Respiratory infections are now a day’s common problem.
The question is why?
Besides other factors, this is true that the overall health of our immune systems is getting worse with each generation. The formal doctors are suggesting antibiotic without any hesitation in almost all cases of respiratory infections. This is converting the problem more complicated. Every one knows that the antibiotics are weakening the resistance/defense system of human body generation by generation.
What to do?
The answer is Homeopathy.
Homeopathy is the blessing for humanity and this could play a major role in the treatment of respiratory infections and the prevention of this epidemic. There are numerous medicines that can be used to restore and strengthen the immune system which are prescribed on the basis of matching symptoms with that of a patient.The homeopathic medicines restore the immune system gently and without damaging or weakening it.
I am giving here a very short list of commonly used medicines for respiratory infection especially in children. Please select the most matching remedy after consulting the material medica.
Justicia adhatoda 30C: Very effective for infections in the respiratory tract. Cough worse from a warm room,feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest.
Sambucus nigra 30C: an other amazing remedy, bronchitis leading to suffocation cough at night. The patient rise up with the difficulty in breathing, a child becomes blue.
Pulsatilla 30C: Thick discharge of mucus, cough, a patient with tendency to weeping easily .Throws off the covers at night. No or very little thirst.