Wednesday, June 5, 2024



I have used Alumina-200 in alteration with Merc. Sol-200 for intense itching when worse with warmth.

Coffea Cruda-200 in alternation with Kali. Phos-200 has been useful for treating insomnia

Explore Sulphur-200 as an inter-current remedy in sexual weakness

In Ptosis (Drooping of eyelids), I have succeeded with Causticum in high potency in alternation with Gelsemium and Kali Phos.

In violent dry and fatiguing cough, Rumex-30 has given me good results

Consider Colocynthis, Gnaphalium, Rhus tox when treating sciatic pain

In Anorexia, Cocculus-30, Pulsatilla-6+30, China-30 are remedies recommended by Dr. P. N. Pai and have been has been found useful in many cases.

Most of my cases of Dysentery have been cured with Colocynthis and Merc. cor

I have used the trio of Arsenicum alb, Ipec and Natruam sulph in treating asthma

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,

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