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Thursday, June 13, 2024
Anti aging Tips and Secrets
Qabz or Constipation-Treatment at Home
What is Constipation (Qabz)
Constipation is normally considered as a routine problem in our society. In fact, the constipation is the beginning of many diseases.
Constipation is when you pass stools less often than usual, or when you are having difficulty going to the toilet because your stools are hard and small.
It is retention of the stools or inability to have a bowel movement for any reason. Constipation may be acute or chronic.
Causes of Constipation
The details of possible causes are reproduced below:
· Un-balanced or poor diet such as eating same kind of food for long time, lack of vegetables, not enough fiber in the diet, deficiency of Vitamins, too rough or dry food.
· Not enough liquids, lack of exercise, ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
· Sitting habits, anxiety, worry, etc. lead to 'Spastic Colon'. Poor muscular tone and anemia also lead to constipation.
· Deficient activity of thyroid and pituitary gland, Catarrh of the colon, Brain tumor, etc, lead to constipation.
· Certain crude drugs such as opium iron etc; hard waters and functional inactivity of the liver cause constipation.
· Chronic constipation may lead to Hemorrhoids (Piles) and distension of colon with ulcerative condition etc.
Symptoms of Constipation:
Laziness, sadness, sleeplessness, headache, coated tongue, loss of appetite and anemia are some of the symptoms. In certain cases, the retention of the stools is followed by alternating diarrhea, which sometimes leads to wrong diagnosis.
A three steps simple treatment which can easily be done at home is given below. It is very effective in most of the chronic cases.
First Step
a) Take one full glass of warm water (approx. 300-350 ml capacity) with one tea spoon of home used salt (sodium chloride) dissolved in it, 15-30 minutes before going to bed daily for 10 nights.
b) The same should be repeated at morning, 15-30 minutes before going to toilet and taking breakfast.
Second Step
c) Take one full glass of warm water (approx. 300-350 ml capacity) without salt, 15-30 minutes before going to bed daily for next 10 nights.
d) The same should be repeated at morning, 15-30 minutes before going to toilet and taking breakfast.
Third Step
e) Take one full glass of simple water (approx. 300-350 ml capacity) without salt, 15-30 minutes before going to bed daily for next 10 nights.
f) The same should be repeated at morning, 15-30 minutes before going to toilet and taking breakfast.
Note: This procedure can be changed according to the condition of the patient. However, in most cases this simple method is effective.
2. Treatment through Tissue Salts (Biochemical Salts)
A very effective composition is given under: In my experience, it always provided perfect results.
Composition: CP3x, CF3x, KM3x, NM3x, Sil6x (all in equal quantity)
Indications: Bowels constipated, dry, hard, stool, dull headache, foul breath, coated-tongue.
Note: This composition can be prepared by oneselfl. However, it is also available at all Homeo stores with different names such as Bioplasgen No.4, Biocom No.4 or Biochemic No. 4 etc)
Dosage: (Take 4 tablets 4-6 times a day as per requirement, regularly for long time. These tablets should be directly put on tongue and let be dissolved. )
Besides, following salts are very useful according to symptoms mentioned against each:
Ferr. Phos: Is useful in constipation when it is due to heat in the lower bowel (rectum) causing hardening of the stools. The stools are very dry. It cures piles and prolapsus of the rectum due to constipation.
Kali Mur: Is indicated when the constipation is due to torpidity of the liver with want of bile. The tongue is coated white or grayish white. Patient cannot tolerate fatty food.
Kali Phos: Is useful in constipation due to nervous causes. It cures paretic condition of' the rectum and colon. The stools are dark brown in colour.
Nat. Mur: Is prescribed when the trouble is due to lack of moisture in the intestinal tract. Dryness of the bowels with watery secretions in other parts. Watery eyes, excess of saliva, watery vomiting call for the use of this remedy. There is water-brash and dribbling of saliva during sleep. Stools are hard, dry and difficult to pass. Constipation with headache and drowsiness needs Nat. Mur.
Cal. Fluor: Is useful when there is inability to expel the faces. This inability is due to the relaxed condition of the rectum. Constipation after confinement needs this remedy.
Nat. Sulph: Is useful when the stools are hard, knotty and streaked with blood preceded and accompanied by smarting in the anus. Even soft stool is expelled with difficulty. It has fetid flatus in large quantities.
Nat. Phos: Should be thought of in obstinate cases. It has habitual constipation with occasional attacks of diarrhoea. The child suffers from worms and acidity.
3. Treatment in Homeopathy
Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Condition: When there is constipation with no urgings for a stool and/or when there is painful gas;
Medicine Suggested: Raphanus 30 C
Condition: Stools feel too large and hard to pass, especially in the elderly
Medicine Suggested: Bryonia 30C
Condition: No desire to open bowels for several days, then pass large stool. Colicky pains and bowels ache
Medicine Suggested: Graphites 30C
Condition: Great flatulence. No stools passed for several days, then hard stools passed with difficulty.
Medicine Suggested: Lycopodium 30C
Condition: Frequent urge to pass stools, but always feel that more to come
Medicine Suggested: Nux vom 30C
Condition: Not strong enough to expel stool, so slips back in.
Medicine Suggested: Silicea 30C
Condition: Stools large, hard, dark and dry. Painful to pass
Medicine Suggested: Sulphur 30C
Some other important medicines includes Opium, Plumbum Met, Alumina etc. for which Materia Medica should be consulted.
Constipation in children
Due to indigestion or liver problem then Bryonia 3.( After Bryonia stool will become dry,hard,long,blackish and it comes with great difficulty ).
In case of long and hard stool Nux Vom 3.
In case of abdominal disorders and white coating on tongue Antim Crud 6.
In case of hard stool and wind formation in stomach Lycopodium 30.
Cronic Constipation then give Sulphur 30 in between.
Note: Mother Tincture’s form of Abroma augusta radix, Hydrastis, Senna as per symptoms are also very effective.
Eye care while using Computer
- Improper positioning of the PC
- Poor lighting.
- Poor posture.
- Stiff deadlines.
Symptoms of eyestrain are enlisted below. It is not necessary that once should have all of these symptoms.
- Reduce glare.
- eep the PC away from you and at right angles to a window.
- Turn off or shield overhead lights.
- Wear a visor to block overhead lights if necessary.
- Place your paperwork close enough so that you don’t have to keep refocusing when switching from the screen to the paper.
- Use a paper document holder placed at the same height as the PC screen.
- Place the screen in such a manner that your line of sight is 10 to 15° (about one–third of a 45° angle) below the horizontal position.
- Dust off the screen often.
- Blink often to keep your eyes from getting dry.
- Try keeping the PC screen at least two feet away from your eyes.D) TISSUE SALTS FOR EYE DISEASES
Ferrum phos
Have a great Sleep
- Noise
- Light
- Temperature and humidity
- Uncomfortable pillows
- Uncomfortable bed
- Recovering from jet lag
- Hunger
- Habits of overwork or extended sleeping schedule
- Overexcitement or anxiety or depression
- Thoughtful and restless
- Nightmares
- Drugs and smoking
- Excess coffee or tea intake
- Painful and chronic diseases
- Fear of strangers
- Fear or change of environments due to strange places, loneliness, hospital stay, etc.
- Fear of any other cause
- Never miss dinner even if you have no desire to eat.
- Take a light meal.
- There should be a gap of at least one hour between dinner and going to bed.
- Take a walk before sleep
- Try to relieve tension, anxiety and fear through walk, having gossip with family members,friends etc.
- Forget the day’s activities and expect tomorrow's dawn of brightness
- Take a warm bath.
- Read some mind relaxing books for sometime before sleep
- Stay in comfortable position and situation to get a good start-up.
- Relax your mind.
Your Sleeping Posture tells about you.
Ferrum Phos sleep support when tiredness, simple anemia
Insomnia after a fright.
Actea Racemosa
During menstruation
Arsenicum Album
When anxious and agitated
Avena sativa
Sleeplessness from worry/anxiety or due to nervous exhaustion from overworks.
Insomnia despite being really sleepy
Calc Phos
Cannot get to sleep before midnight and then feels dreadful trying to wake up in the morning.
Cocculus indicus
After several sleepless nights Feels anxious, worries, especially about loved ones. Sleep is restless
Coffea cruda
Unusual activity of the mind; wakeful; mind full of ideas, races from one idea to the next; mind keeps going over the day's events.
Daphne indica
Inability to sleep, often from aching bones; nightmares; patient starts when falling asleep.
For fear of not sleeping orAfter receiving bad news
When upset
Kali phosphoricum
Great nerve tonic. Helps for sleeplessness due to overwork, business worries and over-excitement; nightmares in children; restlessness and heat during sleep.
Lupulus humulus
Over-excitability; nervous tremors; wakefulness.
Nux Vomica
Loss of sleep especially from overwork, mental strain or too much caffeine. Wakes feeling tense and exhausted. After too much alcohol or eating too much
Passiflora incarnata
Quietens the nervous system and produces normal sleep. Insomnia in infants, children and the aged. Neuroses in children. Useful for restlessness and wakefulness due to physical and mental exhaustion.
For fear of the dark
Sleeplessness resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. Due to feet burning
Sensitive to the slightest noise
Valeriana officinalis
Sleeplessness from nervous excitement; patient lies wide awake, tossing and turning, falling asleep toward morning with vivid dreams; nightmares and hallucinations at night; dread of being alone especially in the dark.
Zincum Metallicum
Here some Homeopathic medicines are elaborated in detail. For further reading, kindly consult a Homeopathic Materia Medica.
Arsenicum Album
Calcarea phosphorica: