Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ophthalmia and other Eye Problem

Part XVIII Homeopathy and Eye Problem 

Ophthalmia and other affections:
It is the inflammation of the eye, especially of the conjunctiva, being the lining of the eyelids and the external coat of the eyeball. It may be of catarrhal, scrofulous, rheumatic, arthritic syphilitic, or gonorrheal origin.

Ophthalmia following surgical operations, or resulting from a foreign body in the eye, Indicted in the beginning of many inflammatory affections of the eye, especially those arising from exposure to dry, cold winds, with great deal of heat, dryness and burning in the eye, Excessive sensitiveness and sensation of sand in the eye, Great intolerance of light, Aching in eyeballs, as if they would be forced out.
Suggested Medicine:

Sharp lancinating pain in and over the eyes, Supraorbital pain shooting up to the top of the head, Neuralgic pain as a reflex symptom from uterine or ovarian diseases.
Suggested Medicine:
Actea R

One of the most characteristic symptoms is twitching in the eye, eyelids, and facial muscles, (most important remedy for spasm of the eyelids), Spasms of the lids and muscles of the eyes, especially the internal recti, little blister on cornea, Canthi red, itch an burn, Many symptoms worse when walking in the open air.
Suggested Medicine:

Acute catarrhal opthalmia, with profuse, non-excoriating Lachrymation, Left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball, Copious watery excoriating discharge from the nose, Euphrasia is just the opposite i.e. excoriating discharge from the eyes but bland discharge from the nose), Worse in the evening and in warm room , Better in open air, Itching, burning and biting in the eye.
Suggested Medicine:
Allium cepa


Chronic diseases, especially those of a catarrhal character, Asthenopia from irritated conjunctiva, Granular lids, Chronic Blepharitis, Paralysis of the upper lid, Sensation of burning and dryness in the lids, Nocturnal agglutination of lid and diurnal Lachrymation, Sensation of pressure and heaviness on the eyes, Great dryness of the mucous membranes so that the eyelids feel stiff and crack, Loss of power in the internal rectus.
Suggested Medicine:


Muscular Asthenopia from overstraining the eyes by prolonged use with appearance of yellow spots on looking at white objects, Eyes weak and watery after reading or using them at fine work, Burning and dryness in eyes, Myopia, Cataract.
Suggested Medicine:
Ammonium crb


Scrofulous opthalmia, Canthi especial affected, more particularly outer Canthi, soreness of outer Canthi,, Redness and inflammation of the eyelids, Slight oozing of the skin near the external angle of the eye, Especially suited to infants and children, more particularly to children who are fretful, the most characteristic symptom, which may or may not be present, being a thick milk-white coating of the tongue, Opthalmia worse from being near a warm coating of the tongue, Ophtalmia worse from being near a warm stove, threat is from radiated heat, Chronic sore eyes of children.
Suggested Medicine:
Antim crud


Rheumatic or arthritic opthalmia, Also gonorrheal opthalmia, Red, inflamed eye, Pain as of a bruise in the eyeball, especially on touching it, Shooting, burning and smarting in the internal Canthi.
Suggested Medicine:
Antim tart


Most characteristic symptom-edematous swelling of eyelids, especially bag-like puffy swelling under the eyes, Pain burning, stinging and sore, Opthalmia-acute catarrhal or after eruptive diseases, Conjunctiva red, Puffy, chemotic, Great relief of pain already described, from cold water, Great sensitiveness of the eyes to light., Less tendency to the formation of pus, If erysipelatous, the lids are bluish red, looking watery, as if semitransparent, aggravation in the evening and forepart of night, Staphyloma, Pannus, Asthenopia
Suggested Medicine:


Inimical to Apis, should not be used before or after Apis, Edematous swelling of the lids, true chemosis, hot, gushing Lachrymation, Formation of pus, highly characteristic, Lids erysipleltous, dusky red and together with the cheeks, studded with small watery vesicles, Pains usually of a drawing tearing character, although in erysipelas they may be burning or stinging, but with more itching than Apis, Eyelids often fell heavy and stiff, pains worse at night, particularly after midnight, warmth relieves.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox


Purulent opthalmia, Pus thick, yellow, bland and profuse, Opthalmia neonatorum, pus thick, yellowish an bland and profuse, Especially called for after the failure of Pulsatilla or one of the mercuries, Symptoms ameliorated from cold air and water and worse by warmth, Absence of objective, symptoms i.e. the patient complains of little or no trouble, Ulceration of cornea in infants, Opacity of cornea, Clusters of blood vessels extend from inner canthus to corneal border.
Suggested Medicine:
Argent nit


Inflammation of eyes and lids, with burning pain, worse after midnight, better from warm applications, mental restlessness, corrosive Lachrymation, edematous eyelids, Chronic granulated lids, ulcer on the cornea, Yellowish color of the sclerotic, Excessive intolerance of light, Scrofulous cases.
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb

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