Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)
The symptoms of impotency are as follows :
1. Speedy discharge (premature ejaculation).
2. Reduction in the time occupied by male in sexual acts.
3. Imperfect or partial erection of a short duration and subsides before the sexual act is started.
4. Erection does not take place at any time of the day or night or if it occurs, it is very flaccid.
5. Male finishes without causing much excitement in the female and it does not make any difference whether she is satisfied or not.
6. Strong and frequent erection followed by premature ejaculation is a signal for imminent sexual impotence.
7. Penile erection is seldom activated. Very rarely is a few drops of semen discharged.
8. No sexual passion, no erection, no discharge.
9. Semen thin and odourless.
10. Absence of morning erections.
11. Nocturnal discharges without erections or the erections are loose and during dreams it occurs at the mere attempt of kissing, embracing or just during insertion of the penis or before it.
12. Hanging of testicles loose.
13. Immediate softening of erection after seminal emission.
There are also several factors responsible for impotency, such as :
1. Complication of diabetes mellitus.
2. Psychological disturbances e. g. anxieties, worries, fears, etc.
3. Debilitating illnesses e. g. pernicious anæmia, leukæmia, etc.
4. Bad effects of alcoholism, drugs and tobacco.
5. Masturbation and artificial sexual devices.
6. Long continued celibacy.
7. Venereal diseases e. g. syphilis and gonorrhœa.
8. Sexual excesses.
9. Neurological condition e. g. peripheral neuritis, spina bifida, tabes dorsalis, etc.
10. Deficient secretion of testosterone.
11. Repeated radiation through X-ray, cobalt, chemotherapy, etc.
12. Vitamin deficiency.
13. Tumour of the brain, spinal cord and testes.
14. Congenital malformation of the lower portion of spinal cord.
15. Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
16. Vertebral and spinal injury.
17. Obesity.
18. Coitus interruptus.
19. Suppression of sexual desire.
20. Early marriage (Before the age of twenty). Smaller the age, the more unripe the system is.
23. Intercourse just after a full meal or when extremely hungry or when very much tired.
24. Intercourse when one is afflicted with grief and anxiety.
25. Washing of the male organ with cold water just after coition.
The potency of a male can be calculated by the following factors :
1. The distance at which the stream of urine falls when passed with deliberate force.
2. The responsive upward move of the testicles at the time of coughing.
3. The potency of a male is in proportion to the degree of rigidity of erection at the time of a nocturnal emission.
4. Early morning erection of penis with a full bladder is the good evidence of normal physiological and anatomical functioning.
It is needless to add that in the market there are several medicines available with great publicity of those products but they are stimulating and if prescribed without first adapting the system for their use produce reverse results. Such medicines produce a temporary stimulation followed by reaction and the user becomes even worse.
Absence of sexual desire and erections with impotency. ----- Camph.
Absence of erections. Impotence. ----- Caust.
Diminished sexual desire with absence of erections. ----- Mag-c.
Entire absence of erections and desire. ----- Nuph.
Feeble erections or none at all. ----- Phos.
Absence of erections, and all sexual desire. ----- Sumb.
Erection absent, when coition is attempted. ----- Arg-n.
Erections absent, even after amorous caresses. ----- Calad.
Erection absent with excitement. ----- Sel.
Weakness or total absence of erections. ----- Lyc.
Flaccidity and relaxation of penis. ----- Prun.
Penis relaxed and shrunken. ----- Cann-i.
Penis relaxed during embrace. ----- Nux-v.
Penis cold and relaxed. ----- Gels., Dios.
Penis remain relaxed during excitement and sexual desire. -- Calad.
Effects of onanism ; face sunken, abashed look ; melancholy ; Nocturnal emissions ; backache, legs weak ; organ relaxed. -- Staph.
Complete impotence. ----- Coloc.
Impotency with mental depression. ----- Calad.
Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied. ----- Iod.
Impotence occasioned by a cold ; preceding diabetes. ----- Mosch.
During coition, feeble erection. Impotence. ----- Sel.
Impotency in elderly men. ----- Lyc.
Impotency with melancholy, loss of memory. ----- Kali-br.
Impotency ; genitals cold, testicles shrunk, penis shrunk and cold with urinary troubles. --- Sabal-s.
An excellent remedy for impotency. Give 5-10 drops a dose thrice daily. ----- Damiana.
Impotency due to masturbation. ----- Calad.
Impotency due to fall or blow. ----- Arn., Hyper.
An excellent remedy for neurasthenic impotency. ----- Yohim.