Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Proven clinical tips

 Proven Clinical Tips

Mouth Blisters

· A ten years old case of a boy suffering from mouth blisters was cured by Kali Chloricum-30 alternated by Acid Nitricum-30.

Rattling Cough

· Children suffering from rattling cough and wheezing respiration are normally restored to health by giving Antimonium tart-30 alternated by Ipecac-30.

Painful Contraction of Hamstring

· Last week my wife complained for painful contraction in her hamstring (tendon at the back of the knee). Three doses of Ammonium Mur-30 gave her relief in a day.


· Thuja-1M once a week followed by Acid Nitricum-30 three times a day has rarely failed to treat Codylomata.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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