Showing posts with label myopia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myopia. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Vision defects and other eye problmes

Part VIII Homeopathy for Eyes Problems 

It is defect in vision while looking at distant objects. When the defect is of great degree, the patient holds print near to the eyes to distinguish letters. The defect is curable by the administration of proper homeopathic remedy. In case of failure, use suitable glasses, selected by competent optician.

Short-sighted from overtaxing the eyes, Worse after exerting them Pains in the eyes after overtaxing them and from fine work, Must take exertion to distinguish letter when reading.
Suggested Medicine:
Carbo veg

Myopia due to spasm of the ciliary's muscles, Vision blurred, misty, Eyes weak and painful, Disturbed accommodation, Approximation of far point and also of near point (the accommodation recovers before the pupil), Double vision.
Suggested Medicine:

Tension (Spam) of accommodative apparatus of eyes, Vision disturbed, Vision dim, restored suddenly, Distant objects appear blurred, Swimming of distant objects.
Suggested Medicine:

Hyper Myopia and homeopathy

Part IX Homeopathy and Eye Problem 

Hyper Myopia:

It is the fatigue and aching in the eyes and dimness of vision after seeing them for near work. The defect is curable by the administration of proper homeopathic remedy. In case of failure, use suitable glasses, selected by competent optician.

Farsightedness, Sluggishness of the eye in adapting to varied range of vision.
Suggested Medicine: