Thursday, June 6, 2024

Iritis and other Eye Problem

Part XXVI Homeopathy and Eye Problem 


Rheumatic Iritis, with tension and much pain in eyes, Intense aching pain in the eyeballs, relief from pressure and worse from slightest motion and especially at night.
Suggested Medicine:


Rheumatic form, Burning, tearing and shooting pain in the eyes, Worse in the evening and at night, Better by firm pressure, A bluish white ring around the cornea.
Suggested Medicine:


Affecting superficially structures of the eye, Reacting very tardily to light, and the aqueous humor is cloudy from the admixture of the products of inflammation, Pains burning, stinging, shooting in character, are worse at night and are attended with this acrid Lachrymation.
Suggested Medicine:


Indicated during the later stage of the disorder, whether syphilitic or not, Corneal ulcer, which reads to perforate rather than to spread superficially, Indolence of the ulceration, Redness attending the inflammation is either absent or very deficient, There is little or no Photophobia.
Suggested Medicine:
Kali bich


Either rheumatic or traumatic, Pains shoot through the eyes to the back of the head, Profuse flow of hot tears, Pain worse at night, especially after midnight and in damp weather, Marked Photophobia, Lids swollen and spasmodically closed, In some cases, the inflammation may suppurate.
Suggested Medicine:
Rhus tox


Chronic Iritis in Psoric patients, after suppression of eruptions, Pain worse at night, Hypopion, Relapsing cases.
Suggested Medicine:

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