Showing posts with label chilblain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chilblain. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lemon Tips as seen and experienced

Lemon Tips as seen and experienced
Dr. Stacy Jones

To check diarrhea.
Drink hot lemonade.

To arrest immoderate flow of menses.
Suck the juice of lemon.

To harden the nipples before confinement.
Begin two weeks in advance, and lave them with lemon juice.

•To arrest flooding.
Inject the juice of half dozen lemons into the womb.

•Sweating Rheumatism. Scurvy.
Partake of lemon juice, or lemonade freely.

Lemon juice and sugar.

Dilute citric acid and peppermint water in equal parts, mix, and apply twice a day.

Instead of calomel, take the juice of one two, or three lemons, according as the appetite craves, in as much water as will render it pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed: and in the morning half hour before breakfast, take the juice of one in a goblet of water.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,