Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Cracked Painful bleeding tongue

Painful cracked bleeding tongue

• A patient visited me in the last week of December, 2009 with a painful cracked bleeding tongue. It was very difficult for him to eat and speak. Surprisingly, only two doses of Arum Triphyllum-30 alternated by Acid Nitricum-30 cured him completely.
• Patients suffering from Spermatorrhoea (Involuntary seminal emission) can rely on Selenium-200 and Staphysagria-200.
• Snoring being a common problem has led to strained relationships between the sleep partners. Therefore this problem is required to be addressed and cured seriously. Homeopathy offers a good treatment for stertorous breathing. Lemna Minor-30 alternated by Opium-30 has given me good results to overcome this problem.

Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road,HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856

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