Showing posts with label appetite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appetite. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

Weakness, less appetite and acute fever

Weakness,  less appetite and acute fever

Combination: Ferrum Met ,Cinchona, Nux V ( all in 3x, 6x)

Indications: Poor appetite; general weakness; a mild tonic

A Tonic

Combination: Fer. Ph. ,kali phos,, Calc. Ph.( all in 3x , 6x)
Indications: debilitated after acute illness

Acute Fever

Combination: Acon.Nap , Bell., Bryonia , Gels. ( all in 30 c)
Indications : Fever with Anxiety,restless; chest pain, upset stomach; stiff neck