He was depressed and pessimistic about the recovery of his 14 years old son who was suffering from epileptic convulsions for the last 10 years. During this long period many laboratory tests were carried out on the instructions of the reputed allopath physicians of Rawalpindi/Islamabad followed by different heavy courses of medicines like Epival, Phenobarbiton, Lerace, Trioptal, Citolin, and Lomogin etc. but all proved fruitless. Even a homeopath of Rawalpindi having a good practice was also contacted from whom this innocent beautiful chap receive the treatment for about 2 years but again the father was utterly frustrated. Surprisingly, the father being a good friend of mine never asked me to examine the case of his beloved son. Last month, we were having a chat over a cup of tea when I asked him in a casual way about the health progress of his son. He told in a disappointed tone that despite taking the above medicines on regular basis, fits have not been controlled as yet. After taking the whole history, I recommended Cuprum Met-30, Stramonium-30, Cicuta Virosa-30 and Sulphur-200 (as inter-current remedy) for about 2 months parallel with the allopath medicines being taken for the last 10 years. During the homeopathic alongwith allopathic treatment, the fits were considerably controlled. The allopath medicines were then gradually reduced and no fit of severe intensity was recorded. Presently, Cuprum Met-6 twice a day with one dose of allopath medicine Trioptal daily is being given and no complaint has been recorded for the last one month. Hopefully, the allopath medicine shall Insha Allah be withdrawn completely within the next 2-3 weeks.
Contributed by:
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi
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