Showing posts with label viagra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label viagra. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sildenafil Citrate -Viagra and Homoeopathy

Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra) and Homoeopathy 

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Erectile dysfunction is a persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or maintain until completion of sexual activity, an adequate penile erection. This replaces the earlier term "Impotence". Erectile dysfunction can seriously mar the quality of life of the patients. A range of drugs like Alcohol and medications like Antihistamines, Antidepressants and Antihypertensions can cause erectile dysfunction.

The factors which contribute for organic erectile dysfunction include :

Chronic Illness :

Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Renal Failure, Hepatic Failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Pathology, Peyronie’s Disease, Depression, Anxiety, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Hypogonadism, Hyperprolactinaemia.

Surgery :

Radical Prostatectomy, Resection of the rectum, Major Pelvic Surgery.

Trauma :

Neurological, Spinal Cord Injury, Pelvic Injury.

Drugs :

Alcohol, Substance of abuse, Smoking.

Radiotherapy :

External beam, Irradiation of the pelvis.

Medications :

Antihypertensives, Thiazide Diuretics, Beta-Blockers, Antidepressants (Tricyclics), Harmones (Steroidal Antiandrogens), Tranquillzers (Phenothiazines), H2 Antagonists, Lipid Lowering Substances like "Statins".

Majority of sexual dysfunctions are primarily psychogenic in origin. Anxiety concerning sexual performance and fear of sexual failure are the most salient immediate causes of erectile difficulties. A history of sexual abuse, guilt about sexuality, and early homosexual experiences are among the more common factors that underline sexual dysfunction. Psychological causes include depression like major depressive episode or dysthymia, stress, anger, interpsychic problems, performance anxiety, low self-esteem. A man may have a good erection with masturbation, but not when sexually active with his regular partner.

In Allopathy "Sildenafil Citrate" is the new oral therapy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It usually acts within an hour of administration. The drug enables erections to occur in response to but not in the absence of sexual stimulation. The manufacturer recommends caution if Sidenafil is used in patients with bleeding disorders or peptic ulcers or eye disorders or with poor cardiac status. Blood pressure is reduced transiently by Sildenafil 100 mg. However, larger blood pressure reductions may be observed when Sildenafil is given with nitrates.

Sildenafil under the brand name "VIAGRA" is being sold in America and now even in Indian market Sildenafil is available under different brand names. It is very unfortunate that media has given very much importance to this drug by highlighting on the advantages by ignoring its serious side effects especially in those who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is surprising to know that during April 1998 to February 2000, 522 people died from cardiovascular problems due to the side effects of Sildenafil. A majority of people who died were below 65 years of age with no cardiac risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol or smoking). Secondly, Nitrates alongwith Sildenafil can cause serious cardiovascular events with fatal outcome.

The Nitrate drugs are :

Isosorbide Dinitrate.
Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate.
Glyceryl Trinitrate.
Amyl Nitrate or Nitrite (Inhaled Forms)

Those patients are using the above Nitrates drugs should not use Sildenafil since it may cause potential life threatening hypotension, dizziness, faintness or even a heart attack or stroke.

Therefore, Sildenafil ("Viagra" or its other versions) is not the right choice for all men. In addition to this drug, many people take the help of Vaccum Constriction Device, Penile Injection Therapy, Intraurethral Therapy, Surgery. All of these treatments have different complications and side effects.

Adverse Reactions of "Sildenafil" :

Headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, urinary tract infection, abnormal vision, diarrhoea, dizziness, rash, respiratory tract infection, back pain, flu syndrome, arthralgia, angina pectoris AV block, migraine, syncope, tachycardia, palpitation, hypotension, postural hypotension, myocardial ischaemia, cerebral thrombosis, cardiac arrest, heart failure, abnormal electrocardiogram, cardiomyopathy , ataxia, hypertonia, neuralgia, neuropathy, paresthesia, tremor, vertigo, depression, insomnia, somnolence, abnormal dreams, decreased reflexes, hyperaesthesia, seizure, anxiety, urticaria, herpes simples, pruritus, sweating, skin ulcer, contact dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, vomiting, glossitis, colitis, dysphagia, gastritis, gastroenteritis, esophagitis, stomatitis, dry mouth, abnormal liver function tests, rectal hemorrhage, gingivitis, thirst, edema, gout, unstable diabetes, hyperglycemia, peripheral edema, hyperuricemia, hypoglycemic reaction, hypernatremia, arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, tendon rupture, tenosynovitis, bone pain, myasthenia, synovitis, mydriasis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, tinnitus, eye pain, deafness, ear pain, eye hemorrhage, cataract, dry eyes, diplopia, temporary vision loss/decreased vision, ocular redness or bloodshot appearance, ocular burning, ocular swelling/pressure, increased intra-ocular pressure, retinal vascular disease or bleeding, vitreous detachment/traction and paramacular edema, face edema, photosensitivity reaction. Shock,asthenia, pain, chills, accidental fall, abdominal pain, allergic reaction, chest pain, accidental injury.

In view of all the above negative factors, complications and adverse reactions, Homoeopapthy has the best and the safest possible treatment to cure the problem of erectile dysfunction quite effectively without any complications or side effects. In general terms "Erectile Dysfunction" means "Impotency". For more details on this subject, please read my book "Homoeopathic Management of Male Sexual Disorders", published by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi (India) as well as my Article "Impotency".


Agnus Castus :

The penis is small and flaccid, so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erection. The testicles are cold, swollen, hard and painful. Impotence with gleet. During micturition and at stool there is much secretion of prostatic fluid. Pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea. Gonorrhoea with suppressed sexual desire. Diminution of sexual power.

Argentum Nitricum :

Erection fails when coition is attempted. Want of desire. Penis shrivelled. Coition painful, sensitive at orifice. Painful tension during erection. Testicle drawn high up. Psychological impotency. Apprehensive impotency before coition.

Caladium Seguinum :

Sexual organs relaxed and swelled. Glans flabby from masturbation. Painful erection without sexual desire, alternating with sexual desire with relaxed penis. Impotence with mental depression. Nocturnal emission without dream. Imperfect erection and premature ejaculation of semen. Excitement does not erect penis. Feeling of coldness in penis.

China Officinalis :

Impotency with excited, lascivious fancy. Swelling of the testes and spermatic cord. Quick discharge of semen during intercourse followed by profound neurasthenia.

Conium Maculatum :

Impotence, insufficient erections, and absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Erections imperfect, and of too short duration. Easy emission of semen, even without firm erections. Dejection, after coition. Sometimes emission at mere presence of women.

Lycopodium Clavatum :

Impotence of long standing. Weakness or total absence of erections. Penis small, cold, relaxed. Emission too speedy or too tardy during coition. Falling asleep during coition. Lassitude, after coition or pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid, without an erection. Abhorrence of coition.

Nux Vomica :

Excitement easy. Strong sexual desire with painful erection. Increased sexual desire with frequent erections and pollution in the morning. Pollution with flaccidity of penis fllowed by coldness and weakness in lower extremities. Involuntary seminal emission. Nightly emissions with lascivious dreams. Impotency due to masturbation and sexual excess. Flaccidity of penis during coition.

Phosphoricum Acidum :

A feeling of heaviness in glans especially when urinating. Absence of sexual desire. Neurasthenia after sexual intercourse. Weakness of sexual organs with onanism and little sexual desire. Frequent and very debilitating pollutions. Onanism. Discharge of semen while straining at stool.

Phosphorus :

Impotency after excessive excitement and onanism. Involuntary emission. Feeble and too speedy emission during coition. Very strong sexual desire, with constanct wish for coition.

Selenium :

Impotence ; with lascivious ideas. Pollutions, with flaccidity of penis. Discharge of semen, drop by drop, during sleep. Flow of prostatic fluid during evacuation and at other times. Thin and scentless semen. During coition, feeble erection, too prompt emission, and long-continued voluptuous thrill. Priapism, glans drawn up.

Staphisagria :

Always has sexual thought. Frequent pollutions, even during a siesta. Face sunken and melancholic due to bad effect of onanism and too frequent nocturnal emission. Organs relaxed with backache and weakness of the lower extremities. Seminal emissions followed by great chagrin and mortification Dyspnoea develops after coition. Secretion of prostatic fluid during evacuation.

Medorrhinum :

Impotency after suppression of gonorrhoea. Emission during sleep. Semen watery, causing no stiffness of the linen. Pain, burning along urethra when semen discharges.

Sabal Serrulata :

Discharge of prostatic fluid. Pain in back much aggravates after coitus. Drawing pains in spermatic cords ; shrunk testes. Penis shrunk and cold with urinary troubles. Hard erection, slight twisting chordee as if stretched from the root. Organs feel cold. Coitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics.

Turnera Aphrodisiaca (Damiana) :

An excellent remedy for impotency. Give 5-10 drops a dose thrice daily. Sexual debility from nervous prostration. Chronic prostatic discharge.

Sulphur :

Too quick discharge of semen during coition. Erection fails when coition is attempted. Incomplete rection during coition. Impotence with mental depression, relaxed penis, with sexual desire and excitement. Testes relaxed and hanging down. Watery semen.

Calcarea Carbonica :

Weakness of the genital functions, and absence of sexual desire. Erections of too short continuance, and emission of semen too slow and too feeble during coition.

Arnica Montana :

Impotency due to fall or blow. Impotence from excess or abuse.

Nuphar Luteum :

Excessive depression of the male generative system. Entire absence of erections and desire ; voluptuous ideas which fill imagination do not cause erections. Penis retracted, scrotum relaxed. Complete absence of erections ; inability to effect coitus.

Moschus Moschiferus :

Impotency associated with diabetes.

Kali Bromatum :

Impotency with melancholy, loss of memory ; nervous prostration ; epilepsy.

Yohimbinum :

It is a powerful stimulant of the genital function in males. Sexual neurasthenia, with impotence.


Any information given in this Article is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a well qualified classical homoeopath. If you wish to be treated homoeopathically, the Author of this Article can offer his good services. If so, you may kindly contact him by e-mail for details.

Reference :

CIMS, India – regarding Sildenafil.