Friday, March 29, 2024

Wheat Allergy and Homeopathic Remedies

Wheat Allergy and Homeopathic Remedies 

(also known as celiac disease)

  1. Natrum Sulph (Natrum Sulphuricum):
    • Indication: For diarrhea with yellow, watery stool.
    • Other symptoms: Voluminous and greasy stool, burning sensation in the anus after passing stool, rumbling and gurgling in bowels, cramps around the umbilical region, and abdominal pain.
    • Use: Natrum Sulph  is mostly suggested medicine in above symptoms associated with celiac disease.
  2. China (China Officinalis):
    • Indication: Diarrhea with marked physical weakness and exhaustion.
    • Other symptoms: Yellow, frothy stool, excessive flatulence while passing stool.
    • Use: China is  important medicine for celiac disease  with symptoms of weakness and fatigue accompany diarrhea.
  3. Lycopodium clavatum (Lycopodium):
    • Indication: Weak digestion, bloating, and excessive gas in the abdomen.
    • Other symptoms: Feeling full like gas is rolling, acidity, and gastric distension.
    • Use: Lycopodium is recommended for digestive issues related to celiac disease.
  4. Kali Carb (Kali Carbonicum):
    • Indication: Excessive gas and bloating in the abdomen.
    • Other symptoms: Cramps, rumbling, and gurgling in the bowels.
  5. Arsenic Album (Arsenicum Album):
    • Indication: Extreme weight loss.
    • Other symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, and weakness.

Remember that homeopathic treatment is individualized, and the choice of remedy depends on the specific symptoms and constitution of the patient

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