Thursday, June 6, 2024

Syphilitic Origin Iritis and other Eye Problem

Part XIX Homeopathy and Eye Problem 


Iritis, especially of syphilitic origin, Severe boring pains above the brows, Burning, throbbing pains in the eyes, or of the bones around the eyes, in the direction from within outwards, Better from rest and pressure, Iritis after the abuse of Mercury.
Suggested Medicine:


Scrofulous ophthalmia, Ulceration and great vascularity of cornea, Profuse scalding Lachrymation, eyes sensitive to light and touch, Better from pressure, Syphilitic, particularly suyphilitico-mercurial Iritis, with sore bruised sensation around the eyes, as if in the bones, Pain worse from touch, Perceive pain in eyeball from without inwards, Cervical glands enlarged and inflamed, Pannus, Hemiopia, Can see only lower half, upper half of objects as if covered with a dark body, Objects seem to be double or mixed up.
Suggested Medicine:


Sudden and violent congestion and inflammation of eyes. Eyes bright swollen, dry, hot burning, great intolerance of light, severe pains, Sensation as if the eye is enormously swollen, Affecting the right eye, more than the left.
Suggested Medicine:


Burning pains and vomiting follows, useful after operations on the eye.
Suggested Medicine:


Scrofulous ophthalmia-swelling and redness of the lids, profuse Lachrymation, itching in the margins of lids, great intolerance of light, General symptoms are more important i.e. Sweaty head, cold, clammy feet, skin pale and flabby, bloated hard abdomen , A very good remedy for opacity of the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:
Calc carb


Eyelashes turn inwards instead of outwards and irritate the eyeball, especially at the outer canthus, Dry, gummy exudation on the eyelashes, Morning agglutination, Tendency to wild hairs.
Suggested Medicine:


When the patient is farsighted, Objects seem to be far off, Eyes as if loose in their sockets, In old people, dimness of sight while reading, but relieved by rubbing the eyes.
Suggested Medicine:
Carbo animalis


Neuralgic pain of the eye, Severe shooting pain of the left eye, Clock-like periodicity of the pains.
Suggested Medicine:

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