Dr. N. M. Choudhuri and Colic
Gripping, contracting, cutting, pinching pain in the abdomen, forcing the patient to bend double for relief; more in the umbilicus; intestines feel as if they were being squeezed between stones and would burst.
The pain is just as intense and gripping, just as severe as in Colocynthis. It is mostly caused by incarcerated flatus. After stool all pains cease, leaving the patient bathed in sweat and extremely prostrated.
The pain is sharp and shooting in character. It comes on suddenly and disappears just as suddenly. There is tenderness to slight pressure, but a marked relief is obtained from hard pressure across the abdomen.
Carbolicum Acidum
It should not be lost sight of in colicky pains of infants and of old people. It is mostly indicated in colic of nursing infants.
It has colic just as well marked as Colocynthis. In both of these remedies we have colic as from after-effects of anger. Chamomilla is to be preferred in the colic of children if there is much distension of the abdomen, and the child tosses about much in agony; but it is wanting in the doubling up of Colocynthis. Irritability of temperament, dentition, hot face, red cheek, hot sweat, constant shrieking and screaming will help us to differentiate Chamomilla from other remedies.
The colic is relieved by doubling up, as in Colocynthis but here we have nausea, tympanitic distension of the abdomen and the etiological factor of indulgence in fruits causing the attack to come on. It is also used with success in colic from gall stones.
In Cocculus the sensation, as if sharp stones were being rubbed together at every movement, is greatly similar to the cutting and twisting pain of Colocynthis. The pain is in the epigastric or umbilical region. The abdomen feels drawn spasmodically towards the vertebral column.
In Colchicum there is distension of the abdomen with colic, but the differentiating features are extreme sensitiveness to touch or pressure, and a sensation of icy coldness in the region of stomach.
In Cuprum, as in Cocculus, the pain is crampy in nature, and the abdomen feels drawn in towards the spinal cord. It is specially used for colic in intussuception of the bowels with singultus. There is marked relief of the colic by a drink of cold water.
It is just as noted for flatulent colic as any remedy we know of but unlike Colocynthis there is relief by stretching the body out or by walking about. The pain, beginning in the abdomen suddenly shifts and appears in different localities such as fingers, toes, etc. it begins at the umbilicus and radiates all over the abdomen.
Magnesium Phos.
The remedy that comes next to Colocynthis for colic is Magnesium Phos.
It has violent cutting pains, so violent that he screams out. It is lessened by bending double or by pressure with the hand, and it is mostly relieved by hot applications.
The pain is stitching in character, and is aggravated by the slightest motion or touch, and is worse lying on the right hand side. We notice a similar relief by bending double against a chair or table. If the colic happens to be in a little baby, there is signal relief by carrying the child, his abdomen pressed hard against the mother’s shoulder.
Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road ,
E0Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road ,
E0Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com