Wednesday, June 5, 2024

paralyzed Tongue and other problems

Tongue related problems- Part 1

From olden days, the world of medicine has treated tongue as a diagnostic tool (traditionally as well as scientifically) to know the body’s health status.The tongue is a flexible muscular organ of the mouth. It is meant for tasting, moisturising, licking, kissing, mastication of food, swallowing and, in humans, speech.It is sometimes called the mirror of the stomach.

Here is a short list of tongue related disorders and respective homeopathic treatment.

Dry as leather; paralyzed.
Suggested Medicine
Mur. ac

Dry, parched, cracked.
Suggested Medicine

White, as though covered with milk or whitewash.
Suggested Medicine
Ant. crud

Coated thinly white with red papillae; in streaks; dry in center.
Suggested Medicine
Ant. tart

Raw, sore, scalded; red and hot at tip.
Suggested Medicine

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