Showing posts with label Fever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fever. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Atista Indica and fever

Fever and Atista Indica

For fever of alternate days or due to intestinal worms, indigestion & diarrhea, use ATISTA INDICA Mother Tinc 10-15 drops three times a day.

Thanks to: Dr Naseer Ahmed,
Faissal Homeo Clinic, Railway Road, Bannu

Friday, June 7, 2024

Weakness, less appetite and acute fever

Weakness,  less appetite and acute fever

Combination: Ferrum Met ,Cinchona, Nux V ( all in 3x, 6x)

Indications: Poor appetite; general weakness; a mild tonic

A Tonic

Combination: Fer. Ph. ,kali phos,, Calc. Ph.( all in 3x , 6x)
Indications: debilitated after acute illness

Acute Fever

Combination: Acon.Nap , Bell., Bryonia , Gels. ( all in 30 c)
Indications : Fever with Anxiety,restless; chest pain, upset stomach; stiff neck

Tonsils and other ailment in Homeopathy

Diseases and Homeopathic remedies-3

Baryta acetica
Baryta carbonica
Swollen glands
Baryta iodata
Baryta muriatica
Large tonsils
high fevers with redness & delirium
Bellis perennis
Bruised soreness
Bellis perennis
healing of cuts and wounds
Benzoicum acidum
Berberis aquifolium
Berberis vulgaris

Angina and other ailments -Homeopathic remedies

Diseases and Homeopathic remedies-6

Heart conditions, angina
a cough remedy
wide range of chronic ailments
Ferrum phosphoricum
haemorrhages and nosebleeds
joint pains and fevers
Glonoinum Facial neuralgias
Itching cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis
haemorrhoids, varicose veins
Hepar sulphuris calcareum
wide range of chronic ailments, boils, abscesses

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Some useful clinical tips

Some useful clinical tips

-Do not forget to try Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg. and Pulsatilla while treating dyspepsia.

-The combination of Silicea-10M + Hepar Sulph-200 are very effective in suppurated injuries/wounds, abscesses and boils. However, Calcarea Sulph-200 and Myristica-200 are also of great value.

- 3-4 doses of Petroleum-1M are sufficient enough to cure the bleeding cracks of heels.

- In sexual debility, Sulphur-200 should be given due consideration alongwith other indicated remedies.

- In fainting attacks, Nux Moschata and Moschus have been found very useful.

- Rheumatic pains of small joints/wrists have often been cured with Actea Spicata-30 and Caulophyllum-30.

- Remember a dose Pyrogenium-200 while starting the treatment of fever.

Contributed by:
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue,