It was an icy cold night in December when I closed my clinic an hour before the scheduled timings. I was relaxing in the TV lounge with my wife and children when the bell rang, at about 2300 hrs. As I opened the door, two men wrapped up with heavy shawls requested medical help. The ailing man started narrating his illness in a very feeble and agonizing tone. After attending a marriage feast, he had developed some problem in his throat. He further explained with the help of his visiting brother that swallowing of even liquids has become very difficult and that there was burning and severe pain in the esophagus. Belladonna and Gelsemium sparked into my mind, which I dispensed for the patient and advised him to report to clinic next day.
Next morning, I made exhaustive consultations of the homeopathic literature for the right remedy and finally I was able to find Phosphorus which had been recommended by Dr. Clarke in his famous book “A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica” for oesophagus pain. The patient returned and reported that the condition was slightly better, but no relief from pain. I gave him 2 doses Phosphorus in 1M to be taken on alternate days. Phosphorus worked incredibly as the patient walked into my clinic smilingly after two days with a pain free oesophagus. Credit should go to Phosphorus and Dr. Clarke for this success.
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Get Well Homoeo Clinic,
Adnan Market, Opp. OroMart,
Adyala Road, HillView Avenue,
Rawalpindi.Ph. 051-2529856
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