Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Some useful clinical tips

Some useful clinical tips

-Do not forget to try Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg. and Pulsatilla while treating dyspepsia.

-The combination of Silicea-10M + Hepar Sulph-200 are very effective in suppurated injuries/wounds, abscesses and boils. However, Calcarea Sulph-200 and Myristica-200 are also of great value.

- 3-4 doses of Petroleum-1M are sufficient enough to cure the bleeding cracks of heels.

- In sexual debility, Sulphur-200 should be given due consideration alongwith other indicated remedies.

- In fainting attacks, Nux Moschata and Moschus have been found very useful.

- Rheumatic pains of small joints/wrists have often been cured with Actea Spicata-30 and Caulophyllum-30.

- Remember a dose Pyrogenium-200 while starting the treatment of fever.

Contributed by:
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue,

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