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Thursday, June 13, 2024
Echinacea and Skin infections
Conium Mac and breast cancer
Bad breathe and Merc vivus:
Cardiac dropsy and ADONIS VERNALIS
Bloody piles and leucorrhea
For bleeding piles, bloody leucorrhoea, dysentery and other hemorrhages, use Blumea Odorata Mother tincture.
Dosage: 15-20 drops every hour in acute conditions and three times a day after improvement.
Ferrum Phos and anemia
Bronchitis, Pleurisy and ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA
Thanks to: Dr Naseer Ahmed
Faisal Homeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu, Pakistan
Selenium and students
It is common problem in students that can’t recall what they have learnt. They work hard but fail to remember.
Selenium is very helpful for such students.
Jaundice of new born baby
If baby's body becomes Yellow within two / three days of birth, specially eyes, then use Chamomilla 30 .If this does not help then use Mercurius or China .
Absence of Appetite and Homeopathy
For simple loss of appetite with no other prominent symptoms, CHINA mother tincture is very effective. It should be taken 4-5 drops atleast half hour before taking meals.
When loss of appetite is associated with constipation, there is pain in the stomach after eating, with broken and un-refreshing sleep, take NUX VOMICA in alternation with SULPHUR every 3 hours.
Atista Indica and fever
For fever of alternate days or due to intestinal worms, indigestion & diarrhea, use ATISTA INDICA Mother Tinc 10-15 drops three times a day.
Faissal Homeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu
Mostly suggested remedies for headache and migraine relief.
Cystitis (Bladder Infection)
Cramps, Menstrual cramps and Mag Phos
Open invitation
Assalam o Alaikum and Good Morning
Hope you are enjoying the "Tip of the day" at my blog. Many readers are sending their clinical tips. I am realy grateful to all these respected Doctors. I am hopeful they will continue sending their tips and feed back in future too.
Here, i would like to invite all the readers of this blog to please share their valuable knowledge and send more tips at my following email
Again, thanks to all the respected readers who have liked this tip of the day series at my blog.
Dr M Noor Asi
Cactus grandiflorus and heart problems
WBC and Baryta Iodata
Dental Surgery and Homeopathy
One dose of Arnica (high potency) before and after dental surgery and one dose of Hypericum (200c) after surgery not only control the pain but protect from many post surgery problems.
Pneumonia and homeopathy
In early stage ACONITE followed by FERRUM PHOS every hour should be used. When Pneumonia is fully established, PHOSPHOROUS should be given every 2-3 hours.
Sunstroke and Homeopathy
Prolonged exposure to the rays of a hot, summer sun may cause a heat-stroke. The self-cooling mechanism of the body (through evaporation of sweat from the skin) fails, giving rise to very high fever, hot and dry skin and rapid, bounding pulse. The victim is dizzy, nauseated, weak and, generally, has a headache. If not treated in time, vomiting, delirium, convulsions or unconsciousness may occur.
- Even more important than homoeopathic remedies are the following first-aid measures:
- Move the victim into shade.
- Cool the victim as quickly as possible by Pouring water over the body, alternatively, place a cold compress on the person's head and wrap a cold wet sheet around the body.
- If the patient is conscious, give cool drinks to be sipped slowly.
Glonoine 30 is the homoeopathic remedy of choice for sunstroke. Give a dose every fifteen minutes until patient improves.
If the victim has not responded positively to cold applications mentioned above, Glonoine may be replaced by Belladona 30, a dose to be given every fifteen minutes, till improvement is seen.