Friday, March 8, 2024

Aversions and Cravings related to meat


Aversions and Cravings related to meat


1.    Children have an unusual desire for meat.

Suggested Medicine: Meg Carb

2.     Unable to tolerate the sight of meat, even thinking about it is intolerable.

Suggested Medicine: Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid

3.     Aversion to eating meat.

Suggested Medicine: Calcarea Carb, Acid Mur

4.     Craving for meat without any appetite.

Suggested Medicine: Ferrum Met

5.      Cough after eating meat.

Suggested: Staphysagria

6.     Extremely sensitive to the smell of cooking meat.

Suggested Medicine: Calcarea Phos

7.      Desire for salty meat.

Suggested Medicine: Calcarea Phos, Natrum Mur

8.      Aversion to meat leading to increased discomfort.

Suggested Medicine: Ferrum Phos, Silicea, Biochemic:

Remember that these descriptions are based on homeopathic terms and are not meant to be taken literally. If you have any specific health concerns, please consult a medical professional for personalized advice.


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