Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Onion Tips by Dr. Stacy

We are Indebted to Dr. Stacy Jones for his Wonderful Tips on Onion

• Lockjaw from a wound, especially from a nail.
Apply raw onion pulp mixed with salt.

• Ague.
Bind to the feet and wrists, for several days, raw onion pulp.

• Obstruction of urine.
Apply raw onion pulp to region of bladder; or sit twenty minutes upon a chamber vessel containing bruised onions steeping in hot water.

• Falling of the hair.
Apply onion juice to the scalp twice a week.

• Abscess, Carbuncle, boil.
Apply onion roasted.

• Nervous Croup.
Hold to the nose a bruised onion.

• Baby’s Colic.
Onion tea.

• Bilious Colic.
Eat a raw onion – Drink onion tea

• Kidney Colic.
Apply to seat of pain raw onion pulp. Eat raw onion.

• Painful Piles.
Raw onion pulp. Apply.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood
HillView Avenue , Adyala Road ,
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o: