Here is short list homeopathic medicine very effective in acute and chronic cases of constipation. Please consult material medica for detailed description of these medicines.
Constipation due to dryness and inactivity of the intestines. Stools accumulate but great difficulty in evacuating stools, no desire. Strains to pass the stool - clay-like stools sticks to the rectum.
Dryness of membranes in the intestine causes problems. There is no desire to pass stools. Hard and dry stools (like burnt). Headache due to constipation - worse on moving the head.
Hard stools which are lumpy and joined together by strands - slimy threads. Strains to pass them. Patient is relieved by drinking hot milk. Skin problems - itch,burning.
Nux vomica
Constipation due to mental strain or leading a sedentary life. Constipation due to abuse of alcohol or coffee. Frequent desire to pass stools, but is ineffectual, nothing comes out. Sensitive nature of patient. Worse in cold weather.
Silica Stools retained in the intestine. Great straining but stools which come out of the rectum recedes back. Patient has to remove them with fingers. Prefers warm weather but likes cold.
Constipation accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, mainly in the region of the liver. Loss of appetite, does not eat well.
Note: Some doctors suggest Nux Vom at night and Sulpher in the morning one dose daily. This produces good results in many cases.
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