Showing posts with label Speedy prescribing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speedy prescribing. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Speedy Prescribing

Speedy prescribing

Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)

Anger --- Arn., Bry., Cham., Chin., Gels., Nux-v.
Bad Eggs --- Carb-v.
Bad Fat --- Ars., Carb-v.
Bad Fish --- All-c., Carb-v.
Bad Food --- Carb-v.
Bad News --- Gels.
Bad Water --- All-c., Crotal-h.
Bathing Cold --- Mag. Phos.
Bee Sting --- Led.
Breavement --- Ign.
Bites --- Hyper., Led.
Blood Poisoning --- Pyro.
Bone, Injury to --- Rut., Symph., Hecla.
Bruises --- Arn., Led., Rut.
Burns and Scalds --- Urt-u.
Coffee, Abuse of --- Nux-v.
Cold, With Damp --- Dulc.
Cold, Dry Winds --- Acon., Hep.
Damp, Cold Weather --- Gels.
Damp, Cold Winds, Exposure to --- All-c., Calc-c.
Damp Sheets --- Rhus-t.
Damp, Warm Weather --- Carb-v.
Dentition --- Cham.
Depressing Emotions --- Gels.
Dog Bites --- Hydrophob.
Eating, Excess in --- Bry., Nux-v.
Effects of Pleasurable --- Coff.
Exam. Funk --- Anac., Gels.
Eyes, Injuries to --- Acon., Symph.
Eyes, Overstrain --- Rut.
Fat --- Carb-v., Ipec., Puls.
Fear --- Acon.
Feet Wetting --- Puls.
Fractures --- Rut., Symph.
Fruit --- Ars., Chin.
Grief --- Ars., Ign.
Head, Blow on --- Hyper.
Head, Getting Wet --- Bell., Rhus-t.
Ice Cream --- Puls.
Nerves, Injuries to --- Hyper.
Pastry --- Puls.
Punctured Wounds --- Hyper., Led.
Riding in Carriage --- Cocc.
Storms --- Gels., Phos.
Sun (Too Much) --- Acon., Bell., Gels., Glon.
Vertigo from Sunlight --- Agar-m.

Copyright © Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004