Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Meningitis Ring

 Meningitis Ring

It was perhaps 15th July, 2010 when a little baby of about 7 years old was admitted by her mother (a senior nurse by profession) in one of the best hospitals of Islamabad for the treatment of high fever, violent convulsions, severe headache and vomiting. The treatment was started with high doses of intravenous antibiotic injections and tranquilizers. But, unfortunately the condition of the patient was becoming from bad to worse. In order to establish the nature of disease, various laboratory tests were carried out and ultimately the findings declared that the patient had an attack of Meningitis. The medicines were changed accordingly and a new series of medicines were unsealed for the poor baby. What these medicines played havoc with the fragile physique of the innocent baby is simply inexpressible. The elder brother of the sister nurse being a good friend of mine contacted me and asked to talk to his sister for providing homeopathic help. I phoned the nurse and collected the details of symptoms. To start with the homeopathic treatment a single dose of Phosphorus-30 + Ipecac-30+ Arsenicum-200 was given for instant relief of nausea and vomiting. This was followed by a combination of Belladona-30+ Gelsemium-30 + Baptisia-30 for fever, convulsions and headache. The combination acted wonderfully and the baby was completely restored to health within 24 hours. I asked the sister nurse as to whether she informed the allopath doctors about this magic. She hesitantly said ‘No’. The doctors were celebrating their success but in fact allopathy was secretly trounced by homeopathy.

Homeopathic Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hill View Avenue, Adyala Road,Rawalpindi
E-Mail:- hdrsmahmood@hotmail.com

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