Friday, June 7, 2024

Essence of Practice of Great Homeopaths

Essence of Practice of Great Homeopaths


In eczematous eruption after fright, study Stramonium
Dr. J. H. Clarke

In deafness due to suppressed discharges, study Lobelia inflata
Dr. K.N Mathur

Aesculus Hippocastanum
In hemorrhoids, blind or bleeding, where bleeding gives relief. Aching in lumbar area, stiffness of back, almost impossible to walk. Explore Aesculus hip. – Dr. J. H. Clarke

Arsenicum Iodatum
In cases of weekend heart when associated with chronic lung conditions, explore Arsenicum iodatum.
J. H. Clarke

When epileptic attacks occur at night during sleep, investigate Bufo.
Dr. Lippe

In cancer of lip with painful cracks in the corners of the mouth, explore Condurango.
Dr. Burnett

Lactic Acid
When there is concomitance of rheumatic pains with diabetes, explore Lactic Acid.
Dr. E. B. Nash

Mental disorders after injuries
For mental disorders after injuries study Cicuta vir., Glonoine, Hypericum, Mag c, Nat sulph. Synopsis and Homeopathic Etiology by Dr. Eswara Das.

Opium Poisoning
Ipecac is the antidote to Opium poisoning and has been of great value in weaning the system of Morphine habit. Hahnemann Materia Medica of Dasgrupta p. p473
When symptoms correspond, the potencies of Opium may antidote bad effects of opium drugging. Dr. H. C. Allen –Keynotes to M. M.p.214

Bad Effects of Vaccination
Antimonium tart, when Thuja fails and Silica is not indicated. Worse warmth, lying, damp cold weather. Thirst for cold water little and often, craves apples fruit and acids. Tongue has thick white coating. Dr. H. C. Allen Keynotes to Hom. M. M.p. 38.

Side effects of smallpox vaccine
Where acute and violent symptoms of blood poison come on soon after vaccination, no remedy can compete with Malandrinum. For chronic problems, Thuja. Dr. Grimmer

Hom. Recorder Oct 1947 p 113.

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