Friday, June 7, 2024

Uterine Diseases and Tissue Salts

Uterine Diseases and Tissue Salts

Ferr. Phos:
It is useful in acute inflammation of the uterus when there is pain, congestion, heat etc. Inflammation of the vagina with pain from sexual intercourse, excessive dryness and sensitiveness of the vagina with pain from sexual intercourse, excessive dryness and sensitiveness of the vagina call for this remedy.

Kali Mur:
It is administered in ulceration of the cervix with characteristic discharge of thick, white exudations. Chronic congestion of uterus and enlargement of the uterus when not of stony hardness need this remedy.

Kali Phos:
It is useful in nervous women. Uterine haemorrhage is with offensive discharge. Blood is dark red. Displacements of the~ uterus, malignant growths of the uterus need this remedy.

Cal. Fluor:
It is useful in prolapsus of the uterus. It is a constitutional tonic to strengthen the relaxed muscles. There are dragging pains in the region of uterus and thighs and also in small of back. It cures hypertrophy of the uterus when of stony hardness. This is also useful in lacerations of the cervix.

Cal. Phos:
It is useful in displacements with rheumatic pains. Weakness and distress in uterine region is observed. It also helps in anaemia due to uterine disease.

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