Thursday, June 6, 2024

Swollen eyelids and other Eye Problem

Part XII Homeopathy and Eye Problem 

Blepharitis, thick crust on lids, Canthi red as blood, Carancula swollen, standing out like a lump of red flesh, Clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Argent nit

Eyelids swollen, red edematous, stinging or burning pain, or no pain at all, Relief from cold water, Intense Photophobia and increased Lachrymation.
Suggested Medicine:

Eyelids edematous, often completely closing the eye, Corrosive tears, making the lids and cheeks sore, Burning, relieved by heat.
Suggested Medicine:
Arsenic alb

Swelling and redness o lids, with heat and burning, Great intolerance of light.
Suggested Medicine:

Lids red, hard and swollen, especially indicated in scrofulous, potbellied children who sweat much about the head.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc carb

Redness, burning and swelling of the eyelids, which itch in the daytime and stick together at night, Edges covered with scabs or scales or are ulcerate, Constant winking of lids, Lachrymation profuse, burning and very acrid, Constant Coryza, Tendency to accumulation of sticky mucus on the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:

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