Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ashthenopia and homeopathy

Homeopathy for Eyes Problems ..Part 1

Asthenopia :

It is the inability to maintain the adjustment of the eye for short distances, for a sufficient period without fatigue. First of all, correct the defect by suitable glasses, and then select the remedy on the basis of symptoms.
A list of commonly used medicines is as under.

Symptom (s)
From Overuse temporarily relieved by cold water.

Suggested Medicine:

Symptom (s)

Muscular Asthenopia Can not fix the eyes long even on distant objects, Twitching of lids and sometimes even of facial muscles.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)

Stinging pain and Lachrymation : Better from cold applications.

Suggested Medicine:


Symptom (s)

Weakness of Ciliary's Muscles Eyes feel hot and dry, Asthenopia for want of accommodation, Eyes feel strained even from coarser kinds of work.

Suggested Medicine:

Argent Nit

Symptom (s)
Fatigue and Pain from using the Eyes On looking at near objects they become indistinct and blurred.

Suggested Medicine:

Calc carb

Symptom (s)

Letters run together when Reading Agglutination of the left eye in morning,Lachrymation in wind , Pain in eye when reading, Worse from candle light.

Suggested Medicine:


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