Eye Problems and Tissue Salts
Here is a list of Tissue Salt helpful in Eye problems.
Ferr. Phos:
Suits well for any kind of inflammation with pain and redness and in three first stage before pus formation. It cures conjunctivitis, retinitis in the acute stage when the inflammation is dry with the eyes blood shot. Photophobia worse from artificial lights needs this remedy. For granular eyelids use it as local application. It is used in painful styes.
Mag. Phos:
Cures ptosis of the eyelids. It is a best remedy in neuralgia of the eye. Pain is relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold. It is useful in spasmodic squinting and twitching of the eyelids. The patient sees sparks and colours before the eyes. It is beneficial in contracted pupils, retinitis pigmentosa, ciliary’s and supra-orbital neuralgia.
Nat. Mur:
Cures corneal blisters and granulated eyelids with or without tears. The discharge is watery, clear mucus. There appear white spots on the cornea. It is useful in the beginning of cataract, glaucoma and iritis. It is a useful remedy in blocking of the tear ducts.
Nat. Phos:
Is indicated when the discharge is yellow and creamy in conjunctivitis. Lids are glued together in the morning. Burning, lacrimation, scrofulous ophthalmia, squints due to worms, boring pain of rheumatic origin in the eyes call for the use of this remedy.
Nat. Sulph:
Is highly recommended in the granular conjunctivitis. It has photophobia in ophthalmia. There is yellowness in the conjunctiva. Hypopyon requires this sulph.
Is a good medicine for suppurative styes. It cures deepseated abscess of the cornea. Cures boils and cystic tumors around the eyelids. It is very useful in scrofulous ophthalmia and cures corneal opacity, hypopyon, photophobia, etc.
Cal. Fluor:
Is the best remedy in cataract. It cures indurations in the lids. Flickering and sparks before the eyes, partial blindness, dimness of vision from overstraining the eyes calls for this remedy.
Cal. Sulph:
Is administered in deep ulcers on the cornea. It has thick and yellow pus. It cures pustular trouble of the eye and is useful in keratitis, conjunctivitis and ophthalmia neonatorum.
Cal. Phos: Is useful in checking the cataract. It is proved useful in dry inflammation during dentition. Eye troubles of rachitic and scrofulous children call for Cal. Phos.
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