Working on Computers and Eye Care
This article has been divided in to following sections.
a) Introduction
b) Common eye problem –Eye Strain and homeopathy
c) Eye Strain and Self care tips
d) Eye Problems and Tissue Salts
a) Introduction
In recent age, a large number of people in the world are using computers in their daily life. No doubt, most of people are facing with eye related problems.
Apart from numerous other reasons, staring at computer screen/ watching TV for long time is one of the major root cause of certain eye related problems especially eye strain.
Eyestrain is a common problem that almost everyone is faced with. We strain our eyes when we are working on computer, reading on computer screen or reading a book, watching TV and performing other necessary visual activities. Other reasons includes follwong:
- Improper positioning of the PC
- Poor lighting.
- Poor posture.
- Stiff deadlines.
Symptoms of eyestrain are enlisted below. It is not necessary that once should have all of these symptoms.
i) headache,
ii) blurred and double vision,
iii) watery eyes
iv) inability to focus on one thing
v) itching
b) Homeopathy remedies for eye strain
Homeopathy is the best way to treat your ailments. You can trust on homeopathy as it provides a complete cure to all types of acute and chronic diseases. It never damage you immune system. Rather it enhances its functioning.
Note: Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.
Here is a short cosine picture of some of the most important homeopathic remedies for eye strain and other eye diseases.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS: Ailments from straining especially from fine work Symptoms are worse during exertion of vision. There can be a feeling stiffness in the eye muscles.
NATRIUM MURIATICUM: There is a bruised and stiff sensation, which is worse while reading and exerting the vision. It is difficult to read and the letters can run together.
PHYSOSTIGMA: There is twitching of the muscles around the eye. There can also be difficulty focusing and irritability after using eyes. The pupils can sometimes appear very small from eyestrain.
ONOSMODIUM: There is a strained and tired feeling in eye muscles. There can also be a tense drawing pain over the eyes. This pain tends to be worse over the over left eye. Distances are difficult to judge.
ARNICA is good for bruising, black eyes, and bleeding. It can be taken internally every hour if needed until the eye feels better or when the bruise and swelling is decreased. It is also good for eye socket injuries, and for injury to the soft tissue surrounding the eyes.
HYPERICUM is used for eye injury, excessively painful eyes or blood shot eyes or any nervous affliction of the eyelids or eyes, such as excessive blinking. Also used for eye pain, which follows removal of a foreign object from the eye. Also for long-lasting enduring pain.
LEDUM can be useful for bruising or black eyes if Arnica does not alleviate the problem. The keynote for using ledum is the presence of puncture wounds.
SYMPHYTUM is beneficial for eyeball injuries, such as being hit with a snowball, a tennis or baseball, or any other blunt object striking the eye.
BELLADONNA is good for sudden onset of red, hot, burning, itchy eyes.
ACONITE relieves the pain and inflammation in an eye injury, usually given as the first line of defense as soon as the injury or trauma has occurred. It is also given for pain due to a foreign object in the eye, however, the object must be removed accordingly. Aconite's relief is just temporary and immediate.
APIS is useful for swelling, heat, allergy eyes, and pressure sensation.
CHINA may help dimming of the vision.
C) Tips to prevent from eye strain
- Reduce glare.
- eep the PC away from you and at right angles to a window.
- Turn off or shield overhead lights.
- Wear a visor to block overhead lights if necessary.
- Place your paperwork close enough so that you don’t have to keep refocusing when switching from the screen to the paper.
- Use a paper document holder placed at the same height as the PC screen.
- Place the screen in such a manner that your line of sight is 10 to 15° (about one–third of a 45° angle) below the horizontal position.
- Dust off the screen often.
- Blink often to keep your eyes from getting dry.
- Try keeping the PC screen at least two feet away from your eyes.D) TISSUE SALTS FOR EYE DISEASES
Ferrum phos
Inflammation of any part of the eyes without secretion of mucus or pus. Pain in the eyeball, made worse by moving the eyes. Burning sensation in the eyes. They appear inflamed and red. Retinitis. Great redness with severe pain, without mucus or matter. "Conjunctiva congested, and with a sensation as if grains of sand were under the eyelids, vision dim, letters blur while reading, even though the refraction be normal, or if any error exists and is corrected by lenses, or where there is an insufficiency of the internal recti muscles so far as can be determined.
Kali murAffections of the eye with discharge of white mucus or yellow-greenish matter (also Kali sulph.). Feeling of sand in the eyes. Yellow, purulent scabs on the lids, specks of matter. Blisters on cornea. Inflammation of the iris. Superficial flat ulcer arising from a vesicle. Retinitis. Parenchymatous keratitis. Of great use even in the early stage.
Kali phosEyesight weak from an exhausted condition of the system, after diphtheria. Sensation of sand or sticks in the eyes. Soreness of eyeballs and edges of lids. Burning in eyes as if full of smoke. Eyes twitch, become blurred, black spots before eyes. Photophobia. Excited, staring appearance of the eyes, a symptom of nervous disturbances during the course of a disease; drooping of the eyelids, strabismus not spasmodic, squinting after diphtheria. Muscular and accommodative asthenopia and incoordination of the ocular muscles, especially from defective innervation.
Kali sulphEyelids covered with yellow crusts, discharge from eyes yellow or greenish matter, yellow, purulent slime or yellow, watery secretions. Cataract, dimness of crystalline lens (Natr. mur.). Ophthalmia neonatorum, thin yellow or sanious discharge with closely adherent membrane on the palpebral conjunctiva. It is useful where other remedies fail. We have found Kali sulph. a valuable agent in abscess of the cornea, and superior to Kali mur. in cases of pus in the anterior chamber (hypopyon), two or three cases of which under this remedy (3x) alone have cleared up with gratifying promptness.
Magnesia phosDrooping of the eyelid, affections of the eyes with sensitiveness to light, or contracted pupils, vision affected, sees sparks, colors before the eyes, twitching of eyelids, spasmodic squinting, dulness of vision from weakness of optic nerve, strabismus.
Natrum murAsthenopia, muscular; the most important remedy. Blister on cornea, discharge of clear mucus from eyes or flow of tears with obstruction of tear-ducts, neuralgic pains periodically returning with flow of tears. Eyes water, secretion causes scalding of skin or eruption of small vesicles; granulated eyelids without secretion of tears. Tarsi much thickened and red. White spots on the cornea. The eye may also be syringed with a solution of this remedy externally, daily.
Natrum phosDischarge of golden-yellow, creamy matter. Conjunctivitis with discharge of yellow, creamy matter. Hypopyon. Lids glued together in the morning; note conditions of the tongue, palate, presence of acid risings, etc. Burning lachrymation, eyes bloodshot. Dim sight, as if a veil were before the eyes.
Natrum sulphPain over eyes. Granular conjunctivitis. Photophobia in scrofulous ophthalmia. "No remedy, Graphites possibly excepted, has such terrible sensitiveness to light in chronic ophthalmias." (H. C. Allen.) Yellowness of the conjunctivae. Large, blister-like granulations with burning lachrymation, burning of edges of lids.
SiliceaStye on the eyelids, also use as a lotion to remove and hasten the discharge painlessly. If much inflammation, Ferrum phos. Deep-seated abscess of cornea. Hypopyon. Photophobia, sudden paroxysms of nyctalopia. Amblyopia and cataract after checked foot-sweat. Boils and cystic tumors around eyelids. Opaque cornea. Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. Kernels and indurations of the lids. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Calcarea phosSpasmodic affections of the eyelids, if Magnes. phos. fails. Parenchymatous keratitis in scrofulous diathesis. Useful in checking cataract. Dry inflammation of the eyes during dentition. Photophobia. Corneal opacity. No use where the palpebral conjunctiva is much involved. Congenital amblyopia in children of a rachitic constitution and scrofulous diathesis, with general characteristics of the drug. Useful in non-vascular form of diffuse keratitis with more marked photophobia than under Kali mur. and accompanied by well known scrofulous cachexia. Cataract appearing with lupus, cancer or tuberculosis, gout, etc.
Calcarea sulphDeep ulcers on cornea, ophthalmia, pus thick and yellow. Inflammation of the eyes with discharge of thick, yellow matter. Deep-seated abscess of the cornea (Silicea). Hypopyon, to absorb the effusion of pus in the eye (after Silicea). Retinitis. Sensation of foreign body; has to tie up, after injuries. Pus in anterior chamber. Phlyctenular keratitis and conjunctivitis, cervical glands enlarged. Inflamed canthi. "Has in my hands reduced purulent discharge in ophthalmia neonatorum." )
Calcarea fluorFlickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea, conjunctivitis, cataract. Indurations in the lids. Enlarged meibomian glands.This remedy has been found of use in cases of partial blindness. Dimness of vision from overstraining the eyes. "I have prescribed Calcarea fluor. recently in my clinic in a number of cases. In one case of senile cataract where it was used there certainly was great improvement in sight.
Thank You Michael!
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