fifth part acne treatment in Urdu

Urdu Article- Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment Part 5

Comparison With other Medical System in Urdu

Comparison With other Medical System in Urdu

Urdu Article- Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment Part 4

Open Discussion on Homeopathy

Open Discussion on Homeopathy

Urdu Article- Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment Part 3

Progress on Meetings with Standing Committee

Progress on Meetings with Standing Committee

Urdu Article- Acne and its Homeopathic Treatment Part 2

Keel Mahasy in Urdu

Keel Mahasy in Urdu

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Pus filled eruptions, Acne, Pimples and Homeopathic remedies


Pus filled eruptions, Acne, Pimples and Homeopathic remedies


Acne and pimples are common skin conditions that can affect people of all ages. While conventional treatments often focus on topical creams, antibiotics, and harsh chemicals, homeopathy offers a holistic approach to address the underlying causes and promote overall well-being. Let’s explore some effective homeopathic remedies for acne and pimples.

**1. Arsenicum Album

  • Symptoms: Acne with burning pain, worse at night. Skin feels dry and itchy. Anxiety and restlessness.
  • Precautions: Avoid spicy and oily foods. Maintain good hygiene.

**2. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum

  • Symptoms: Pimples that are painful, sensitive to touch, and may form abscesses. Skin is unhealthy and prone to infections.
  • Precautions: Keep the affected area clean. Avoid squeezing or picking pimples.

**3. Silicea

  • Symptoms: Acne with pus-filled eruptions. Skin is slow to heal. Easily chilled and sensitive to cold.
  • Precautions: Stay warm and avoid exposure to cold winds.

**4. Kali Bromatum

  • Symptoms: Acne on the face, chest, and back. Skin looks dirty and greasy. Depression and irritability.
  • Precautions: Limit dairy and refined sugar intake.

**5. Berberis Aquifolium

  • Symptoms: Acne with dark, red pimples. Skin appears blotchy. Digestive issues.
  • Precautions: Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

**6. Natrum Muriaticum

  • Symptoms: Acne on oily skin, especially around the hairline. Craving for salty foods.
  • Precautions: Avoid excessive salt consumption.

Precautions to Prevent Future Acne and Pimples

  1. Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit dairy, sugar, and processed foods.
  2. Hygiene: Keep your face clean and avoid touching it frequently. Use gentle, natural cleansers.
  3. Stress Management: Stress can worsen acne. Practice relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.
  4. Avoid Squeezing: Resist the urge to pop pimples, as it can lead to scarring and infection.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration supports healthy skin.
  6. Sun Protection: Use sunscreen to prevent UV damage.

Remember that homeopathic remedies work best when individualized based on your unique symptoms. Consult a qualified homeopath for personalized advice and treatment.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Neem Leaves Benefits


Neem Leaves Benefits

    • Neem is helpful in removing blemishes and acne scars from the face. Grind some dried neem leaves into a powder, then mix it with rosewater or plain water. Apply this paste to your face and rinse with cold water after a few minutes. It is beneficial for all types of skin issues.

    • Boil a handful of neem leaves in a liter of water. Once the water turns green, strain it and store it in a bottle. Use it as a toner on your face before bedtime. Regular use will help eliminate blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, and dark circles.
    • Neem oil is also available in the market. Apply it to your face every night and wash with cold water in the morning. You’ll see positive results soon. If you have a fungal infection in your nails, massaging them with a few drops of neem oil can help get rid of it.
    • If your skin is very sensitive and blackheads are not easily disappearing, mix a few drops of neem oil in water and apply it to blackheads. With daily use, blackheads will vanish.
    • For infections in the mouth, rinsing with boiled neem water is very effective.
    • If your hair falls excessively and is also dry, add boiled and cooled neem water to your hair after shampooing. It strengthens the hair roots. Whatever oil you use for your hair, add a little neem oil and massage your scalp. Your hair will grow faster.

    • Some people suffer from excessive heat rashes and severe itching, along with tiny blisters. For this, take equal amounts of neem leaves, mint leaves, and fennel seeds. Boil them in hot water until it turns cold. After bathing, use a muslin cloth soaked in this mixture to soothe the heat rashes.
    • To brighten and rejuvenate your face, wash and dry neem leaves, then grind them into a powder. Mix this powder with rose petal powder, yogurt, and a little milk to make a paste. Apply this paste to your face.  Wash after 15 minutes.
    • Fresh Neem Leaves Paste:
    • Grind fresh neem leaves into a paste. Applying this paste to burns does not cause infection, whether the wound is minor or severe. If you apply neem oil to the wound, it heals quickly.

    • Eating fresh Neem Leaves:
    • Consuming fresh neem leaves from the neem tree not only helps with diabetes but also aids in weight loss.
    • Take half a kilogram of neem leaves and add them to a kilogram of mustard oil. Boil it over low heat until the leaves burn. Strain it and store it in a bottle. This oil is excellent for itchy areas. Apply it to the affected area daily, and God willing, it will relieve all types of itching. It’s also beneficial for eczema. 


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Clear beautiful Face- Acne Free, Blackheads Free, and Pimple Free

Clear beautiful Face- Acne Free, Blackheads Free, and Pimple Free

Here is a list of Homeopathic Remedies that can give you a new look. Read carefully the symptoms give under each remedy. Select the most appropriate remedy. For any detail, contact the nearby Homeopath. In my experience, these remedies provided miraculous results.

Antimonies Crud

Small red pimples about the face, and on the right shoulder, stinging when touched; acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, severe thirst and white coated tongue. 

Calcarea Carb

Acne on the face and neck; when due to sexual excesses; redness of the nose in consequence of difficult or scanty monthly flow; persons with scrofulous constitutions or who work much in water. 

Hepar Sulph

Painless pimples on the nape of the neck, forehead and chin; crusty pimples on the face in young people; swelling and suppuration of glands; skin yellow and unhealthy, every small injury suppurates. 

Nux Vom.

Indigestion with constipation; small fetid ulcers in the mouth and throat. Pimples on the face in persons using wine, liquors, tobacco, patent medicines, or coffee in excess; sedentary habits. 


Acne on the chin, worse during the monthly flow and pregnancy; pimples about the genitals, legs and in the creases of the joints; skin dirty yellow and scurfy; ailments following vaccination or masturbation. 


Obstinate cases in scrofulous persons; bad smelling foot sweat; constipation, symptoms worse from wine or getting wet or cold. 


Blackheads and little black pits in the face; red, itching pimples on the nose, lips, around the chin, and on the forearm; tendency to boils; chronic cases. 

Mercurius Sol.

Indolent, bluish red pimples, especially the lower, extremities, in syphilitic or scrofulous persons; suppurating pimples as above; glandular swellings. 

Arsenicum Alb

Chronic cases where the skin is dry, rough and dirty looking; the eruption mostly on the face and extremities; blackheads which itch and are painful. 
A dose of the indicated remedy may be taken three times a day. Do not eat highly seasoned food, pickles, cake, pastry, nuts, cheese, fried foods, hot bread, sweets, or drink beer, spirits, cocoa, chocolate, or much coffee. Drink water freely, especially hot water in the morning before breakfast. Iron and cod liver oil are indicated in debilitated or scrofulous persons; fresh fruits and vegetables if they agree. Outdoor life, and frequent thorough bathing with friction. Sulphur and iodide of sulphur soaps, and good tar soaps are the best. Shampoo the affected parts every night after a warm sponge bath of the entire body with a flannel cloth, warm water and soap. If the skin is sluggish and the acne chronic, use tincture of green soap. Dry, and apply sulphur ointment, or when there is suppuration, an ointment of sulphur, five per cent., ichthyol, five per cent., and vaseline, one ounce