Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Corneal Opacity and Homeopathy

Corneal Opacity and Homeopathy

A patient of Corneal Opacity came to my clinic in the 3rd week of March, 2009. He told in a disappointing tone that the ophthalmologist is treating him with eye drops Vitreolent for the last two months but no improvement has been recorded. He asked as to whether homeopathy can improve his vision. After a brief consultation of homeopathic literature, I gave him Calc. Carb.-6 in alternation with Cannabis Sat.-30 for one week. A little bit improvement was recorded in the vision. The above remedies were repeated for another week which further improved the vision. After having treated the patient for about one and a half month with the above two remedies, the vision has now considerably been restored. Had the patient dare to share the wonders of homeopathy with his ophthalmologist? If yes, he would have frowned and said it’s merely a chance.

Thanks to: H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue,

1 comment:

Dr Masood Kamal said...

Thanks Dr Sultan for sharing your case.
It is very informative.