Friday, June 7, 2024

Charcoal eating in childrens and homeopathy

Clinical Tips – Part-1

Backward Children Tuberculinum, Drosera
Carbuncles Tarent. Cub., Myristica
Eating Charcoal Cicuta – 1M
Foetal movement slow Sep–1M
Gastric ulcer (Better by eating) Petroleum high potency
Groin, pain in Amm. Mur
Jaundice Digitalis
Labour pains, ceasing Gelsemium – 1M
legs and back give way (Men) Aesculus
Legs and back give way (women) Kali Carb
Legs give way Cocculus
Leucorrhoea Puls., Calc. Carb., Kreosot., Cocculus

Taken from: Dr. Koppikar's book
"Clinical Experiences of 70 Years in Homeopathy"

Contributed by:
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue, Adyala Road,

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