Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Adrenalin, Arjuna, Rauwolfia to Normalise Blood Pressure

Adrenalin+Arjuna+Rauwolfia = Normal Blood Pressure

In the 1st week of January, 2010, my wife asked the milkman of our area about his absence for the last three days. He told that his blood pressure was suddenly raised to 190/100 with severe headache and palpitation. He continued to state that during his absence, he consulted a homoeopath physician for his treatment who perturbed him by saying that his blood had become thick and at least 6 months treatment was to be required for complete recovery. The 32 years old milkman was still in the grip of high blood pressure despite taking medicines for the last three days and impatiently looking for a physician who could prescribe some effective medicines to relieve him from this complaint. The milkman finally stepped into my clinic and after taking the case carefully, he was given the combination of Adrenalin-6 + Arjuna-2X + Rauwolfia-2X to be taken 5 drops in some water twice a day. Next morning, the BP of the patient unexpectedly dropped to almost normal range of 130/75 by taking only two doses in a day. I bow down to the efficacy of homeopathic medicines.

Homoeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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