Showing posts with label Hemorrhoids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemorrhoids. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024



Piles or hemorrhoids are varicose or swollen rectal veins. The veins become distended in little lumps in which the blood partially coagulates. These little lumps are called piles, and may be wholly within the rectum or protrude from it, may be bleeding or "blind" piles; the latter do not bleed. They vary in color, and are often very painful. Indolent habits, luxurious living, sedentary pursuits, the free use of stimulants, patent medicines, cathartics, diseases of the liver and sexual excesses favor the appearance of hemorrhoids. When the piles occur altogether within the anus, they are called internal piles. The-piles are also seen partly internal and partly external.
Symptoms: Streaks of bright red blood occur in the stools. There is pain on defecation, which may continue for some time after the passage of the stools. Inflamed piles are troublesome and make movement impossible. Some times, the pain extends to the testicles or bladder. Constipation always accompanies partly due to mechanical obstruction and partly due to the pain caused by the stools. Itching piles are often trouble some. In severe cases, constitutional symptoms develop with lassitude, irritability, headache, and faintness and later on bleeding causes severe anemia.
Homeopathy Treatment

A list of commonly used homeopathic medicine is giver under:


Rectum feels sore as if there are a lot of sticks inside. Stools hard and dry. Intense pain after passing stools, lasts long and pain extends to back. Piles don't bleed, worse by walking.

Nux vomica

Piles due to sedentary life-style, abuse of alcohol, coffee. Constipation and diarrhea alternate. Sensitive nature, catches cold easily. Backache.


Piles like a bunch of grapes, bluish in color and bleeds frequently. Soreness, itching, burning, cannot sleep. Patient is better by cold applications.
Hamamelis Profusely bleeding piles with burning and soreness in anus. Throbbing in anus.

Nitric acid

Piles bleed and protrude whenever stool is passed. Splinter-like sensation in anus.


Burning, painful piles - anus is red. Hunger and weakness at 11am. Dirty and itching skin.


Old, obstinate, blind, or bleeding piles, with a feeling in the rectum as if sand or sticks had lodged there; severe, sticking pains; chronic constipation. Stools lumpy and light colored.

Blumea Odorata Q

Profuse Bleeding

Two Combination's:

A) Indications :: Colic-like pains after stool w/constipation
Ingredients :: Aes.Hip.Tinc.,Collinsonia Tinc.,Ham.Vir.Tinc.,Nux V. 30C

B) Indications :: Protruding from excessive straining; constipation
Ingredients :: Ratanhia Tinc., Paeonia Tinc., Aes.Hip. Tinc.

Biochemic Treatment

Ferr. Phos:
Is useful in constipation when it is due to heat in the lower bowel (rectum) causing hardening of the stools.

Kali Mur:
Is indicated when the constipation is due to torpidity of the liver with want of bile. The tongue is coated white or grayish white. Patient cannot tolerate fatty food.

Kali Phos:
Is useful in constipation due to nervous causes. It cures paretic condition of' the rectum and colon. The stools are dark brown in colour.

Nat. Mur:
Is prescribed when the trouble is due to lack of moisture in the intestinal tract. Dryness of the bowels with watery secretions in other parts. watery eyes, excess of saliva, watery vomiting call for the use of this remedy..

Cal. Fluor:
Is useful when there is inability to expel the faces. This inability is due to the relaxed condition of the rectum. Constipation after confinement needs this remedy.

Nat. Sulph:
Is useful when the stools are hard, knotty and streaked with blood preceded and accompanied by smarting in the anus. Even soft stool is expelled with difficulty. It has fetid flatus in large quantities.

Nat. Phos:
Should be thought of in obstinate cases. It has habitual constipation with occasional attacks of diarrhoea. The child suffers from worms and acidity.

Bioplasgen No. 17 – very effective in most cases

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Garlic benefits


Garlic Remedies: A Natural Health Arsenal

Here are 30 garlic remedies that can benefit your health in various ways:

  1. Insomnia, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Migraine:
    • Consuming a few garlic cloves daily can help protect you from these conditions.
    • Garlic keeps your blood clean and shields you from harmful toxins.
    • Experiment with it, and you won’t be disappointed because it’s a daily health booster.
  2. Ascaris (Intestinal Worms):
    • Mix 6 teaspoons of crushed garlic with lemon juice.
    • Let it soak for 12 hours.
    • Drink this mixture to combat intestinal worm infestations.
  3. Asthenia (General Weakness):
    • Massage your spine with garlic-infused coconut oil.
    • Soak crushed garlic in coconut water for a couple of days.
    • Drink a small glass of this mixture twice a day.
  4. Burning Sensation:
    • Mix a teaspoon of garlic juice with olive oil or shea butter.
    • Apply this blend to the affected area for relief.
  5. Urinary Calculi (Kidney Stones):
    • Boil 20 minutes with 1/4 liter of water.
    • Drink this concoction on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
  6. Cancer Prevention:
    • Regular use of garlic helps prevent cancer due to its antiputrid action in the intestines.
  7. Dental Health:
    • Crush garlic cloves and apply the paste to your teeth for oral health.
  8. Cholesterol Reduction:
    • Garlic effectively lowers cholesterol levels.
    • Those who consumed 120 grams of butter during fasting benefited from garlic.
  9. Horn on the Feet (Plantar Warts):
    • Apply a piece of crushed garlic or garlic juice to the affected area.
    • Repeat daily until the wart disappears.
  10. Cystitis (Urinary Tract Infection):
    • Boil 3 teaspoons of crushed garlic in 1/2 liter of water for a minute.
    • Use this infusion as a compress on the painful area.
  11. Diabetes Management:
    • Garlic helps cleanse blood and regulate glucose levels.
    • Consume a garlic and ajwain (carom seeds) mixture daily to manage diabetes.
    • A British medical journal noted that garlic effectively clears excess glucose from the bloodstream.
  1. Digestion:
  • After meals, prepare a tea with 2 cloves of garlic (boil in one liter of water) and drink it after 2 hours.
  1. Pinworms:
  • Mix a teaspoon of crushed garlic with 1/4 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes.
  • Use this solution for an enema.
  1. Sneezing:
  • Use garlic generously for remarkable relief.
  1. Liver Health:
  • Take a teaspoon of crushed garlic.
  • Mix it with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Drink this mixture before bedtime to strengthen the liver.
  1. Scabies:
  • Boil 8 cloves of garlic in one liter of water for 20 minutes.
  • Wash the affected areas with this solution.
  • Allow it to air dry without wiping.
  • Afterward, apply a paste made from garlic juice and clay to the affected areas.
  1. Hemorrhoids:
  • Place 10 crushed garlic cloves in a container.
  • Warm them and then take a sitz bath.
  • Fresh garlic paste will be effective for about a week.
  1. Hypertension (Choose one remedy):
  • Before bedtime, consume a glass of warm water with crushed garlic (one clove).
  • Mix garlic and lemon juice for 3 days. Drink a small glass twice a day.
  1. Impetigo (A skin infection):
  • Garlic oil is an effective remedy for impetigo.
  • Apply garlic oil to the affected area. It’s thin and soothing.
  1. Infections:
  • Garlic oil is effective against viruses and other infections.
  • Crush 5 cloves of garlic into green salad or mix crushed garlic with butter and spread it on bread.
  • Additionally, drink a glass of warm water with 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  1. Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation):
  • Chew 2-3 cloves of garlic during the day and 4-5 cloves during difficult days.
  • Garlic is a proven emmenagogue and helps regulate menstruation.
  • It alleviates menstrual pain.
  1. Seasonal Health:
    • Use garlic generously as a seasoning, but you can also consume it alone.
  2. Joint Pain:
    • Massage the affected area with garlic oil.
  3. Neuritis (Nerve Inflammation):
    • Massage or rub the affected nerve with garlic oil.
  4. Oxyures (Pinworms):
    • Boil crushed garlic (3 teaspoons) in lemon juice.
    • Drink this solution on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.
    • Repeat this treatment every 3 months.
  5. Hypothyroidism:
    • Thyroid health benefits from foods that cleanse and nourish the system.
    • Garlic contains iodine, similar to other foods like onions, corn, sea salt, lemons, eggs, and seafood.
    • These foods help purify the body and support thyroid function.
  6. Wounds:
    • Mix 3 teaspoons of crushed garlic in 1.5 liters of apple cider vinegar.
    • Use this solution to clean wounds and promote healing.
  7. Arthritis:
    • Crush garlic and mix it with olive oil or shea butter.
    • Apply this solution for massage.
  8. Tinea (Fungal Infection):
    • Garlic in lemon juice is effective against tinea.
    • Take 2 teaspoons of crushed garlic 2 hours before meals.
  9. Snake Repellent:
    • To prevent snakes from entering your home:
      • Place a garlic clove at the entrance of the hole.
      • Silver and gold are powerful, but knowledge surpasses them both.