“Unlocking Wellness: Your Journey to Optimal Health and Fitness” Welcome to our Health and Fitness blog, where we explore the science, tips, and motivation behind achieving a balanced lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, we’ve got you covered. Dive into our articles on nutrition, exercise routines, mental well-being, and more. Get tips on health, stress, joints pain, arthritis, anxiety, life style, weight loss in English and Urdu
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Jaundice of new born baby
If baby's body becomes Yellow within two / three days of birth, specially eyes, then use Chamomilla 30 .If this does not help then use Mercurius or China .
Calc Carb Babies
Calc Carb babies are easy to recognize. Such babies have a tendency to constipation. A little fat and flabby with rosy cheeks, always wanting to eat, they sweat easily especially on forehead and in the hair, and they often have nightmares.
Calc Carb is very effective for such babies in almost all the ailments. Use with confidence.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Diarrhea in Children and Homeopathy
The children who get diarrhea from eggs require homeopathic medicine CHININUM ARSENICOSUM. Use with full confidence.
Suggested potency 30
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Ear infection, pain in Children
Easy childbirth
Caulophyllum is very effective medicine for making labor quick and easy. It gives great result if used in 30 potency one dose daily for 3 weeks before childbirth.
Friday, June 7, 2024
Homeopathic Medicine Coccus Cacti is very effective for whooping cough. There are other medicines too for this cough but coccus has great results especially in children. This medicine has also been successful in relieving symptoms of cystic fibrosis.
Top homeopathic remedies for babies
Antimonium tart acts great in Chicken pox
Pulsatilla is known for German measles (rubella)
Drosera is best for whooping cough
Bryonia is very effective for measles
Teething child always demand Chamomilla
Argentum nitricum and Chamomilla are effective for colicky baby
Arnica for any fall or bruising,
Calendula for any cut or open wound, Cantharis for a burn, even second degree,
Borax for thrush,
and Graphites for the inflammation of the eyelid with those little yellow crusts that stick the eyelashes together in the morning.
Childhood Asthma and Homeopathy
Homeopathy treats Asthma in childhood effectively , however, it is advised that it should be done under the care of a qualified practitioner.
Some of the Most common remedies with most important symptoms are as under:-
Symptoms: Asthma after fit of anger. Irritable hard, dry cough. Better from bending head backwards; cold, fresh air and drinking cold water; and being carried about. Impatient, irritable and whining; spiteful.
Suggested Remedy: Chamomilla 30c
Symptoms: Asthmatic bronchitis - rattling and bubbling. Chest full of mucus - but not easily coughed up. Better sitting up to breathe; better in open air or by open windows. Spasmodic coughing violently with each breath till blue in the face. Nausea and gagging and much saliva. Hoarseness at end of episode. Returns periodically each year.
Suggested Remedy: Ipecac 30c.
Symptoms: Worse 4 to 5 am and in cold, wet weather and cold, damp places. Very breathless, with much rattling of mucus in chest. Mucus thick and greenish. Pain in lower chest. Every cold results in asthma.
Suggested Remedy: Nat sulph 30c.
Symptoms: Great difficulty breathing or lying down.Variable hoarseness. Dry cough early night, loose cough in the morning – yellow green sticky mucus. Better open air and gentle motion, sympathy and consolation. Worse for heat of a warm room.
Suggested Remedy: Pulsatilla 30c.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)
For convenience, following is the Pregnancy Table for expected date of delivery:

Find the date of the last menstrual period in the top line (light-face type) of the pair of lines.
The dark number (bold-face type) in the line below will be the expected day of delivery.
I have come across with an article published on 16 Mar 2004 in "KID’S HEALTH" Magazine, which is reproduced below to assist new mothers.
Steps to Recovering From Delivery
That Every Woman Needs to Know
Physical symptoms
* Hot and cold flashes: Your internal thermostat is fluctuating trying to adjust to the new hormone and blood flow levels.
Wide-range of emotions
* This is a major surgery and takes a much longer time to heal.
* The worse pain will be the day after the surgery and will gradually begin to subside.
* Don’t scratch the area of the incision and take sponge baths for the first several days.
* If you notice any redness or swelling around the incision, call your doctor to make sure it isn’t infected.
* To help the recovery process, start gentle exercises such as abdominal tightening, bending and walking, (with assistance initially) as soon as possible.
* Drink lots of water, preferably eight to ten glasses a day.
* Expect vaginal discharge.
* Avoid stairs and driving until you have healed properly.
Taking time for yourself
The following exercise is a great way to help you set your priorities after motherhood:
Make a list of five activities, goals, hobbies or interests that are important to you to pursue in the year following childbirth.
Keeping a strong relationship with your partner
Having a baby always puts relationships to the test and it’s up to you and your partner to determine if your relationship will get stronger or weaker as a result of this experience.
Keep your romance alive by scheduling "date nights."
Complications of Labour
* If labour delayed owing to rigid os. ----- Gels.
* Pains are mild, irregular, do not come on with vigour after first show, nausea present ----- Puls.
* Headache, restlessness, flushed face and eyes, delirium. ----- Bell.
* Unbearable pain. ----- Cham., Coff., Gels.
* After severe pain, all pains suddenly disappear, eyes and face get flushed, breathing is hurried and stertorous, lost consciousness ----- Op.
* Severe convulsions, patient crying out. ----- Hyos.
* Other parts of child than head may be born first to prevent it ----- Puls.
* Rigid os. ----- Bell.
* Difficult labour. ----- Arn.
* Fits of unconsciousness during or after labour, body cold, pulse feeble ----- Camph..
* Placenta nor expelled or detached within an hour of delivery ----- Puls., Sec.
Complications of Delivery
The space between the vagina and rectum is ruptured or lacerated mostly in cases of first delivery. It requires the help of a skillful surgeon to mend it ----- Calendula Lotion.
After Pains
These are sometimes troublesome. ----- Arn.
But if the mother is irritable or neurotic in temperament. ----- Cham.
If Arnica fails. ----- Coff., Gels., Sec.
Keep the patient lying down with head low and feet raised. Firmly knead the uterus and give an intra-uterine douche or water at 120 degree F ----- Sabin., Ham.
For weakness. ----- Chin.
For headache. ----- Fer.
If associated with collapse. ----- Rubini’s Spt. Camphor Q
If unconsciousness comes on after slight movements or is associated with cold sweat on forehead ----- Ver-a.
If fits of unconsciousness comes on pretty frequently or last long. ----- Stram.
If due to trauma. ----- Arn.
If due to fear. ----- Acon., Coff.
If patient cannot swallow medicines, let her inhale them. Give light nutritious diet (milk and barley etc.).
Convulsions (Eclampsia)
During premonitory stage. ----- Hyos.
During fits. ----- Bell., Hydr-ac.
After fits stop, and if mental derangement persists. ----- Op.
If the convulsions are preceded by fever and thirst. ----- Acon.
If convulsions are associated with cold clammy sweat, full ----- Ver-vir.
quick pulse and delirium.
Sudden stoppage of perspiration. ----- Cham., Dulc.
Weakness. ----- Chin., Ph-ac.
Insomnia (without any apparent cause). ----- Coff.
If no urine is passed within 12 hours. ----- Acon. (Every 10 minutes)
If 4 doses of Acon fail. ----- Bell. (Every ½ hr. upto 3 doses) then Equisetum.
If absolutely no stool within 48 hours and if pain is felt in abdomen ----- Collin. or Ver.
Diarrhœa. ----- Hyos., Puls.
Piles. ----- Puls. internally and Ham. Q locally.
Usually bright red blood is passed in the first two or three days; then it becomes pale, then watery and finally purulent matter comes out before the discharge ceases – about 3 week’s time.
If however this discharge (called lochia) persists unduly long. ----- Sabin.
If scarlet blood is passed for a long time. ----- Sabin.
If lochia suddenly ceases. ----- Acon.
If it smells ill. ----- Kreos., Carb-v. internally and Calendula Lotion Q (1 in 20 of water) to irrigate thrice daily.
Cimicifuga Racemosa
This remedy may be given three or four months before delivery to ensure safe and painless delivery. It checks false labour pain also. Cimicifuga also ensure living birth in women who have previously delivered only dead children.
To avoid false labour pains and to ensure safe delivery in due time the medicine may be given in 1M every 15 minutes – three doses only at the time the delivery is expected. It also puts the child in right position if it has changed its position in the womb, if given before the membranes are ruptured.
It should be given to syphilitic mothers to prevent diseases in their off-springs.
An excellent remedy for pains after delivery.
Complementary to Pulsatilla in cases where the fœtus is in unfabourable position in the uterus. Given in 30 potency one dose a day for two or three weeks before delivery will make the delivery easy and prevent false labour pains. It also helps when the movements of the fœtus have ceased.
After profuse bleeding in delivery. A dose of 1M will recoup the strength of the patient.
Nymphomania (excessive or intolerable desire for sexual intercourse) in lying-in-women i. e. during confinement. It is also used in 200 potency for insanity during pregnancy.
Prolapsus of rectum after confinement.
Cuprum Met.
During the course of labour the patient suddenly becomes blind. The labour pains cease and the convulsions come on, commencing in the fingers and toes.
Nux Vomica
Hiccough during confinement, preventing eating, drinking and sleeping.
Nymphomania. Great sexual desire in lying-in-women.
Kali Carb
Hæmorrhage due to atonic condition of blood vessels and bleeding starts after one week of labour.
Retention of urine after labour.
Viburnum Op.
For false labour pains which may render a woman’s life a torture for weeks. For after-pains a dose after every pain will give relief. Also in pain or cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy.
When the movements of fœtus are too violent and painful.
Violent movements of the child during the seventh or eighth month which disturb her sleep with urging to urinate.
Fœtus in uterus as if hurting by fists.
This may be given in 200 potency for sleeplessness in pregnancy.
If Anacardium fails, this remedy in 200 potency may be tried at bed time for sleeplessness.
For sleeplessness if caused by fright, fear or anxiety.
Any information given above is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Therefore, it is very important that the patients should avoid self-treatment and rather consult the most abled and qualified classical homœopath and take the treatment under his proper guidance and advice.
World Book 2003
Mosby’s Medical Encyclopædia
The Homœopathic Family Practice, published by M. Bhattacharyya & Co., Ltd., Calcutta.
Select Your Remedy by Rai Bahadur Bishambar Das.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Calcium Deficiency in Children and other tips in Urdu
Calcium Deficiency in Children and other tips in Urdu

Friday, December 2, 2011
Ring Worm in Children and Homeopathy
Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin.
Red scaly patches, often in rings.
Can affect scalp - hair may fall out leaving circular bald patch.
Can affect trunk, face, armpits, groin. Contagious; the fungus can be found in damp places, e.g. pools, children's sweaty heads.
Homeopathic treatment for acute Ringworm is:
- Baccilinum 200c - two doses during first 24 hours;
- Dulcamara 30c - twice daily for one week.