Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Menstrual problems in women

Menstrual problems in women

There are certain menstrual problems faced by women. These includes following:


Painful menstruation affects affects up to 50% of menstruating women and for some ten percent the discomfort is extreme. Doctors call painful menses dysmenorrhea and there are two types: Primary dysmenorrhea means there is no obvious pelvic pathology and Secondary dysmenorrhea means there is pelvic pathology such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease and others.


Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual period. Apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress or overexercising. Frequently, there is no worrying cause found.

Profuse and premature menstruation

Top Homeopathic medicines for Menstrual problems

Aletris Farinosa
Ashoka Janosia
Calcarea carbonic
Ferrum metallicum

You can get these medicines at your home. All you need to do is send your details to Dr Noor for suggesting right medicine for you.

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